PRC 1971 07 06
July 6, 1971 - 9:15 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Ball
Members Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Gladys McCary, Bob Fayfie1d,
Sally deLancey, Dave Wilson, Conrad Fiskness.
Members Absent: Denis Stedman.
Visitors: Paul Fjare, Adolph Tessness, Steve Wolf, Al Klingelhutz.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch.
MINUT~S: Conrad Fiskness moved and Bob Fayfield seconded that the
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes of June 1, 1971, June 7, 1971
and June 15, 1911, be approved. The June .15'~ 1971, minutes with
the fOllowing amendment: .
Page 2, PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - Ted Garvais not Ted Jarrs.
Motion carried.
LAKE ANN PARK: Next Monday, July 12, 1971, Park Planner, Jerry Pirkal
and ',thekpark contractor will be present at the Council Meeting. All
Park and Recreation Commission members should attend.
Dave Wilson reported that the Lyons Club plans for Lake Ann Park are
indefinite at this time.
Adolph Tessness gave a report on the slip lane, stating that he feels
we can get the State Highway Dept. to put it in when they have some
~ other work in this area. The Village will not put this slip lane in.
Adolph Tessness reported that he has talked to Mr. Ladner of Northern
States Power and they will contribute wood chips. They will also
haul and dump the chips by the barn. They will also be giving us
.e1ectrica1 poles as soon as possible.
,.~, Adolph Tessness contacted ,Jack Gill, inspector for the Metro Inter-
~. ceptor project, and we will be getting 3 foot or large culverts and
the tops of pilings, 3 to 6 feet long. We will have to haul them
ourselves. We are setting up a time for pick up. Pi1.ings (approx-
imately 200 to 300) will be used for steps or along trails.
Arnie We~merskirch reported that there are 4 O.E.O. (Office of
ECOnomic Opportunity) boys working on the park site, with Bill
aellendrung supervising.
AdOlph Tessness has contacted the Chicago, Northwestern Railroad
about railroad ties and they will be replacing approximately 7,000
raili:oad ties when they start tearing up track, but we must haul
them. .
PARK EQUIPMENT & PLANS: Sally deLancey gave a report on things that
shQuld be done before opening Lake Ann Park:
~. General maintenance that will have to be done before opening..
2. Decision on type/s of steps.
3. Decision on equipment needed.
4. Borchure on Lake Ann Park for opening.
5. Regulations.
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6. Trash cans.
7 0 Aquazimes.
8. Don Slathar. is checkinq on redwood.
9. Picnic tables - Decision on rough cedar or fiberglass must
be made.
10. Bike racks needed.
11. Steps and ramp to get down to lake.
12. SigDs - General feeling was that routed signs are bet.ter
than metal signs. Conrad stated he would do as much as
he could and can get a lettering guide for approximately
$10.00.. .
Administrator to ask the Highway Department to put up signs
"Lake Ann Park", one on each side of Hwy. 5 going east and
Some suggested signs were:
a. Rustic sign "Lake Ann Park - Village of Chanhassen -
HOurs to be open".
b. nparking Straiqht Ahead"
c. "Beach and Picnic parking"
d. "Beach and Picnic Area"
Paul Fjare and Conrad Fiskness to work on symbols instead .~
of word signs.
13. Split wood rail entry fence 4 or 5 sections on each side of
entrance road. Someone to check with the Jaycee's for
14. Chain off maintenance road from main road.
15. Chain for the main road for when the park is closed.
16. Make sure snow fence is put up on both sides of park property.
17. Divider by Mrs. Welter's property near the house. Plants
A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seConded by Conrad Fiskness
to go ahead and plan on a split rail fence at the entrance to the
Park. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Arnie Wiemerskirch and seconded by conra~ Piskness
that the Administrator investigate placing a split rail fenere/or some
physical barrier between the Welter property and the park 1*operty
and report back at the next Park and Recreation Commission Meeting.
. Motion carried. .
LAKE ANN BEACH AREA: The Park and Recreation recommends that Ray
Brenden come and backhoe the beach area and haul out. Maintenance
Superintendent will clean out and haul sand. The O.E.O. boys can
clean out rocks and debris and spread sand.
" .
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BROCHURE ON LARE ANN PARK: Adolph Tessness w1l1 research printing
of ~ ~rochureon the Park with graphics.
JAYCEES WALKATHONE: . The Jaycees are hoping to sponser a walkathone
to Lake Ann Park and draw 1,000 people. If this works out they will
set aside approximately $3,500. for miscellaneous equipment which
will be donated to the Villaqe.
DRAINAGE SWALE - LAKE" ANN PARK: Adolph Tessness reported that Brauer
is reoommendinq a drainaqe swale at a cost increase of $883.71.
A mot.ion wa.s made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Sally deLancey
to recommendtthe approval of the change order for $883.71 for a
drainage swale at t.he Lake Ann Park. Mot.ion carried.
. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE: Arnie weimerskirch suqqested the Park and
Recreation Commission defer aot.ion Dick Pearson can be present.
CARVER BEACH: Baokstop. and fence are up and volunteers have
been digqing up taJtks (weiLl tanks), cuttinq them in half and
filling them up. The sandbba,' needs to be fixed up andral1-
road ties are qOing to be used around the sandbox. The Main-
tenance Department will haul ties.
CARVER BEACH" BEACH AREA: The beach area is ready for qradlng
ana dumpinq of sand. Railroad ties will be placed along the
parking area.
WELL SITE f 2: The Park and Recreation Commission has discussed
this area development with the neiqhborhood and the neiqhbors
do not want any development at this time.
VILLAGE HALL SITE: The ~ackstops are up and the school has done
some grading which makes the ballfields larger. .
TREATMENT PLANT SITE: Conrad Fiskness to meet with Bob Mason
and report back at the next meeting.
MINNEWASBTA HEIGHTS LOTS: Nothing has been done yet. Bob Fay-
field will check on the price of the 4th lot.
Bill Hellendrung has been hired to supervise the o. E. o. boys, under
Section 4-431 - Site Development in the Budget.
BUDGETS: Adolph 'l'essness report.ed that the deadline for the BUdget
from Committee is July 31, 1971and Adolph to submit to the Council
[,"" on August 15, 1971. Final approval on October 10, 1971.
ArnieWe1merskirch stated he will shoot for a preliminary Budget on
July 15, 1971.
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<"; ~ ,-';,0." '
i. Work. on Mlnnewashta Lots.
2. Lake Ann Park - 3 ball diamonds and tennis courts.
SOMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Reconmendation for next years pxogra3.
1. D&f1n1te proqrams and times before star1:ing.
2. Attendance sbould be taken daily.
3. Only qualified personnel will be hired.
PRESTIGE DEVELOPMENT CORP.: Arnie Weimerskirch referred to
Council Minutes of June 21# ,1971, arid Russ Larson' s final
draft of Prestige's agreement: .to dedicate a ravine to the
Village. . -.._~-\
for dedioation U. as folloWs:
Leqal problems with easementis across private property.
The Park and Reoreation Commission has with
dedication now whereas later it would be much harder
to obtain a dedioation is the Commission deoided they
wanted this space open.
Conrad Fiskness felt that this was not a crucial point at this
time .
reported 1:hat. this year ~e National Park and Recreation Congress
will be held in Houston, Texas,. October 19-22, 1971, and
suggested that the Park and Recreation members be thinking about
sending one member as a represen:tative.
ORGANIZATION: Arnie .We1merskirch suggested t:hE. .followinq:
1. Have one member of the Park and Recreation Ccmmission
be in charge of eaoh project instead taking
care of the s~ thinq.
2. Arnie Weimerskirch and ConradPiskness - Budqet
Gladys MCCary - Summer Recreation
Sally deLancey - Lake Ann Park
Dave Wilson - Carver Beach
Bob Payfield - Youth and Minnewashta Area
A.RlO'tionwas made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Dave Wilson to
:adjourn.a't 11:45 p.m. Mo'tion carried.. .
Respectfully SUbmitted,
Fran Clark