PRC 1971 06 15 f"~ (.~ !~ PARK AND RECREATION CO~iISSION MEETING June 15, 1971 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall !r- t~ Members Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Conrad 'Fiskness, Sally deLancey, Gladys MCCary, Bob Fayfield. " Members Absent: Dave Wilson, Dents Stedman Visitors: Adolph Tessness, Steve Wolf, Eugene Coulter. Members of the Boat Committee: Richard Rossing, Jim Jason, Fritz Coulter, Art Everson, Dorothy Gale, Karen Peterson, Per Jacobson, Al Olsonv Carl Severson. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch. MINUTES: Sally deLancey moved to correct the Minutes of May 18, 1971, Page 1 as follows: insert t'No" between more and parking. Should read "More no parking signs". Seconded by Gladys MCCary. Motion carried. COMMITTEE TO STijDY MOTORS ON VILLAGE LAKES: Objectives discussed by Arnie Weimerskircho Discussion by Boat Committee. "Karen Peterson brought up the discrepancy of size figures of Village lakes and the ones of the Minnesota Division of Game and Fish Research as considerable. Committee met in the Village Hall base- ment. for organizat.ional meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE: Report delayed because members are all out of town. PRESTIGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: Discussion of map plan by Adolph Tessness, Steve Wolf and the Park and Recreation Commission. Out concern is access to larger" play area for servicing - general use - parking? walking park? We are concerned as to whether or not proposed recreational area is sufficient to service potential population. We endorse the concept of maintaining the "valley area" in its natural state as non-dedicated property~ We desire further discussion as to ownership. SUMMER RECREATION: Discussion" on problems in discipline. Some complaints on schedule changes but generally in good working order. Park and Recreation recommends, in the future, that we appoint the Recreation Director subject to Council approval and that he in turn recruit and hire co-workers. Director will follow Village Personnel POlicy. Request Mr. Tessness send us current personnel hiring policy. ~ Page 2 PARK AND RECREATION MEETING June 15, 1971 LAKE ANN: Mowinq and willow qrowth project not. on schedule. { Request Mr. Tessness speak to Maintenance Dept. about mowing Minnewashta Heights area with flail mower. MISCELLANEOUS: Sally deLancey requests if Village has not to order conservation maps of our Villaqe. Sally will check Anne Neils to see if maps have been ordered. .....,I ...,." ...,." (I"*' (,-.. (I"" . PARK AND RECREATION MEETING June 15, 1971 page 3 MISCELLANEOUS (contd): Bob Fayfie1d requests that teen repre- sentative come on Lake Ann tour.in interest of better communications. Park and Recreation request at least one Councilman attend the Park and Recreation Meeting. July 8,. 1971 - interview with two planners - please attend. Conrad Fiskness moved to adjourn at 11:50 p.m. Seconded by Gladys MCCary. Motion carried. Gladys Mc Cary