PRC 1971 02 16 ~ PARK AND RECREATION COr~ISSION MEETING February 16, 1971 - 8 p.m. Chanhasaen Village Hall Members pr~sent: Arnold Welmerskirch, Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfield, Conra9 Fis1mess, Denis Stedman, Dave Wilson Absent: Gladys McCary The meeting was called to order by Arnold Weimerskirch, Chalrman. MINUTES: Dave Wileon made a motion that the minutes of February 2~ 1971, be approved. Denie Stedman seconded the motion. Motion carried. ~ " LAKE ANN PARK: Arnold Weimerskirch described to the Com- mission alternate plans concerning the development of the Lake Ann Park, and discussed recommendations by Brau$r and Aasociatest Park Planners. Conrad Fisknesa moved that the Park and Recreation Commis- slon recommend to the Council that bids be requestea as per ~reClf1catlone for ReQulrements for Labor and Material. for 5 te Improvement at Lake Ann, as drawn up by Brauer and Associates, dated February 21, 1970. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. CHANHASSEN ESTATES SECOND ADDITION: The PaI'k and Recreation Commission recommends approval of ' the pre11minary plat for Chanhassen Estates Second Addition, w1th the follow1ng provision: In line w1th our concept of neighborhood play- groundarea,s and the developer's desire that outlot B should become a neighborhood playground area, we feel that outlot B should become ded1cated V1llage property or assurance be provided that thi s remain playground. The foregoing moti.on was made by Denie Stedman, seconded by Sally deLancey. Motion carr1ed. BUDGK~ DISCUSSION: Arnold Weimersk1reh and Conrad F1sknees presented the'deta1ls of the 1971 BUdget: Development - Acq. Gen. Rev. 95,415. ~ .OOQ.. .415. 4,400. 1,250. 250. 945. 200. 3.675. ~19,135. Summer Recreation W1nter Recreation Youth Senior C1 tizene Historical Society Park Maintenance cr " i " PARK AND RECREATION CO~1MISSION MINUTES aI~~/7l page 2 BUDGET DISCUSSION (cont.): It was pointed out that the Budget represents a plan of action and must be followed unless there Is a good reason to deviate from it. Each oategory should be looked upon aea aeper'ate budget. In addition to the Park and a.creation BUdget. provision has also been made for purohase of a mower which was also lncluded in our or1g1nal Budget submiss10n. CITIZENS CO~I'tTEE OW YOUTH: Bob F81f1eld i8 going to oon- toaot Russ LarsO!) aDd other Interested plU'ties regarding the 1"01'lD8t10n of 8 01 tlzens Comml tt.e ()}l Youttt.' WINTJm RECREATION: Moncla1 andThursd~ l?rogru: Chanhassen attendance poor; several from other areas. Bob Faytield will ask Chan~assen Youth bow the, feel abouttbls, Fl~u~ Sk:atln~: AttBndance, SatUrda, skating clas8. 12; Tuesc1q class, 7. ~ Nt SCELLANEOUS: a~er Beserh: Conrad Flakness made a motIon that the Park and RecreatIon Commission recommend to the Council that we proceed wi th the improvement of the Carver lIStni.Beach as 800n8S possible b1 puttIng down an area of .sand and plastio 60 feet wiele.. 50 teet deep, and approximate11 one toot th1ck. ( JaYoet Danoe Moner, -Deoember. 1~10: Den1e Stedman moved that the Jayoees be reimbursed ~O.OO tor the Jayoees Youth Danoe in n.cemberdue them tor last yea1', and not pa1d. Dave WI1eon aecontled ;the motion. Mot1on carried. ~1J,l1'1t Advisory Coun 011... of Communi ty Sobo~l,: 8al11 deLancey read a letter conoernlng support at pending leg1slatlon. Conrad Flakness moved that the meeting be adJourned. DilVe Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carrIed. The meeting W$S adjourned, at 10:55. Barbara Montgomery, Seoretary l' ,."I .J ....."