PRC 1974 11 19
Park and Recreation commission
November 19, 1974
{!-' Chanhassen City Hall
Tbe regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called
to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on Novemb'er 19, 1974 at 8:00 p.m.
The following members were present: Denis St.edman, Rich Lyman, Chuck
Hirt, Margaret Thompson, Dwight Leatham, Bill Engebretson and Vivian
John Christian, from the Hennepin County Park Reserve Staff, Paul
Waldron, from the Carver County Staff, Dick Dutcher from the Lake
Minnewashta Ad Hoc Committee and 15 residents were also in attendance"
MINUTES: A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Marqaret
Thompson to approve the minutes of the october 29, 1974 meeting
with a correction. The correction should read: "The Rark and Reareatioe
Commission does ask to have the resusitator returned from the Fire
Dept. ful,l of oxygen. Motion carried".
MINNEWASH'l'A REGIONAL PARK PROPOSAL: John Christian explained that
State Legislation directed a p:iicy -plan be prepared for open space -
by the Metropolitan Council by January 1, 1975.
The Metropolitan Council with assistance from the Metropolitan Parks
and open space Commission and the Hennepin County Park Preserve developed
a Guide/Micy Plan for Recreation Open Space in the Metropolitan
area. This guide includes 22 policy statements" A system plan
(Regional Recreation Open Space System Plan) was also developed to
identify potential sites.. Lake Minnewashta is included on the map as
a new regional site with the tentative implementing agency being
Carver. Count yo.
He went on to say that the public hearing scheduled for November 26,
19.74 will be on the two plans.. The hearing results will be used t.o
prepare the ffna1 verson of the Guide/Plan. This final version will
be .consideredfor legislative action on funding in 19760 The 12
million dollars allooated for 1975 is for twelve immediate aotion sites
and development on existing sites..
A master plan drawn up by the looalpeople with sound management
controls is the first step for a potential site to develop"
Rich Lyman asked Mr. Christian about funds to develop the proposed
actIve water recreation at the Stieg-er Lake Site. Mr. Christian
explained that development of this area of Carver Park 'is not
slate~ for at least two years.
A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Dwight Leatham that
Lake Minnewashta should not be included as a site on the Regional
Recreation Open Space System Plan map.. Motion carried..
The following are comments by each Commission member regarding this
Rich Lyman: 1) As a close alternative, the Steiger Lake site.}
should have high priority for funding proposed development. 2) ~
Lack back up material for further development in Chanhassen area.
The ,Regional Park question should be studied as soon as possible
by 1:I1e Planner in updating Chanhassen' s Park plan.
Marqaret Thompson: I would like to see a Professional Environmental
Impact. Study done as to the effects on the Lake and the additional
services the City will have to provide if a recreational park were
developed on Lake Minnewashta. I don't feel that we have enough
information at this point in time as to what the results to the lake
and the city would be..
Chuck Hirt: I feel at this time that we lack a sufficient positive
city interest and enough knowledge at the impact of this park on
our community to give a positive commitment at this time. I think
it's worth a risk to feel that at sane other time, we can still pursu(/
this idea.
Bill Engebret.son: I don't feel a need for an additional park now.
We should develop Carver Park more first.
Denis Stedman: I feel the people were more positive but I feel t41at
more st.udies are needed for a definite yes. We've been rushed ~ud
should have some pollution studies.
Dwight Leatham: I would have liked a postponement on the hearing until
more studies can be done. If 1:I1e Park site is desirable it ('an still
be done.
Paul Waldron and John Christ.ian would each like a copy of dle minutes.
Park Ordinance: The Park Ordinance will be finished at a later date.
A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Riel'. Lyman to
adjourn 'the meeting. Motion carried.
TIME: 10:30 p.m.
Vivian Beaugrand