PRC 1971 04 13 LETTER
April 13. 1971
\ Dear Sally.
Our interviews have been most rewarding, informative
and, of course, delightful. We are anxious to find
interested people to Join us. (It helps if one does
not have infants or pre-achoolers - a strictly personal
observation I)
To date we have thought of preserving 4 buildings:
The Village Hall
Depot (on Kerber farm)
Maxwell log house (in Jonathan)
School House (on Hammer farm).
now Jonathan
(there must be others, but we arenQt
aure of their age)
Also, we would l1ke to l;lave Township M1nutes1858 -
Just wanted to keep you posted. Should we present the
Park & Rec with a somewhat formal request?
Martha Lyman