PRC 1971 06 07 r,.... PARK AND RECREATION COliJMISSION r-tEETING Juen 7, 1971 - Special Meeting Chanha$sen Village Hall Members Present: Arnie Weimerskirch, Bob Fayfield, Sally deLancey, Gladys McCary Members Absent: Conrad Fiskness, Dave Wilson, Denis Stedman Visitors: James Shermock The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Welmerskirch. SUMMER RECREATION paQG.R1iM:. Bob Fayfield moved to recommend the expenditure of $85.00 for Linda Yanisch, of Chanhassen, to teach a special course in modern dance and trumbling for the Summer Recreation Program. Seconded by Sally deLancey. Motion carried. The total expenditures for summer recreation salaries will be $215.00 below the budget. Bob Fayfield made the motion that the meeting be adjourned. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. I<1otion carried. Time 10:15 p.m. ( ,.... Gladys McCary :. ,....