PRC 1971 03 02 ~ .. . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING March 2~ 1971 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Members pres$nt: Arnold Weimerskirch, Sally deLancey, Bob Fsyfield, Conrad FisknesB, Gladys McCary, Dave Wilson Abeent: Denis Stedman Visitors: Al Klingelhutz, Steve Wolf, Ron Mielke The meeting was called to order by Arnold \'1elmerskirCh, Chairman. MINUTES: A motion to approve the mInutes of February l(~ wIth the following addition was made by Conrad Flakness, and seconded by Gladys McCary, and was carried: Under MISCELLANEOUS: C~ver Beach: ~otlon regarding improvement of Carver..â„¢Ini-Beach! "The motion waa seconded by Bob Fay-field, and unanimously approved.fa WINTER RECREATION: Ron Mielke reported that in spite of the storm. there was s. good turn-out again on Saturday (50-60 kids). including some from Jonathan. Thursday night attend$lce was excellent; Monday, bad. It appears that Monday night is not a good night for the recreation program. It was suggeDted that one coupleos night might be a good idea. Discussion of the Lighted School Concept at EXcelsior and Coon Rapids followed. Ron Mielke feels that the size 0'1 the gym restricts program possibilities. Other Buggestions by Ron: Saturdays- have ~ts and crafts cla8s~8 for girls? CharGe per night as other programs do? (Eden Prairie . charges 75~ per night, including towel.) Thi8 might make 1 t possible to have one program instead of two, with. on11 two weeks of~ for Christmas, and extend longer into March. He suggested a charge of 65~ per night. Al Klingelhutz suggested more publicity through KSMM and newspapers. Skatin~: LessOns had to be cancelled today because. the ice was in suoh poor Shape on the rink. SUMMER RECREATION: Ron Mielke is not sure whether he will be available for the summer program, but wil]. know soon. He suggested that Bummer program activities be eliminated after 2:30 or 3 p.m. because of the heat. Discussion followed concerning the use of Lake Ann Pal-k.andthe Minne- w&shta. Lot. . ~ ~ f , PARK AND RECREATION COl,,*ISSION fUNUTES ... 3/2/71 page 2 SUln4ER R:rr::P}EATIO~{CONr): Gladys McCary will layout a plan ~or the Summer Recreation Program for cQnsideratlon at the Park and Reoreation Commission 'meeting on March 16. LAKE ANN: The CouncIl approved the requ8sttor bids as recom- mended. Bids will be advertIsed. Park development and participation of civic groups in devel- opment of park ,was discussed. Sally deLancey will try to obtain a written summary of various Federal and State funds available ~or Park and Recreation servIces from the State Department of Local and Urban AffaIrs. ~ife Guard: Applications will be solicited for a Life Guard, who 1s to be employed as long 8S the beach i8 open for swimming, ~t ;100 per week. ..J ( REVIEW OF VILLAGE~PARK PROGRAM: Arnold \1eimerskIrch presented a plan to the Commission which served 8S a basis.ot dIscussion regarding objectiVes ot the program. SENIOR CITIZ~NS: Sally deLancey reported that the County plans to take over paying of director. as long as a meeting place is provided. It was suggested that the Senior Citizens take over the Historical Society ProJect~ and that Clarice Coulter might be interested in working on this. ORDINANCE q4S: Al Klingelhutz. Steve Wolf and the Park and Recreation Commission discussed the Ordinanoe to be presented at the Public Hearing on March 15. ' The following motion, made by Conrad Flstness, seoonded by Gladys McCary, was carried: the Park and Recreation Commission 1s in agreement with the intent of the proposed Ordinance #45. ENYIRONMENTAL CO~ITTEE: Sally deLsncey made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend tbat the Council es- tablish a Commit-tee to study the feasibility of an Environ- mental Commission. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried. MIaCELLANEOUS: Carver Beach: Sand has been put.on the ice at the MIni-Beach. ...I ( ...) c;-. PARK ANDREOREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 3/2/71 page 3 Conrad F1Bknes8 moved that the meeting be adjourned. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. The motion' was carried. The meeting wae adJourned at 11:55 p.m. Barbara Montgomery, Secretary ~ ( "I"'"