PRC 1971 05 18 {~ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING May 18, 1971 - 8 p.m. Chanhaseen Village Hall Members present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Bob Fayfield, Conrad F1skness, Dave Wilson, Gladys McCary, Sally deLancey Members absent: Denis Stedman Visitors: Fr1tz Coulter, Har~ey Will NOTE: Council action is requested on the following matters: - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BALLFIELD: Conrad Fiskness moved that, subject to Council approval, the Park and Recreation Commission authorize ),125 from the Park and Recreation budget to cover one-fourth share in the grading project behind the elementary school for the expansion of the ballfield. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Note: The plan is to share the total J500 cost with the School District, Chanhassen A.P.T., Jaycees. SUMMER RECREATION: Conrad Fiskness moved that the Park and Recreation Commission request to the Council that the Summer Recreation Director be authorized to purchase and charge to the Vill~e up to 3200 for summer recreation equipment, and be given a ~100 petty cash fund for expendable supplies. Gladys ;,.... McCary seconded the motion. Motion carried. TREE PLANTING: Conrad Fiekness moved that the Park and Recre- ation Commission request Council approval to send ~5.00 to the Chaska FFA to reimburse them for expenses incurred in planting at Lake Ann Park. Bob Fayfieldseconded the motion. Motion carried. MISC. (Carver BeaCh): Dave Wilson made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission request that the Council approve more parking signs in the Carver Beach area on Huron Street from 68th to 66th and on 66th from Huron to Iroquois and en- force on Saturday and Sunday. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order by Arnold Weimerskirch, Chairman . " ,.... MINUTES: Bob Fayfield moved that the minutes of the meeting on May 4, 1971, be approved with the following amendment: Page 2, paragraph 2, under PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING: f'As a result of the discussion by the residents and the Park and Recreation Commi&don of various aspects and possible solution of the problems caused by motor traffic, PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 5/18/71 MINUTES. (CON'T.): the Chairman indicated that the Park and Recreation Commission would re-examine the position taken by the Park and Recreation Commission to recommend a ban of . motor boats on Lake Ann. tl page 2 ...",I The motion was seconded by Conrad Fiskness. Motion carried. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BALLFIELD: Grading will cost ~500. Denis Stedman talked to Ralph Kant regarding sharlne of cost of grading by the School Board. (See Note to Council on Page 10) PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: Arnold Weimerskirch toured siteso He reported that the Council had approved ordering equipment at the last meeting, and the order placed 5/11/71 included: 4 - backstops @$257 -- ~l028 600 ft. chain link fence -- ~869 Installation plans .' { ...""I Fritz Coulter has volunteered to take care of installation of two backstops behind Village Hall. Gladys McCary made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission give Fritz Coulter permission to buy supplies to install backstops. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. CA.rver Beach Site: ~: The Park and Recreation Commission requ~sts that baCkstops and fence for Carver Beach be delivered to Carver Beach lot, and the Carver Beach Association will install. Well Site: Dave Wilson moved that the Park and Recreation Commission request the maintenance department to: Take the 3 posts from the Carver Beach Site Install at Well Site in NE corner, as close 8S possible to bank, in line straight across, 6' apart Purchase 1" mesh 14 gauge wire, 4' high, at Frontier Hardware Install on posts as noted above. Conrad Fiakness seconded the motion. Motion carried. SUMMER RECREATION : Gladys McCary reported that newspaper article will be pUbliShed this Thursday, listing actlvltleso She will order 1,000 flyers at Insty-Print. --' (.- I.r ' PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - '5/18/71 page 3 SUMMER RECREATION (CONtT.): James Shermock would like to purchase supplies according to interests of group. The Director will meet 'with the workers next Saturday. Plane include Anti-Pollutant Day, Safety Day, Ecology, Nature Hikes, Story-telling Time. (For motion, see Note to Council, page I.) The irk and RJcreation Commission is requested to be at the Village Hall for Summer Recreation Registration at 7 p.m., June 1. TREE PLANTING: Conrad Fiskness reported that the Chaska FFA lBen Lind, 4 boys and Conrad) planted 500 trees at the Lake Ann Site. (See motion under Notes to Council, page l.) Conrad Fiskness also moved that the Park and Recreation Com- mission request the Chaska FFA to perform the service of weed control on the former cabbage patoh, and to plant corn or a similar'crop--the profits to be used for Wild Life Habitat Improvement ProJect. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. (~ KARATE: Harvey Will described a Karate course whioh might be sponsored by the Park and Recreation Commission. After dis- cussion, Bob Fayfie1d moved that the Park and Reoreation Commission sponsor a Self Defense Class for women and girls 14 years and up to be self-supporting from a Jl2000 per person registration fee, for a 6 week course, one night per week, Ii hours per night. Registration and details will be handled by Harvey Will. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried. MOTORS ON VILLAGE LAKES: A general disoussion was held on motor boats and airplanes on Village Lakes. Eaoh Park and Recreation Commission member will attempt to oontact pros- peotive members for a Boat Study Committee. MISCELLANEOUS: Carver Beach: The Commlssion disoussed problem of oars and trailers parked near beach. (See Note to Counol1 on page 10) Lake Ann: Sally de Lanoey suggested that Park and Recreation Commisslon members should be thinklng of all equipment needed when Park opens. Publication - "Hi~hll~hts 70.': Sally deLanoey moved that the Park and Recreatlon Commission request Adolph TessnesB to order .tHlgh lights 70", the prooeedings of the 1970 Congress tor Recreation and Parks {~7050}. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion oarrled. (See Note to Adolph and attached copy of Park and Recreation magazine, dated April, 1971e) \" \. ( ,. - PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 5/18/71 page 4 ..J Dave Wllson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Conrad Flakness seconded the motion. Motion carrie.d. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Barbara Montgomery. Secretary .....,I -'