PRC 1971 01 26
January 26, 1971 - 8:00 P.M.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Conrad Fiskness, Denis Stedman,
Bob Fayfield, Gladys McCary, Dave Wilson, Sally deLancey
Guest: Steve Wolf
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch.
LAKE ANN PARK: Discussion on plans for Lake Ann Park development
for 1971. Denis Stedman commented that the Chanhassen Jaycees will
possibly have as much as $11,000. to assist development.
Arnie will check with Mr. Tessness to have Mr. Brauer give us
estimates of cost to develope entire grading on Lake Ann Park and
explore possible alternatives for partial grading and associated
sally'deLancey moved that we recommend, to the Council, that we get
two appraisals of the Lake Ann Development Corp. (Lindahl property)
as soon as possible. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion
Arnie will qet a copy of the Brauer contract and review it for
requirements for oost estimates.
MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed questionaire from the League of Women Voters
regarding overall park plan for Village of Chanhassen.
WINTER RECREATION: Report on winter recreation proqram from Ron
Mielke: About 50 children are attendinq the Saturday activit'es.
There are seven adults in the Thursday evening activities.
14r. Mitchell will proceed with beginninq 'the Ceramics Class next
Monday, February 1, 1971. More pupils are needed for this class.
There was a discussion on the resolution regarding subdivision of
parcels of land less than 5 aores and not served by sewer.
Gladys McCary moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Dave wilton.
Motion carried. Adjourned 10:08 p.m.
Gladys McCary