PRC 1971 04 20
April 20, 1971 - 8 pomo
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Conrad Flskness, Sally deLancey, Gladys
McCary, Dave Wilson
Members absent: Arnold Weimerskirch, Bob Farfield, Denis
Visitors: Dick Pearson, Craig Shulstad, Steve Wolt, Fritz
Coulter; Adolph TessnesB
Discussion prior t~ call to order:
Present: Dick Pearson, Craig Shulstad Absent: Hibbert Hill
Conrad Fiskness explained the function and broad soope of
the Committee to the memberso They were asked to consider
as specific tasks the definition of objectives, the draft-
ing of control ordinances, researcho
Dick Pearson will be responsible for calling the first meet-
ing ot the Committeeg at which a chairman will be eelectedQ
The Committee was asked to present a preliminary report to
the Park and Recreation Commission prior to May 31p 1971Q
~a~e Ann: It was suggested that seedlings be planted, after
seeking advice from Don Berg, the Arboretum~ Boa Lind at
Chaska, FAA, etco Steve Wolf suggested the use of scuba
equipment to plan loca~ionof docks, etca, at the beacho
The LIons Club might be contacted regarding lumber for
picnic tables and benches. NSP should be contacted about
wood chips for trails.. Steve Wolf also suggested that
youth be involved in Lake Ann projects, and target dates
Carver Beach: Dave Wileon reported that 8 volunteers have
been working in the area .fo~ two weeks on clean-up..
Conrad Flakness, aa actln~ chairmans called the meetln5 to
MINUTES: Gladys McCary moved that the minutes of April 6
De approvedo Denis Stedman seconded the motion. Motion
Sally deLancey moved that the minutes of April 13 be approveoo
Gladys McCary seconded the motiono Motion carriedo
,,' .
Page 2
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION: Conrad Flskness descr:t!~4,the
previous discussion with Environmental Committeem~ljers/)
,,;.. ,
Sally deLancy moved that the Park and Recreation .Commission
request the Council to consider prohibition of motor
vehicleeOn Lake Ann for the summer of 19718 DaVe Wilson
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
LAKE ANN PARK PLANS: The Commission was informed that the
Council voted to accept the bid of Park Construction on
Division I and Alternate Construction. At the CouDcil Us
request, Adolph Tessness conferred with Bill Scboell of
Schoell and Madoon regarding a contract for lay-out and
staking. Their response wae negative, and therefore Mr/)
Tessnes8 recommended that Brauer and Associates be in-
instructed to proceed with planning and staking. RU8s Larson
will get contract drawn up and reviewed.
PARK EQUIPMENT PLANS: It was decided that the following
equipment was needed:
1 - 30u with
2 - 30 Il '"
1 - 30 Q tt
10' wings
" "
" "
(for Carver Beach)
(for Village Hall site)
(for either Chsnhassen Estatesp
Well Site or Lake Ann Park)
Gladys MCCary moved that 4 - :3011 backstops with lOa wings
be ordered. Dave Wilson seconded the motiono Motion carried~
Fenc~: (for Carver Beach) Sally deLancey moved that
a decis10n be postponed until after the next meetingo Gladys
McCary seconded the motion/) Motion carried~ This site will
be inspected again, as well &s the others, so that amount
of fencing needed can be accurately determined.
Denis Stedman received approval from Mr~ McMillan to move
the backstop at the Village Hall Site, and also to store
equ1pment at the school/)
SUr~ER RECREATION: Conrad Fiskness will contact lumber yarde
and get estimates on prices of lumber needed for picnic tables>>
The Council apprOVed the hiring of Jim Shermock, Betsy
14cDougall and Mark ~~e:rmock 0
'i..'- ~
There is st.ill a need tt') hire a girl who is capable of
supervising tennis two mornings a week, archery every day~
to fill in on softball and crafts, if ~ecesstry~ and who
is mature enough to serve aa Assistantto the Directoro
This Job\will pay between ~350 and ~450 for the summer 0
Applicants should be referred to Adolph Teasness.
Fritz Coulter will contact Denis Stedman regarding access
to school for stored equipmento He would like to know what
equipment is still needed.
PARK PROGRA~: No dlscussiono
r .4
Arbor Day: Adolph Tessness will get cost of sugar maple
tree by end of weeko
Senior Citizens: The Senior Citlzenos Open House will
be held on Thursday, May 6thQ Sally deLancey requested
that each member of t.he Commission donate six dozen goodies
to be delivered to the Village hall before noon on May 6tho
Kitchen help is also neededo Wives who would be willing
\~o donate an hour or so are asked to call Sally deLancey
at 4-74-7214.
Historical Committee: Sally deLancey reported the
tollowlng names as members:
Max-y Stedman
Jean Meuwissen
Clarice Coul tar
Note: Copy of letter from committee attached.
Sally deLancey will go back to the Historical Committee and
ask for an estimate of the price on re-bindlng the Township
Minutes 1858..
Gladys McCary made motion for adjournment.. Dave Wilson
seconded the motion.. Motion carried and meeting adjourned
at 11:00 FaM.
Barbara Montgomery..