PRC 1971 09 07 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES ~ September 7, 1971 - 8:00 p.m. Chanhassen, Minnesota, Village Hall Members Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Sally deLancey, Gladys McCary, Dave Wilson and Conrad Fiskness Absent: Bob Fayfie1d and Denis Stedman Visitors: Steve Wolf, A1 K1inge1hutz and Adolph Tessness The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch. MINUTES: A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Dave Wilson to approve the minutes of the meeting August 17, 1971, with the following amendment: RICE~SH LAKE: Arnold Weimerskirch reported that Conrad Fiskness discussed this with Eden Prairie. Motion carried. OPEN SPACE CONCEPT: There was discussion on the open space concept. Adolph Tessness explained the new revised guide plan. c,-. The Park and Recreation Commission generally agree with the park green area on the guide plan and the park corridors. ORDINANCE 14: The committee to study the revision of Ordinance #14 will meet on September 14,1971, at 7:00 p.m., in the Chanhassen Village Hall. LAKE ANN PARK: Progress: Adolph Tessness reported that the delay on blacktopping the road in the park was that they were waiting for compaction tests. Brauer has suggested planting areas within the park with certain types of grass that do not need much mowing or maintenance, Adolph reported. Adolph Tessness suggested removing some of the trees on the west side of the shed because they are right up next to the shed and it is ruining the roof and foundation. More sand is needed on the beach and the sod should be evened out at the edge of the beach. Tennis Courts: Conrad Fiskness gave a report on Flintcoat tennis courts. I ".... Robert Scholer said he might be able to get the tencing for the court for a nominal fee. ,A,c3,o:J.,phTeSl:meSs will . gO and :J.,ook at the fencing and report baok. '" PARR AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - September 7, 1971 page 2 (" :: LAKE ANN PARK (contd): Tennis Courts (contd): A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Sally deLancey to paint the white lines on the parking lot and possible use Mr. Scholer's fence. Motion carried. ....-I WINTER RECREATION: There was general discussion bh the Winter Recreation Program and the selection of a director. Sally deLancy made a motion and Dave Wilson seconded to ask Ron Mielke to handle the Winter Recreation Program. Al Klingelhutz suggested Ken pung had expressed a desire to work with the Park and Recreation Program and the Commission should ask him about working with the Winter Program. Dave Wilson withdrew his second and Sally deLancy withdrew her motion. Arnold Weimerskirch will contact Ken pung and see if he is interested. BUDGET: The Commission made revisions on their proposed budget. ( Gladys McCary moved and Dave Wilson seconded to submit the revised Budget for Council review. Motion' carried. ..J NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: Chanhassen Estates: Adolph Tessness talked to Bob Mason and he plans to get the dirt down their and we will seed this fall if possible. Adolph is getting the Engineer's estimate for putting water down to the Chanhassen Estates Park site. NATIONAL CONVENTION: A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Dave Wilson to ask the Council to approve $350. in expenses if Conrad Fiskness is willing to go the the National Convention for Recreation and Parks in Houstan, ~exas. Motion carried. A motion was made by Dave Wilson and seconded by Gladys McCary to .adjourn. Motion carried. TIME: 11 : 15 p. ffi.. Fran Clark Secretary ....,I