PRC 1971 11 02 '. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES November 2, 1971 - 8:00 p.m. ~ Chanhassen Village Hall Members Present: Arnold Weimerskirch, Conrad Fiskness, Dave Wilson, Bob Fayfield, Denis Stedman, Gladys McCary, Sally deLancey Visitors: Adolph Tessness, Ken pung, Bill Hellendrung, Mr. and Mrs. Steve.Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lyman The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch. MINUTES: A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Denis Stedman that the minutes of October 15, 1971 and October 19, 1971, be approved. Motion carried. CaANHASSEN ESTATES: Adolph Tessness updated the Commission on the park site. It was decided to defer ordering any equipment for this site until spring when the seeding is complete. WINTER RECREATION: Winter recreation program for adults will run for 19 weeks at 65~ per adult, per week. Hours will be 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All the equipment needed is available at the school. There was general discussion on the admission price. (,.... A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Denis Stedman to chang~ the admission from 65~ to 50~ per adult, per night. Motion carried. The charge for the Saturday morning children's winter recreation program will be 25~ per child, per week. HOCKEY PROGRAM: Pop machine: A pop machine will be installed in the warming house this year. Warming House: The Park Commission approved the upgrading of the warming house by Bill Hellendrung, if he can come up with the funds. Blower: A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded py Sally deLancey to transfer approximately $700.00 from Summer Recreation (4-432) to General Park Maintenance (4-437) to cover the purchase of a snow blower and request that the Council approve the expenditure. Motion carried. LAKE COMMITTEE STATUS: The Lake Committee will be coloring in density of possible developments on a map. They will be invited to'the Park and Recreation Commission meeting on November 16., 1971, for direction from the Commission. (........... LAKE ANN PARK: Adolph Tessness reported that Brauer is making up a final statement of total cost and their recommendations on what should be done on days not worked. .. PARK AND RECM^'l:'~GN C<;2~;i;~~t~N X~NV'J:~~' ~ N~V~M~:ri 2/~971 ~2~ ( LAKE ANN PARK (contd): status: Blacktop is all ,in. Seeding all done. Mulch is all on. Painted one building. Barrels are all painted except for lettering. Some chips are down. Fence is up. Ordered two large posts from the Arboretum for the sign. """",,' DISTRICT 112 PILOT PROGRAM: Sally deLancey reported that a 2nd grade teacher at Chanhassen Elementary is available to teach a spanish class for $7.50 per hour. She would like a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 students. Two, 1 hour sessions per week at $.50 per session, per child. 4th grade or older. The Park and Recreation Commission will handle all publicity and administration of the program. The program would start in January at the elementary school. VILLAGE PLANNER'S FUNCTION: Design Planning has been chosen as the overall Village Planner. . The Commission should be thinking about projects for the future to ask the planner about. MISCELLANEOUS: -"" TREES: Arnold Weimerskirch reported that Steve Wolf advised the Commission to order trees now in order to have a good selection. There are about 700 trees planted now. It was decided to defer action until the November 16, meeting. RESIGNATIONS: Sally deLancey and Gladys McCary are resigning as of January 1, 1972. A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Conrad Fiskness to adjourn. Motion carried. 10:00 p.m. Fran Clark Secretary .J