PRC 1971 07 20
;~ July 20, 1971 - 8:00 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members Present: Conrad Fiskness, Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfield,
Denis Stedman. Arnold Weimerskirch arrived at 9:05 p.m.
Members Absent: Gladys l4cCary, Dave Wilson
Visitors: Craig Shu1stad, Adolph Tessness, Steve Wolf
The meeti~g was called to order by Acting Chairman, Conrad Fisknessa
MJ:NUTES: A motion was made by Bob Fayfie1d and seconded 'py Conrad
Fiskness to approve the Park and Recreation Commission Minutes of
July 6, 1971, with the following additions and amendments:
ADDITION: Page 1, Prior to the meeting the Park and Recreation
Commission visited the Lake Ann Park site.
AMENDMENT: Page 3, NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, Minnewashta Heights Lots:
change the word price to status.
Denis Stedman - School and Village Hall recreation
Conrad Fiskness - Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed
District and Chanhassen Estates Park.
Motion carried.
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE: Craig Shulstad was present, representing
the Environmental Committee. Conrad Fiskness read the report from
the Envixonmen~a1 Committee and the report on Solid Waste studied
by Craig Shulstad. (Both are attached).
Mr. Shu1stad explained that he did the study on solid waste, Dick
Pearson did the study on air po11u~ion and Hibbert Hill the study
on water pOllution.
Steve Wolf commented that he did not think we should become involved
with air pollution as the P.C.A. has its Rules & Regulations and the
proposed Solid Waste Ordinance does cover air pollution (no burning)
and garbage collection. He hopes we can go ahead with the re-
cycling project.
Sally deLancey moved and Bob Fayfield seconded that the Park and
Recreation Commission accept the report from the Environmental
Committee and defer any further action until a-report can be ob-
tained from the Lake Study Committee. Motion carried.
The Park and Recreation Commission wishes to thank the Environmental
Committee for their efforts.
Adolph Tessness will supply the Park and Recreation Commission with
copies of the proposed Solid Waste Ordinance as soon as possible.
Arnie Weimerskirch arrived.
page 2
LAKE ANN PROGRESS REPORT: Adolph Tessness reported the following: ....",
1. That he has talked to both Brauer & Associates and Park
Construction they are going to go over the status of
the project and work out an agreement on work days.
2. The O.E.O. boys have mowed and hauled out high grass and
debris and will be installing the drain tile this week.
3. That he has talked to N.S.P. on the chips and posts and
the railroad on the ties and we will get these things
as soon as they are available.
4. Adolph is checking on various prices of equipment.
It was decided to wait on the design of the entrance until final
grading was completed.
Sally deLancey suggested the O.E.O. boys could start on the steps.
to the beach.
DON BERKEY SKETCH PLAN: Adolph Tessness explained what the Planning
commission had done and that before a final decision was made they
would like to bave the Park and Recreation commission is comments.
There was discussion on Lots 1 and 2 being additional play area,
beach, etc., in addition to 'the Outlot.
Steve WOlf read the Planning Commission Minutes of July 13, 1971,
in regard to this:
"The plan presented has not been changed since the June 8
meeting. The Chairman reminisi the members that they should
be thinking about purely land usage. Mr. Berkey has requested
R-l single family zoning on southeasterly portion of plan
and R-3 multiple zoning on the westerly portion.
Jim Mielke stated the surrounding area is single family and
feels townhouses do not fit in this particulal:' area. Would
favor keeping it single family.
A motion was made by Tom Gabbert and seconded by Ward Passe
to recoumend the developer, Mr. Berkey, change his request
for zoning of the 22.5 acres locat~d between.State Highway
7 and County Road 15 bordering Pleasant Acres including 350
feet of lakeshore be changed to a request for P-l zoning as
delineated in the proposed Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance with
a macimum of 2.8 units per acre density and that the developer
contact the Park and Recreation Commission in regard to access
to the lake, walkways, greenways, and any covenants that he
may have had in mind in regard to the lots in his development
and get the Park and Recreation Commission's comments, par-
ticulary on Lots land 2 and the Outlot to the north of these
lots. When this is done, he may present this proposal t.o the
Planning Commission as a modified sketch plan. Motion carried.
page 3
DON BERKEY SKETCH PLAN (contd): Bob Fayfield will contact the
Boat Committee and get their recommendations. He will also
contact Mr. Berkey on a fact finding mission.
CHANHASSEN ESTATES 2ND ADDITION: Conrad reported talking to
Bob Mason and Mr. Mason expressed concern that nothing would
be done to make a park on Outlot B after he has gone to con-
siderable expense to fill this outlot. Outlots Band Care
to be dedicated.
There was a discussion on what should be put on these Outlots
and a ballfield and tot lot were considered. Conrad will get
the residents of Chanhassen Estates opinions and suggestions
and will report back.
BUDGETS: The Commission discussed their plans for 1972. Conrad
Fiskness and Arnie Weimerskirch will be working on this for the
next me~ting.
PARK CONCEPT: The following was discussed:
1. Development of Lake Ann Park~ This park emphasizes
recreation for the entire family with a wide range of
activities for all ages.
2. Develope a system of neighborhood parks. The aim
here is to prnvide play areas for children in the age
group of roughly 6 - 12 years old. Our idea is that
Ultimately every child in that age group should have a
play area available within walking or bicycling dis-
tance without crossing any major highways. Basically
these would be just flat plots of ground with a min-
imum of equipment so that maintenance costs are kept
down. lihere terrain permits, these areas should in-
clude a hill for sliding in winter.
3~ Provide a corridor system of open land strips following
natural drainage ways and flood plains. These areas
would be left in their natural state, undeveloped with
essentially no maintenance required.
4. Encourage developers to look into recreation facii:ities
when developing an area.
5. Have guidelines for park development.
FEDERAL FUNDS: Sally deLancey to pursue how we can get federal
funding for Lake Ann Park.
to contact Adolph Tessness
Brenden not completing
This should be graded down
VILLAGE HALL SITE: Arnie lrJeimerskirch
about Schoell & Madson's letter on Ray
the seeding at the Village Hall Site.
fine before seeding.
STUDY COMMITTE: Steve Wolf referred to the Council Minutes of
June 14, 1921, when the Council set up two committees, one
for the Business District and one for Carver Beach and Red Cedar
Point. These committees to survey these areas and the needs
in the ensuing years. Denis Stedman volunteered to serve on
the Business District Committee and Bob Fayfield volunteered to
__- l<
STUDY COMMITTEE (contd): serve on the Red Cedar Point & Carver ...",.
Beach Committee.
A motion was made by Bob Fayfield and seconded by Arnold Weimerskirch
to adjourn. Motion carried.
Fran Clark
The Arlvisory Committee as requested by the Park and
Recreation Commisston has cOrhsideTSd the village environmental
status and reports the following:
Areas ot Conside:ratlon~
Both the state and f~de~al gov~rnment ar~ working to
establish standards and enfoJrc1!mant policies4 There is still
a great de~_ of confu~ion as to what these standards are and
vill be in the next few yaRra. Your committae feels that the
problem should not be compounded by' addi tiona~ village regu-
lations. In the next 5 to 10 years pollution problems
I ,....
can no doubt be handled by requestin.g lJ'ionltorlng aJld enforce-
ment by the Minnesota Air Pollution ~bntrol Agency.
i ,....
Pr~sent sewage disposal plans of trIa Metro Ccu.ncil are
being augmented as fast as can be expected and probably
financed. 'rhe excellent work an(J cooperation of' the
in this area should be continued. Current viJ.laire regulations
controlling private sewage systems should be enforc€~ and
probably strengthened. One of the top assets of the VD.lage
is the combination of lakes and waterways. Top priority
should be given to preserving and improving 'these valuable
areas. Tho village 1s to be cQmmend~d for t.he ban of powered
boats on Lake Ann" Add! t1ona,1 contr'oli11 taay well be required
on other lak$' #
The very serious problem or solid waste disposal within
the Village cannot be deterred much longer. If the county
will not handle the problem, the Village should make adequate
See, s"pecial report 0
A permanent env1ronmental advisory co~mlttee of about
seve:} members should re formed.. At least one member of the
commltteo shoul" also he associated with one of the local
'Watershed froups. Tr.€ comrl1. ttee should be a "vatchdog" rather
than an enforcement group" I!' should be concerned a'jout all
envl1"'onmental oroblens and rBport to the council anti be
responsible to it"
\ "...
The disposal of household !;ol hi \i:.a:~t~!3 -~ namely paperp metal cans (!\nd
9h!~;j, .,;.0rd:~!n;~:t$"'J ICOf1$tttut~t; ~11 emdron';i'i;to01it1!!;i
~; i::~g
1d lfh;iH"t
pfopOrU(;.IY$. J f ,for examp ~~" Mer. t,)f ChI\li<\h~duem'~ Hv~ th()~~San4
residents 1$ r~spoiisibje for )~ !,dogle \,,<'lste metal can each day,
reS~,jft ~~ f~$V:et' !
~ utlO l~ ~.'-\~a\~JaY' C~'f~~ r ~l
\1 r~ ~ ~~~ ~ li;:~ ;$~' :n'g1 ~ veiJ~" ~
Mal1Y erw~rormvmLtJll !'St$ propose that retyd tilg -- 1,,12. ~ n~Pl'oces51ng fcw
re~f~ '!!" ~..
t'~.:H1'1l, bo t t h;'4\ ~;lid p~p~ f h~ ~J\$ ~)>e~ t way clf IV3!."ltn! r.g HI(''!>~
wastes -from nn i;cologlca1
v ~ ;f~::~f.7 '"
f.,o,i Y 01.\. I ng p~Jr~9r~ph~~ C~ts-t ~~ ';it~~
l r~t
!t; brief ~'Ihat OPj')(.H)~U~:.H:~,~,~ :~)(L;;,1. ror recyc.H119 paper~ ';;',{lii';$,
t t.l t!$
in v ~'~ ;ag(1 c2f CnanhaSSi~H''':~:<
The potMthd f(~r conecting Wfl/SLe. pa~er for recycling purposes h
ClJrrantly mln
f' "
!t, If:!5~enot: tJd:* It Dec~m~~ j;,h~~,r~ ~~, mtH',t' ~uppty than
t:h ~{~ 'ttZi:~':!,r~~.tpp ~Ya. ftlcy,:"a }og p~p~~"
C(Jiti~}.tirdes curnently cannot use or w1;1 i!i<.:H:: buy waste paper irom t'f$t)'d log
drh(e~ or any othet 'Source.
l~E 'r ~:!:,_f~,tr\
Unlike p~per~ ther~ 15 ~ ma
&'<':'\'*'1) :;1,~tltri, X1?1t ~crap de;:jd~r~ 1 ht~<<;\
1~ n
~1i~' J; .~
~: k l~~'1 ~ ~2'~~.~r~ {l,~,~~t:,
tJr; ; 'V ,~~
Y:e !f {~i
f e'd. rIOl,~!~Vt'H~ ~
~~, ~ ~~ '~'/~} t .''0 ~ p.
.'), f' ~hlf[',imt':~ !#md !';t~;eO ean$. Th0se
t i~
cieai,j< t~:
$0 mO~H\'f ~j$ Ci t)uiJ~ h~~l!ilrvice ge"tur~ 6ori' ftiCIik,:;;j h.d~ <;j,t
}J :t':Ci' f' _ "
1<1>1 2. ~
Sane obstacles .standl" the W;,\ly of the. cot Je~-;'dotl and recycl ing of used
can.s and other scrap metCf L tQimlJil ity sponsored collections freque.ntl y
Meet tA/ith ten tnll>11 .antldpi~ted ~!JCC~$~ bee;ause used .;iiln$ lilU~t be
properly prepared for recyei lngA Cams must be washed clean and flattened.
Th~y must also be separated according to type of metal. e.g.. alunlmun
r r{)ffi I t~('i 1 J ~tc ~
!!L~;S s
G!~$1!1 r:epresents th~ b<ast opportonHy for recycling l!icttv'ty~ to
(J'HH~h~~tr~a~ in ;:"!!lird(;l.i~at , gl~1S$ re:eYl::f tog appeers to be ror~ fessrb19 than
metal lrtr paper beca\,'~e .of Chann.9!Uerll~ ~;.rc~dmH:y to a 9h~$ redel'1\'lptlol"i
Genter, Tht: t'lidlam~ Gl~u Ccmpi'iny of $hakc,,~~~~ will buy glass for recyclIng
fII.H"'p~i!>~$ ~t th~ If'6tt'li {If l\: plir' p,:.:;,,\,n'&. CurF'!:t!"itly l}% {~f Mldbndl$ ghn
production CQl'lsh.u of recy,chtd iilSi~u~ nH~~t reiCY1~11ng pl"(lducthm capacity ...;
h thi.rty tor!~ pftr .;b~'fd Th!!$ ..~U\ir~;1. 411 GootitWOU$ market for 9.ul$d glan.
In the ~Vl!nt that .en on 90109 giass {'ecYIC.11~\19 prt1'J~~t could be S'at up !~
t.he Vi t lltige of Ct~&i:nh~u~l"!~
Like M'UlII eoihlleU~lf d~ ~H~~U\,)n ~f ~~Cl;~j t'>ll'Il a ~Utrll'ny havel preStnts
$ome vh5ta~les. They Jnctude:
'. '" t
$ . ~~.lli!.r..~.!.:_S:~.
C~DS$ Must be sorted accor~~ng to ~oior. Mfdland will
/Accept li!;Hh~t d4!iJ!ftU brCi\4l'l tOi!.H'i1& ,~'(l~$~~ l;;yt f\oi; gr~en"
2. f'repara,ti..2!.\' ~hssm~J:H be fre~ of.~~! m""tai, 5~1".h 8S !tds, cap$~ and
l;h\t.~hi\.N,~ r.h':9:> 'h~l"i1:c.rew-Oil i::..4SpS. ~,ttie$ I.~ed ($<tl; be elMft", ~H"'~$
;;;an' he \tine, I ~ or >:; rVi~h~d"
'-~ l ~ - ~ ,0 ,;; . !
i~u...::J!!LUf!L i..i.iJa!l.tI1:. n'SS.
~;'W ~,.; n i'lCt ltCCilpt 9~"SS tr\ .quantltles WeIghIng
,", j ~.
( ",.....
leu than one ton.
fjI(I("i!i$ th~r~ (i-i1;>e tort" )
(A P t ck-up truck i oad of 9 'j ass usua i 1"l "Ie! ghs
4~ Jranspor:.!,,,, Glass must be del ivered to Midli'tnd!s plant e.sst :S:Jr Shakopee.
O~llveries must be accompanied by ~ ~j9ht siip~
1!i~!...JE1Y!. Th</) CClmftlttee rl&c~nds tha!: 'no large ~~1f} c..oHecttm of
~olld wa$t~$ for r~cyelfng purpos~$ be yndert.ken by the Village untIl lt~
fe.tUj~hn a'f ?l~~ b\e.en ltlIilSIY'.oo$tn~ted >t)1l'> ~ri ~pM~I~I~ntal b.w.t"'h.
~n the ~hort fUrl. the tQfmJtte~ SI.l99~$h ~:'hat <1m G$:nperiment~lco~ !ecth:m
~fldi reeye! h~g ~li"OJt1l';;t b~ ?td ttiitf:\d ~don9 th~ ~tjwiri~ 1 V\"l(~;!';
i. .ije)$!hborh~~,~ Recyd i'ng proJects ~ho..,ld
~ fi ~ t ~ a ,~d on oe 1 ghborh{X7d
lev~.l$,* e{t'9~ t Sunri$~ H~'~ ~$ (,r ~,~~~~fi~<jL~tHIf.i~i'en t$.t~tt'~,~
h jAil n
th>!< VB lage to 9l!.\U~~ the (l~9re~
Sot~rest In thlj aet!vl
2. Vcdunt!ifY s.p.ori~2!:!!:t!,Q' 'fh~ ~in~Ji:;~~.t::lS $h{)u'4(1 ~lQt b~ ~t"'[.llH:1i,~~r'ed
Vin4'll9~ !:Hlt by Vrnage r_~ddent~;, m.'fJq th~ ~./~{:OOit$. Jl!Y~~jj}~ i~tr;;;,.
The volunteering groups wou.d h~ve r~$pon~ibilty for t~ projects,
tncludfng any profIt (or l~$$) 'nvolv~d~
3~ ~~,lfl!~~ Suff~cl~nt
Uc.Hy ;~~i\.)l,JlifZ b~ giv@fl th~ proj~etwen i!\trJ;';)lJgh
in ~dV~h~~ to rn~~~ ~~~ht1t~e~ eoli~cted wort.~81~v
4. ~o11ected t t~.. Aw. ~ f J !,,;$\t: ;\l;tep. H: h ;lHAS1~$t~d that only 918$$ b~
CQn~ctt'td" ~f h\~tfai eXr~~rhii~!lt$ ar~ $uccessfut t CIi;H;~i ,,)r p~per is:l'm b~
@dded t~ the ~I~t of c~it~ct~@ lt~~.
u:ms 'rEIU~. $~lJ1d inag~] ~:Hf)rt~ l,:!;jl c:<oll~l1.:,t ~IM~ rfJ(;.yd~ ~ol hi wa!tes ~n th~
--...... -
vn 1"g~ h~ ,jijue(';essf~l ~ th~t1 H:i~ th~ r~t:ornrr~i''l(:lt!Hj~::'r~ ('.f th'Ji; CQj;m~\(t~~ thi;~t "h~
Vi' ~age c<:>r;,,!! ki~r ~);t;li, to ii!,n'l~(>:cJrag~ fiod tlct
Y $upport such ~etivity on ~
~u$tatnln9 bas,~~