PRC 1971 09 21 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES {~ sehPtehmber 21~111971 - 811:00 p.m. · C an assen V1 age Ha Members Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Gladys McCary, Dave Wilson, Conrad Fiskness, Bob Fayfie1d, Dennis Stedman, Absent: Sally deLancey Visitors: Steve Wolf, Ken pung, Adolph Tessness, A1 K1inge1hutz Chuck The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch. MINUTES: A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Gladys McCary to approve the minutes of the September 7, 1971, meeting. Motion carried. WINTER RECREATION PROGRAM: Ken pung expressed a desire to work with the. evening program. Gladys McCary and the other members of the Commission explained last years Winter Recreation Program to Mr. Pungo Mr. pung will report back two weeks from tonight, on his plans for a winter Recreation Program. Bob Fayfie1d suggested consulting the Youth Group for their recommendations on a program for their winter recreation. (r- Gladys McCary will contact Ron Mielke and ask for his ideas on the Saturday program and will report back at the next meeting. BUDGET: There was general discussion on the Budget. Adolph Tessness was present to explain any changes. Site Development: Adolph Tessness stated that he felt in 1972 there should be a slow up inde7e1opment and a speed up in main- tenance. Summer and Winter Recreation Programs: The majority of the Commission. members felt that these programs should be se1f- supporting because there are only a small number of people using them from other than the main part of the Village this sounds only fair to the taxpayers as a whole. Sally deLancey arrived. LAKE ANN PARK: WALK-A-THON: The Chanhassen Jaycees Wa1k-A-Thon, to be held on Saturday, September 25, 1971, was discussed. PARK EQUIPMENT: The Commission decided the following should be installed at the park in order of preference: 1. Backstops 2. Tennis Court Fence and Nets 3. Picnic Tables (r- CHANHASSEN ESTATES (Neighborhood Park): This site is finish graded and will be disked and seeded this fall. "No Dumping" . signs should be posted. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - September 21, 1971 ( MISCELLANEOUS: P4ANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS: Arnold Weimers~irch suggested that the Park and Recreation Commission have a member attend the Planning Commission Meetings so the two commissions can work closer together on the overall Village planning and park situations. Dave Wilson volunteered to attend the next Planning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Denis S~edman and seconded by Conrad Fiskness to adjourn. Motion carried. ::: :1::~3? Secretary ( (, page 2 ...-I ..., ......,,1