PRC 1971 04 13
April 13, 1971 - 8 P.M.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Gladys McCary, Sally deLancey,
Dave Wilson, Conrad Fiskness
There was a discussion of the bids on Lake Ann Construction Project.
Conrad Fiskness moved that the Park and Recreation COmmission
recommend that the council accept the low bid from Park Con-
struction Co. for Division I (Grading, base, drainage and seeding)
and Alternate A (Asphalt paving) for the total amount. of
$54,346.30 (work t.o be completed in 45 working days). Gladys
Me Cary seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sally deLancey moved that t.he Park and Recreation commission
recommend that Brauer & Associates be retained for Alternate B
(lay-out staking) for $3,000.00. Seconded by Conrad Fiskness.
Motion carried.
Sally deLancey moved that the Park and Recreation commission re-
commend that Brauer & Associates be re~ained for construction
observation, inspection and contract administration at houriy
rates specified in their letter dated April 12, 1971. Seconded
by Dave Wilson. Motion carried.
Conrad Fiskness moved that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend delaying action on Division II (Planting) and requests
that Mr. Tessness explore possible alternates to Division II
(Plantinq). Seconded by Sally deLancey. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned..
Gladys McCary