PRC 1971 03 16 (;a.. ~ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING March 16, 1971 - 8 p.m. Chanhaasen Village Hall Members present: Arnold \'1elmer~kirch, Sally deLancey, Conrad Flakness, Gladys McCary,'Den1s Stedman, Dave Wilson Absent: Bob Fayfield . Visitors: Steve Wolf, Adolph Tessness, Fritz'Coulter The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Weimel'skirch. MINUTES: Conrad Fiskness made a motion to approve the minutes of March 2. 1971. The motion was seconded by Denis Stedman, and was carried. WINTER RECREATION: Fritz Coulter reported on the condition of the hookey rink and made suggestions for the coming year. Sally deLancey suggested that plans for mainten- ance are becoming increasingly important. Sally deLancey moved that the Park and RecreatIon Commis- sion take from the Winter Recreation Fund ~25.00 to be given to a hockey program for purchase of ice time to play indoor game. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. LIttle Lea~ue: Fritz Coulter reported on Little League Plans. There may be 6 - 8 teams this year. Use of Park and Recreation Commission equipment was d1scussed. '" SUMMER RECREATION: Gladys McCary has reoei ved several ap- plications from persons interested in working as instru,ctors in the Summer Recreation Program. James Shermock, fifth grade teacher at Chaska Elementary School was recommended by Ron Mielke. Discussion followed. Conrad Fiskness made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission authorize Gladys McCary to make a tentative offer up to ~1200 for eight weeksD work on a seven-week summer program to James Shermock as Director. Dates-are to be determIned at a later date. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Council approval 9ill be sought. The Frogram Director will have the responSibility of devel- oping a program, and also of screening applicants for Jobs, and scheduling their hours within the guide plan provided by the Park and RecreationCommls81ono The Director will present this program to the Commission for approval. (Program to begin June 14; employment tlme--June 7 through July 30) PARI{ AND RECREATION COMMISSIDN MINUTES - 3/16/71 page 2 ..."I SUMMER RECREATION (CON'T.): The fOllowing tentative list of activities was agreed upon: ' 1'-Ball HaNball Tennis Arohery Softball Arts and Crafts Baton Twirling Charm Course (Note: Swimming lessons will be continued through West Junior High School.) Tumbling Wrestling Nature Tr81ls Open Beach Field Day Turtle Race Suburban Park Puppet Show ( Fritz Coulter suggested that Jaycees might furnish labor to put up back-8topS. PAM FUNDtNG: Adolph Tessness reported that he and Russ Larson. Village Attorney. met with Tom Clauson and Dick Pearson. The total LAWCON program has received approval, and the Welter Site i8 out of the way; however, the money has not yet arrived, and further acquisition awaits receipt of money. The Commission discussed the possibility of obtaining 100% Funding tor Parklands. Sally deLancey reported that she had been advised by Mike Auger ~hat it would be worth while to keep purSUing acqui- sition. and to put in another application. State Natural Resources monies might be available. It was also suggested that we write HUD for Open Spaces Program Information, which has been done by Adolph Tessness. f~ EQUIPI.fEtiT BID~: Adolph Tessness will ask tor bids on two big back-stops', two smaller ones for Carver Beaoh and Chanhassen. plus a,separate price on a fifth back-stop. He will also ask for bids on a slide. ENVIRONMENT4L COf~ITTEE: Since approval was received from the Council to proceed with a study, Conrad Fiskness moved that the Park and Recreation Commission establish a three- member Committee to study environmental concerns in the Village. Denis Stedman seconded the motion. Motion carted. Possible members were discussed. <. ARBOR DAY: Sally deLancey moved and Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion that the Park and Recreation Commis- sion authorize Adolph Teseness to purchase a 5 to 6" sugar ....,I -" (r- PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 3/16/11 page 3 ARBOR DAY (CON'T.): maple tree for planting in front of City Hall, as an Arbor Day Project, with the funds to be taken from the Senior Citizens Budget. This will be a Joint project for the Park and Recreation Commission and the Senior Citizens. Motion carried. REVIEW VILLAGE PARK PLAN: Sally deLancey moved that dis- cussion be postponed until next meeting. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carrld. MISC~LANEO~: Sally deLancey reported that the FFA Chapter, Chaska Senior High School offered to help with sodding at Lake Ann Park as a Beautify America Project. She advised them that this would not be needed this year, but perhaps there would be trees to be planted. ~ Senior Citizens: A room has been reserved for their meet- ing place, qualifying them for funds. Community Meeting Place: Pastor Dennis Lorenz of the Lutheran Church of the Living Christ has offered the use of the new church for Community activities after the dedication in early September. Historical Committee: The first appointment has been set up this week by Gail Wolf and Martha Lyman, who are to con- tinue working on the project. Tape recorder: No price quotations have been received. Noise on Lakes: Fritz Coulter inquired whether any ordin- ance was in effect preventing the use of motor boats on Lake Ann. After discussion, Conrad Fiskness moved that the Recommendation of May 19, 1910, by the Park and Recreation Commission be resubmitted to the Council: " The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the Councll start drafting control permitting no motors on any lake under 120 acres, and limit to canoes, sailboats and rowboats, or as an alternative, that methods be in- vestigated to limit horsepower, boat sizes and numbers of boats on lakes concerned. The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that immediate steps be taken to prohibit all motorized boat traffic on Lake Ann. II ~ The motion was seconded by Sally deLancey. Motion carried. c PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -3/16/71 page 4 Noise on Lakes (con't.): , At this time the Park and Recreat10n Commission now recom- mends the Councll take action that all motorized craft be prohibited on Lake Ann. OrcUnance 1t45: Sally deLanoey made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission oommend the Council for action regarding Ordinance #45. Conraa Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion Carried. .oJ' Denls Stedman moved that the meeting be adjourned. Conrad Flslmess seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Barbara Montgomery, Secretary (> .oJ' " "'. -"