PRC 1971 10 05 r", PARI< AND RECREATION CONMISSION r-uNU'rES October 5, 1971 -- 8 :00 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Members Present: Sally deLancey, Denis Stedman, Gladys McCary Absent: Arnold Weimerskirch, Conrad Fiskness, Dave Wilson and Bob Fayfield ' Visitors: Steve Wolf, Al Klingelhutz, Adolph Tessness, Mayor Coulter, Jim Jasin, Mrs. Kerry Roberts, Ken Pung, Ron Mielke and Robert Fortman. No quorum. Unable to call the meeting to order. The President of the Chanhassen Jaycees, Robert Fortman, was present. He thanked the Park and Recreation Commission for their cooperation in the Walk~A-Thon and presented a facsimile check in the 'amount of $1,250.00 for improvements at the Lake Ann Park. Arnold Weimerskirch arrived at 9~OO p.m. A. quorum being present, 'the meeting '\.vas called to order.by Chairman! Arnold Weimerskirch. (r- MINUTES: A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Denis' Stedman to approve the Minutes of September 21, 1971, with the following amendmen1:: Summer and winter Recreation Programs :. lithe majority of the commission mEmlbers feit that we should work toward a self-supporting progra.'tI. r.lo~c.ion carried. WALK-A-THON: Robert Fortman report.ed "'chat there ,qere approximately 2'50 persons who took part in the walk-a-.thon and t.hat the Jaycees voted to pay $5.00 per person for a total of $1;250.00. The Jayoees would like to meet with the Park and Recreation Co Commission and determine priori,ty i-tems to be purchased for Lake Ann Park. The Jaycees will also be happy to WQ~k with the Park and Recreation Commission on future pt'ojects. WINTER RECREATION PROGRM~: Ken Fung was present to explain his plans for the Winter Recreation Program at the Chanhassen Elementary'school. It was decided tha.t - the program vvould start on November 1, 1971 and run through the month of March, 1972: wi th a t\vO \'leek break during C:hristmas and New Years. Sally deLancey left as,.'she \Vas ill. A quorum was not present, but it was decided to continue to discuss futm:e action. It was decided that Monday nights would be for the teen recreat~on program and Wednesday nights for the adult recreation program. ~,~ ,. Al Klingelhutz arrived~ PARK AND RECREATION CO~4ISSION MINUTES - October 5, 1971 page 2 (. WINTER REC~4TION PROGRAM: (CONTO) -" SATURDAY MORNING PROGRA.t-1: Ron Mielke explained what has been done in the past and recommended that this program start on the 6th of November and stop on December 11, 1971. This program to be run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon every Saturday morning. Mr. Mielke stated that he would run this program for $90.00 salary. LAKE COMMITTEE REPORT: Jim Jasin presented a copy of the Lake Committee's Minu~es. He stated that it is the general concensus of the committee that there is no real problem with boats on lakes in Chanhassen. PARK BUDGET: The Budget was discussed in general and it was felt that the top priority in the Park Budget was the ~ time Park Director. LAKE ANN PARK: Miscellaneous discussion the the park~ ( The Park and Recreation Commission would like to go on record thanking the Administrator and the Village employees for their effort in having the Lake Ann Park in excellent condition for the Walk-a~Thon. -",' A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Denis Stedman to Adjourn. Motion carried. TI~m - 11:05 p.m. Adolph Tessness ......"