PRC 1971 04 06 ('" PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING April 6, 1971 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Members present: Denis Stedman Absent: Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Dave Wilson visitors: Richard Lyman, steve liolf, Bill Schoell, Fritz Coulter, Roy Roeser, Adolph Tessness Arnold Weimerskirch, Sallf deLancey, Bob Fayfield, . The meeting was called to Qrder by the Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of March 16, 1971, were approve([ with the following additions: I Under Vis! tors: Don Slathar PARR FUNDING: Para,qraph 1, Line 3 - "The total LAWCON program has received approval by the State Planning Agency,...." !IISC., Senior Ci ti zens : .. A room has been reserved for --" their meeting place, qualifying them for County funds." r A motion for approval was made by Denis Stedman. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. Motion carried. ~ . SUMMER RECREATION: ames Shermock s a red to work. for $1000.0 as the Director of the seven-week summer program. wrestling in the program. Tent.ative plans include hiring swmner, and 1m Shermock' s ro helpers. . The pr.ogramwill'run from June 14 through July 30. NOTE: The buildincj cannot be used on Friday, June 18, which is Sco.tt-Carver County Hobby Day. The Park and Recreation Commission decided that $10 a day for a three-boor shift, two times a week, should be a sufficient fee for which to hire an instructor in Baton Twirling. Sally deLancey moved that the Commission set the charge for the . summer program at $4.00 per child, with a maximum charge of $12.00 per family, with a separate charge of $1.50 additional charge per chiid for craft class. Bob Fayfie1d seoonded the motion. Motion carried. (r- ( \.. PARK AND RECREATION CO~lISSION MINUTES - 4/6/71 SUMMER RECREATION (Con 't.): page 2 ...) ::Ui~ment: Quotes received by V~. 'lessness include: ckstol)s - 40. with 12' wings - one only -.i414.70 - with order tor :5 - @.392.30 30' with 10' winge - one only.' i271.00 - with order tor 3 - @i257.00' (Note:' Order tor three m&1 Include twoslzes, 1.e. 2 - large @#392.30 .. . 1 - small @257.00, reta1ning Quantit1 prlce.) Fenoe - Chaln llnk tence, 400', 4' high - ,589.00. (ThIs / ls.tor Caner Beaoh Slte. 500 - 600' mq be needed.) Blds C['qrCon~truction: The Vll1age received seven bids on construct~on., and one on n,ursery work. I . .(" . '.'. NOTE: Therewl11 be a SfECIAL MEETING OF TfIE PA~ AND . RECREATIONCOMMIS5ION at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13. tor a detalled discusslon ot thIs proJect, and wl1lthen make recommendatlons. to the Village Couna.i1.' .... ." . .) . . TRANSPORTATION STUDY REVIEW: The prC)p08e~ parkwq through Lake Ann Park was discus8ed by the C<?mmls8,lon. Sally deLano8Y mO'fed that the . Park. and, ;Rec~eatl onComml ssion endorse the.Planning Comm1sBlon reoomrnendatlon.todelete the a1terbate route from State Highway #5 to .County Road #117 through the VIllage Park and Oakmont.. Bob Faytleld aeconded .the mQtlon. The motIon was 'carrled. :t_. , ; IVIRONHlfT4L COMMITTEE: ' Members will, be Oralg 5hulstad. · .1bbert 11. and D10k Pearson. This Committee wIll report back to the Park and Rec~ea~lon Commission with fIndings and recommencJati ons. MISCELLANEOUS: ~ aarverbeachi Steve Wol~ suggested that the owners of Carver Beach lakeehore b~ not1fied abouttbe necessIty of moving docks. Bob F&7fl~ld wll1 get names from Dave WIleon, and see t~at.notlces aI'$ isent. . Nature. StudY Are,: Steve: \101t suggested that the CommIssion contao1; Edith Herman agai;n regarding this proJect Involving an envlronmen1;al study wl;th 'the school 1n the area near West Junior High School. Salliy de Lancey will contact Mrs.. Herman.. , ...J .fjI1" PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 4/6/71 page 3 MISC LANEOUS ConJt. : So tb 1: Ro;r Roeser asked whether the Park and Recreation Oommission would consider underwrit.ing the ~5.00 per night feerequlred for use of the Excelsior Field tor softball for the eight teams in the Ohanhassen Slow Pitch League, since the gamee start May 12. Bob Fayfield made amotion that the and Re Com . sion recommend to the Council that 170.00 ground tee expense be approved to allow the Chanha8sen ow c e . e uee the ExceleIor ball fIeld tor the 1911 summer Beason. DenIe Stedman seconded the motion. DIscussion' 10110we(1, noting that 8ince the Village wl11 not ha.ve adequate taci11 tles for adul t softball durlng 1971, it Is our teeling that we should underwrite the ground tee cost foJ!' this ;rear. Next ye~ faciIi ties will be available w1thin the Vll1age. The motion was carried. Dedication of ot\l-er 'Poseible areas: Arnold Welmerskirch will tollow up on the.Bandlmere property on Highway #101, and other P08sibilities. . L1~tl' L1ulAue: Fritz Coulter asked about the avallab1l1 ty ot telds blJune 1. It was suggested that a plaque' be' posted reservIng the Village Hall field for Little League on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. and Sat~rday afternoon. Denis Stedman w11l contact Mr. MacMIllan to ask about use of school landf moving the backstop to a moreapproprlate location at. no cost to the school. and storage ot baseball equipment. It was tel t that .Park and R~creatlon baseball equipment and Little League equlpment'c6uld be shared by both Park and Ll ttle Leae;ue pl ayers, and stored in the same pl ace. SeniOl' Cl\lzens: SallydeLancey reported that the Open House 1'01' the VIllage will beheld on Thursday, May 6, trom 1 to 5:30 p.m. The Park and Recreation Commission has donated. tood, help and flowers in the past. l~mbers lU'e urged to help again th1s year. Sally de Lance, will ask Gladys McCar;r about arranging raY! flowers. Arbpr Day: The Senior CItizens would like to observe this day': on a Thursdayo it possIble. Hobby Show: The Scott-Carver Coun ty Hobby Show will be held on Frld.ay, June 18 II all day and evening at the Chanhassen Elementary School. This show attraots a large number of peoples and much help will be neede.d. ~ cr PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 4/6/n page 4 Bob Faytleld mo'Ved that. the meeting be adJof.lrl1ed. Denis S1iecJmaD seconded ~e mot.loD.. Rotion c~led. The meeting vae adJourned at 10:45 p.m. . Barba:ra HontgoDleJ:-7. Secretar1 ( ( ...,I ...,,; ....,;