PRC 1971 02 02
February 2, 1971 - 8 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Conrad FisKness, Denis Stedman,
Dave Wilson
Absent: Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfield, Gladys McCary
Guests: Members of the Carver Beach Association - Jim Cranston,
Herb DeVaan, Loretta DeVaan, Bruce Stenerson, Jerry Burrows, Bill
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch.
MINUTES: After the following corrections, Conrad Fiskness moved
that the minutes of the meeting on January 26, 1971, be approved.
Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Correction: Under LAKE ANN, line 3, "$11,000" should read
"$1,000.... Under WINTER RECREATION, Paragraph il, should read:
"Gladys MCCary gave a report which she received from Ron Mielke
on the Winter Recreation Program."
with the following addition, Denis Stedman moved that the minutes
of January 19, 1971, be approved. Conrad Fiskness seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
Addition: page 1, second paragraph from the bottom: liThe
Park and Recreation Commission feels that an area should not be
allowed to develope piecemeal without provision being made for the
development of a play area."
No report.
LAKE ANN PARK: The commission discussed a Financial Recap and
Projection of "the Chanhassen Park Bond Issue prepared by
Conrad Fiskness and Arnold Weimerskirch.
LAWCON LETTER: Arnold Weimerskirch read a letter from Russell
Larson to Tom Clauson, State Planning Agency, requesting the
reimbursement of funds for the Phase I acquisition (Welter Property).
BOND ISSUE MONIES: The Park and Recreation Commission does not
feel that any monies spent for miscellaneous projects should be
deducted from the Bond Issue Monies.
Conrad Fiskness made a motion, seconded by Dave Wilson to recommend
that the Village Council reimburse the Bond Issue Money for $663.20
for engineering done on the park grading sites. Motion carried.
LAKE ANN~:PARK: Arnold Weimerskirch will meet with Adolph Tessness
to discuss cost estimate for development of Lake Ann Park.
page 2
HOCKEY RINK: Bill Hellendrung reports that the rink is very
successful - attracting alot of kids. The hockey nets are showing
the heavy wear, and he suggested that a better set be installed
by next year, if possible. Discussion of stronger construction
and price followed. It was suggested that Mr. Hellendrung make
up an estimate for the next meeting. .
Other notes: Rink lights are independent; police check at 9:30.
Discipline in warming house is now not seen as a problem very often.
Note ~ Light bulbs are needed in the warming house. Extra keys
to warming house?
SENIOR CITIZENS: A report from Sally deLanoey was read stating
that in June the Chanhassen Senior Citizens will be host to an
area-wide Hobby Fair to be held at the Chanhassen Elementary
School (one day). This may attract 1,000 people.
CARVER BEACH : The members of the Carver Beach Association and the
Commission reviewed the plans for the Carver Beach area. Discussion
produced the fOllowing list:
Development at Carver Beach Upper Lot (listed in order of priority):
1. Fence around S. and E. border for total of 580 feet.
2. Backstop for baseball diamond.
3. Bases for baseball diamond.
4. Excavation of 60 ft. sq. for Tot-Lot..
5. Sand for Tot-Lot.
6. SIIde for Tot-Lot.
7. Retaining rails for Tot-Lot.
8. Tree for Tot-Lot.
9. Benches
The work will be done within the limit of the Budget. Arnold
Weimerskirch will check with Adolph Tessness on sand for mini-beach,
and talk to Dave Wilson.
The question of dock rights was brought up by the residents.
VILLAGE HALL SITE: The plan is to go ahead with development of
two baseball diamonds and backstops. Arnold Weimerskirch will talk
to Adolph Tessness about getting estimates on backstops.
HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: Adolph Tessness has an estimate on the tape
recorder, but. nothing has been bought yet.
WINTER RECREATION: Gladys MCCary forwarded a report from RDm
Mielke t.hat there were more kids than ever on Sat.urday morning, but
not many Teens on Monday and Thursday nights for volleyball and
basketball. (Monday - 7 adults, Thursday - 20) ...."
page 3
ceramics Class: John Mitchell's class is going ahead on Monday
nights, with seven students.
BUDGET DISCUSSION: The cost breakdown for labor in November and
December was reported and discussed.
Resolution 42070-2: A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and
seconded by Denis Stedman that the Park and Recreation Commission
again ask the Council to reconsider the five acre Resolution
42070-2 dated April 20, 1970, that was rescinded by the Council
on November 16, 1970. Motion unanimously approved.
The Park and Recreation Commission offers to provide a person
to serve on a Study Oommittee of this Resolution if the Council
so desires.
Figure Skating: Dave Wilson reported that he had secured the
services of Terry Nelson to teach figure skating two days a week -
Tuesday evening and Saturday morning_ The program will be self-
suppo~ting. Students will pay a fee of $1.25 per half hour to the
instructor. The registration at the Elementary School will be
held before the first class at the rink.
Conrad Fiskness moved that the meeting
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
10:30 p.m.
be adjourned. Dave Wilson
The meeting adjourned at
Barbara Montgomery