PRC 1971 08 17
August 17, 1971 - 8 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Bob Fayfield, Dave Wilson,
Denis Stedman, Sally deLancey, Gladys McCary
Absent: Conrad Fiskness
GUests: James Shermock, Adolph Tessness
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold
MINUTES: A motion was made by Bob Fayfield and seconded by
Glady McCary that the minutes of the meeting August 3, 1971, be
approved. Motion carried.
SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Jim Shermock, the Summer Recreation
Director, was present to give a review of the Summer Recreation
The following are programs that Mr. Shermock recommended be
continued next year:
1. Softball
2. T-Ball
3. Indoor hockey
4. Little Theater
5. Tumbling and Modern Dance conbined
6. Arts and Crafts.
7. Golf, if it can be worked in conjunction with some
lessons being taught at a golf course.
8. Encourage a story time period for the younger children.
Mr. Shermock recommended that next years program also include
babysitting lessons. Also field trips, such as to the Hennepin
County Park, etc.
Archery did not seem to be a popular program.
Recommendations for personnel by Mr. Shermock were as follows:
1. One Director
2. One full time person for arts and crafts.
3. All others be hired on an hourly basis to instruct their
specific program.
Mr. Shermock reported that there were approximately 100 children per
day attending the Summer Recreation Program.
( ,... ,
Day Camp: Twenty-two persons signed up for this program.
LAKE ANN PARK: A report was given, by the Administrator, as to
the status of construction at the Lake Ann Park.
Tennis Courts: Adolph Tessness checked with Jerry Pirkl,
of Brauer & Assoc., and Pirkl estimated that an average
tennis court would cost approximately $8,000.
LAKE ANN PARK (contd):
Walkathene: Sally deLancey reported that the Jaycees are
planning the Walkathone, to Lake Ann Park, for Saturday,
September 25, 1971.;...This could be changed to the 26th
if the weathervinclement. .
CHANHASSEN ESTATES PARK: Chairman,Weimerskirch presented a
concept park plan forChanhassen Estates and explained that
Conrad Fiskness had discussed the park plan with a number of
the residents in Chanhassen Estates.
A motion was made by Bob Fayfield and seconded by Denis Stedman
to accept the Chanhassen Estates concept park plan. Motion.
RICE MARSH LAKE: Arnold Weimerskirch reported that he has
discussed the possibility of banning motor boats from Rice
Marsh Lake with Eden Prairie and they were very receptive.
BUDGET: There was general discussion on the Budget and a
preliminary draft was submitted to the Administrator.
ORDINANCE #14: Arnold Weimerskirch and Bob Fayfield were
appointed to represent the Park and Recreation Commission on
the committee to study Ordinance #14.
August 31, 1971, at 7:00 p.m. will be an optional meeting to tour
all the Village park sites.
A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Denis Stedman
to adjourn. Motion carried.
TIME: 10:35 p.m.
Adolph Tessness
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