PRC 1971 06 01 ,... PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 1, 1971 - 7 p.m. Cnanhassen Village Hall 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. - REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER PROGRAM Members present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Sally deLancey, Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Dave Wilson Members absent: Bob Fayfield, Deni s Stedman Vis1tors: Steve Wolf, Fritz Coulter, Milan Klitzke, Ted Garvais, Robert J. Kahl The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold We1merskirch, at 9:07 p.m. MINUTES: Conrad F1skness moved that the m1nutes of the meet1ng of May 18 be approved. Dave W1lson seconded the motion. Motion carried. ,.... PARK IMPROVEMENTS: LAKE ANN PARK: Beach Area: The Chanhassen Youth Group has been cqntacted about helping to clean up the beach area. Gladys McCary brought up the question of whther a sign is necessary stating that children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult on a public beach. Adolph Tessness will be requested to inquire about Safety PolIcy. After further discussion of the beach area Conrad FisknesB moved that the Park and Recreation Commission request AdOlph Tessnessto ask Henry Wrase to do ~eceseary mowln~ \'11th a power mower and to remove"wfllow8 at the water s edge for 20"0" feet wlth-a "hack hoe.."" Gladys McGary-"seconded "tlie-motlon~ "Jilot1on carried. Picnic Tables: Dave Wilson will contact the Lion 0 s Club regarding plans for construction or purchase of picnic tables. Buoy Rope: Gladys McCary made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commlss10nrequest AdOlph Tessneas to order ~c!.Q fe~1:, ot: ~UOI !:oJ2..e~_ f9r"" ~a~~Ann~ Dave" -Wilson seconded tJ1e motion. Motion o~rrled. The C~mmlss1on also requests "~~9l~!l.~~~8s~e,:aA to make anv".necess~l'pr~paratlons with the State. WELL "SITE: The.following residents living near the Well Site appeared before the Park and Recreation Commission to state their objections to the installation of baCkstops: Milan Klitzke - 202 Chan. View St. - 474-4884 Ted Garvals - 200 Chan. View Dr. - 474-6695 Robert J. Kahl - 203 tl" 77 St. .. 474-7745 They felt that older children would be attracted to the field. and that the younger children would be forced out. After discussion. it was determined that a survey of the neighborl'1ood should be made to find the number of children (. .,-.. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 6/1/71 page 2 ...,; WELL SITE 'CON 'T. ) : ten years old and under, the number of older children, and also what use of tne well site area would best suit the residents. Joan Garvais and Kathy Klitzke will survey the neighborhood and report baok to the Commission at its next meeting. Sally deLancey moved that the Park and RecreatIon Commission resoind the motion of May 18, 1971 (whiCh requested the maintenanoe department to install posts and fence at the well .site). . Dave W1lson seconded the motion. Mot10n carried. The Park.and Recreation Comm1ssion req~e$t~_Adolph T~ss:nef3s tooontact Henri Wra.se and.. canoel the ..re~uEta!- t:o~ this in- stallatIon at'~~~!i~. w~lrjfteo VILLAGE SITE: FrItz Coulter will put up two backstops at the Village Site. The Park and Recreation Commission requests ~ha:t ~dolR!1 T~s~nes~ flfl~He~.rY'..Wra~4at() br1ns. up, 'l,crOO 'reet oT snow fence and dell ver to the lJ111age Hall 81 t.e by Frl'dav. June 4~- (l;)e;I.rv'er:y date mOtt'tANTT ~. . .... . '. ..."..., _.' M'_. _'_' CARVER BEACH SITE: The Park and Recreation Comm1ssion also J'eq':.1t~s ts tha,~the backatoe 2I.lld fence be dal;.!er~d to Carver Beacho COMMISSION TO STUDY MOTORS ON VILLAG~ LAKES: The Park and Recreat10n CommIss1onsuggested the follow1ng citizens as add1tiona1 members of the Study Commiss10n: ~ Richard Rossing ;carver Beach) - '?lfS t( Per Jacobson - Jim Jasin (Mlnnewaehta)-. "{os%,/ / Richard aeckstrom (Sunrise Hills) "t.2."- 7 - S:J. Vb Carl Severson-Lon'-\.- 5"0 ~ I ...- SENIOR CITIZENS: A thank you note was received fZ"om the Senlor C1tIzens for assistance at their Open House May 60 TREJ PLANTING: The tree to be planted as a Joint proJect of the Park and Recreation Commisslon and the SenlorCitizens will be planted on ThurSday. June 3 at 4 p.mo BLUFF CREEK HIGHLAND: The Park and Recreation Comm1ss1on again discussed the plat of the area, resulting in the following recommendation to the Council: Slnce Lot 2 falls w1thin the flood plain corridor, the Park and Recreation Commission feels that th1s plat still violates our Park concept. With regard to the purchase of s1x acres. the Park and Recreation CommisSion feels that this is an unwise tlse of -o'il1age funds at this time. ....-I ....,;. ;,... PARK AND RECREATION COr~~ISSION MINUTES - 6/1/71 page 3 METROPOLITAN RECREATION WORKSHOP: Dave W11son reported that there will be a park equipment display on ~hursday and FrIday, June 10-11, 9 to 5:30 p.m., second floor auditorium at the Radisson South. Dave Wilson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11 p.m. Barbara Montgomery, Secretary il"""" i I""""