PRC 1974 12 17 ""(\t Park and Recreation Commission December 17, 1974 Chanhassen City Hall I""" The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation commission was called to order by Chair.man Vivian Beaugrand on December 17, 1974 at 8:15 p.,m.. The folloWing n1eIUebers were present: Denis StedmanO' Rich Lyman, Chuck Hirt, Dwight Leatham and Vivian Beaugrand.. Bill Engebretson was absent. Margaret Thompson joined the meet.ing later.. Mr.. Ken Beiersdorf and Mr.. John Natwick representing the Beiersdorf. P-3 Development Plan S!"'ld Bruce Pankonin, City Pla11ner were also present.. MINUTES: The minutes of the November 19, 1974 meeting were not ready to be approved., BEIERSDORF P-3 DEVELOPMENT PLAN: John Natwick discussed the layout of the buildings and explained that there would be three phases of building. :Involved in Phase One would be swimming pools, tennis eourts and tot lots.. The usage of the out lot was reviwed and discussed.. The advantages and disadvantages of privat.e and public ownerShip.. Both parties deoided that leaving the out lot in it.'s nat.ural state was important" After discussion a motion was made by Richard Lyman and seconded by Chuck Hirt to approve the basic concept of Beiersdorf P-3 Development Plan with five conditions set.forth: ." 1) Planting of evergreens as screeninge 2) Provide for the creek to be cleaned up.. 3) That the land area donated be accomodating for 'trails" 4) Ask City Planner Bruce Pankonin to check into Eden Prairie's plans, the S~ler lot and what will happen to the tri-anqle of land" 5) Expect the development to provide recreational faci1itiesi tot lot.s, swimming pools F tennis courts and space for field activities, within t.he development" IlIJotion carried. Margaret Thompson abstained from voting" LAKE MINNEWASHTA AD HOC COMMITT"EE: It was decided t.o lea.ve the Lake Minnewashta Ad Hoc aS1t is untirbrouqht up for discussiona':lain.. ATTENDANCE RECORD: The attendance record of members of the Park and Recreation Commission was reviewed and Dwight Leatham received a gold star: TERMS OF OFFICE: A' motion was made by Chuck Hirt. and sectJnded by Marg'aret Thompson to recommend that Bill Engebret.son and Denis Stedman be reappointed to the Park and Recreation Commission.. Motion oarried. ,...., " Page 2 CITY PLANNER: A motion was made by Vivian Beauqrand and seconded by Rich Lyman that it be imparit.ive for the City Planners time to be alot.t.ed to the Park and Recreation Commission for the updating of 'the City' s park plans. Motion carried.. ..."", MISC: The Park and Recreat.ion Commission would like the Administrator to write a thank you to the members of the Lake Minnewashta Ad Hoc Committee for there help. The Park and Recreation Commission would like the Adminlstrat.or to check the minutes of the october 15, 1974 meeting on the watershed section. WARMING HOUSE: The Park and Recreation suggests that Henry Wrase secure a 1.0c1t ~due to the fact there are p1"oblems of vandalism. The Park and Recreat.ion C01lDDission welcomes Bruce Pankonin, new cit.y planner and Judi Olson, Secretary. A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by Denis Stedman to adjoarn the meeting. Motion carried. TIME:. 10:20 p.m. Judi Olson Secretary ...I """"'"