PRC 1971 05 04 t" PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING May 4,1971 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Memb,rs ~resent: Arnold Weimersklrch, Sally deLancey, Bob Faytleld. Conrad F1sknsss, Gladys McCary t 1>en1s Stedman. Dave W11son Visitors: Steve Wolf, RUBS Larson, Bl11 Hellendrung, Fritz Coulte~; also 22 citizens attend1ng Public Information Meet- ing on Boat Restrictions (See attached list). ~ NOTE,: Council action 1s requested on the following m$tters: PARK EQUIPMENT: Tbe Park and Reoreation Oommission- requests theCounc11 to approve placement of this order through the Village Administrator: (frommlnutes of 4/20/71): Gladys McCary moved that four 30t backstops with 10' wings be ordered. Dave Wl1son seconded the motion. Motion carried. Conrad Flakness moved that the Park and Recreation Commission request that the Council author1ze the purohase of 600 ~eet of 4' - 2ft ohain link fence with posts for Carver Beach. Gladys McCary seconded the motlon. Motlon carried. I MOTOR BOAT BAN: Conrad Flskness moved that 'after reviewing the resul~s of the publlahearlng, the Park and Recreation Commission reoommend that the Council take action to adopt an ordinance bannIng motorized traffic on Lake Ann. Bob Fayfleld seoonded the motion. Motion oarried. ..---- PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON BOAT RESTRICTIONS ..' ~ r (r. The meeting was called to order by the ChaIrman, Arnold WeImersklrcb, at 8 p.m. The Chairman briefly described the Park Plan to the cltlzenso He listed three reasons for the need for boat restrictions: (1) Motor boats destroy quiet atmosphere (2) Motor boats pollute small lakes (:3) Motor boats disrupt traffic on. small lakes (plan to have row boate and sall boats). He stated that no concrete action has been taken on restriotions on lakes other than Lake Anno Russ Larson, Village Attorney, advlsedthat a Boat and Water SatetyAct Bill (House File #695, Senate File #635) has pas.sed the House and is now before the Senate. Th1s Bill provides that a municipali ty can petition the Conservation Department tor' establishment of regulations governIng surface waters. PARK cAND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 5/4/71 page 2 (PUBLIC. INFORMATIONAL MEEl'ING, CON'T.): Upon receipt of a petItion by' the Munioipal Conservation Department, a hearing will be held by the Conservation Department tor disousslon,and establishment of such regula- tions as theCoDservationDepartment deems necessary will be permi tted., Villages have 1mplied authority to adopt such regUlations, including prohibiting motor boating. (This does not extend to snowmobi1e8-~can regulate but not probiblt.) As a result or the discussion by the residents and the Park and Recreation Commission ot various aspects and possible solution of the problems caused by motor traffic, the chair- man reiterated the position taken by the Park and Recreation Commission to. recommend a ban ot . motor boats on Lake Ann. The Park'Commission will begin studying the possibility ot boat restriction on other lakes in the Village. The following citizens volunteered to serve on a Boat Study Committee: Mrs. R&y' Peterson Mrs. Donald Gale Al Olson Tom Jonell Fred Coulter Roge.r Casey - 474-5063 - 474-5185 - 474-6581 - 414-7326 - 474-5898 - 474-6245 ( -- The Buslness Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Welmersklroh, at 9:05 p.m. MINUT~: Denls Stedman moved that the mlnut&s of the meeting ofr 4720/11 be approved 8S amended: Under Dlsoussion prlo~ to oal1 to order: MISC~LAti'EQU6 : ..' . ~~eAnn: Ben Lind (not Bea Lind) Carver Beach: 8 volunteers have been working in the . area for two week-ends (not two weeks). Gladys McCary seconded the motran. Motion carried. TOT LOT PLANS:' (presented by Bob Klein, District Manager ot . the Miracle EqUipment Company) Mr. Klein described various l810uts of equipment varying in price from ~1500 to #4761, F.O.B. Grinnell, Iowa.. Mr. Klein will meet with Dave Wilson to view Park sites and make suggestions as to'suitab1e equip- ment. .There is no tee. tor consultation. . c. VILLAGE SITE! Sall, deLance, moved tha" 8111 Bellendrung b8.autbor1zed to pu~chaa. nece8s&rymaterl81s to erect back8top'~ Element-.rl.sQhool property:.' Conrad Vi.kness 8econ4.ed .the motlon. Hotlon carried. --' ...." ..J PARK AND RECREATION CO~~~IBSIoN MINu~ES · 5/4/71 pagEr 3 (r Y!,~tfA~fE: ~ITE( CON "T .) : Frltz Caul ter and Bill Hellendrung will get an estimate on cost ot earth moving to level field. Deni s Stedman will cheok wi th Sohool Board members to see if help might be available. The Commission discussed problems caused byla(Jk ot seeding.. TREES.: , CObrad FtfJiknee,s reported that. 500 tree a have been' received. The Chask a. , FAA will plant if plantJer 1s available. It not. Park snd Recreation Commission members will arraDse ror p~ant1.ng. VILLAGE PLANNER: Arnold. \1eilDsrsklrch reported that thl'ee JJ planners 'had been lntervlewed,and described services offers-eO.. CcmradFlsknees moved tbat the Park and Reoreation €Jommission recommend to the Councl1that the posBlbll1ty ofroundlng up more prospects be explo~ed. Sally deLanoey aecoluied, the motion. Motion carried.. ~UMMER RECRE~TI0N: Gladys McCary reported that tklquel1ne Nyhammer has been hired for $450 tosel"veas an .assistant director,and to 1nstruct'.n tennis and archery. ~"eja~ue'L1ne1s a Chanhasssn resident. ~&ia.trat1ou: Registration for Summer Recreation will take plaoeon Tuesda;r, June 1; from '7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. ' Ppbllc1t~ Should be out in next two weeks. Summer Qamp: To be in August. Puppet Show: , Not ava1lable. Sally deLancey will see if puppeteers areava11abls. ' Other"Af)tivlties: Tumbling" tV'eight-wat.ch1ng' and charm course, baby-s1 tiing course a.re still poss1bl11 tiesa, PARK Jl;Q.U~JrMSN..1.: It was decided that, 600 feet ,of' f~mce will, be necessary for Carver Bea.ch field (Sea Note 'to Council) o. Ba~eba11E9ulEment: Fritz Coulter listed th~ foIlowlng equ1p- me.nt b~lone;lng to the Village as usable th1ey.e~: 8 .... helmets 9 - horsehide baseballs 1 - complete ca.'t,oherG's out!! t *24 - bats ,27" to 32'. 1 ",home plate forT....ball *ap~rox~mate number The Little League Program will furnish other ~qu1pmebt to be used by both Park and Recreation and Little Leag'ue. i~ f ' "",,,..... '!>ARK,.AND RECREATION' .C.OmlIS6ION MINUTli:S - 5/4/71 page 4 PARK.'mUt,PMENT~JCONST.) : .Picnic tables; (For interim use) FAA would build a few if we. provldeau~terlalg.. ,Conrad Flatness. reported. G:ladys McCary moved that the meeting be adjourned. Conrad Flames's seconded the mc'tlon. ,Motion ca:lTled. Themeeting was ad.1ournedat 11 :15' p.m. Barbara Montgomery. Secretar,. ( I \. ....,I ...-I ...-I .' . ,.... (r- (~ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION JJI1INUTES GO 5/4/1f page 5 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION ~ING PUBLIC-rNFORMATIONAL MEETING ON BOAT RE5~R!CTIONS M.ay 4>> 1971 Residents attending: NAME - Bob Fortman Ste,va Wotf RUBS Larson *Mre. Ray Peterson *Mrs. Don ald Gale *Al Olson Jerry Heydt Jim Mielke Doris Mielke Al Kllngelhutz *Tom Jonell Lee A. Wolff Nancy Jonell Joanne Wolff Gene Coul tel' Victor Schmieg Mrs. Edw.ln Neurnski Kerry Glnkmeyer Len Swedlund . *Frederlch Coulter Sandy Coulter *Roger Casey .PHONE NUMBER v-- 474...506; 474a5185 "....-- 474-6581--- 474-7326 ./ 474....5898/ 474-6245/ -Volunteered to serve on Boat Restriction Study Committee.