PRC 1971 12 07 {I'" PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES December 7, 1971 - 8:00 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Members Present: Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Sally deLancey, Dave Wilson, Bob Fayfield, Arnold Weimerskirqh Absent: Denis Stedman Visitors: Jan Hill, Ron Saunders, Charles Hirts, Ken pung, Fritz Coulter, Bill Hellendrung, Richard Beckstrom (prospective Park and Recreation Commission members); Mrs. Paul O'Dell, Mark O'Dell, Ricky Ricklefs, Steve Wolf, Patty Ryan Conrad Fiskness called the meeting to order and presided until the arrival of Arnold Weimerskirch, Chairman. MINUTES: Bob Fayfield moved that the minutes of the "meeting of November 16, 1971, be approved. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. NEW MEMBERS: Prospective members were given the opportunity to ask questions about the scope of the Park and Recreation Commission's work. Questions were asked after the prospective members received outlines of the Commission's goals and duties. Discussion followed. II"'" , SPECIAL MEETING: There will be a special meeting on December 14, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. to interview those who would like to serve on the Commission. Members agreed to contact prospects. WINTER RECREATION: BASKETBALL: Chuck Hirts reported poor attendance at the Wednesday night sessions. The commission discussed changes in the program and fees necessary. Sally deLancey moved that the winter basketball program be continued starting January 5, 1972, for 8 weeks, at a cost of $2.00. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. Motion carried. SATURDAY PROG~: Attendance Saturday morning was reported to be very good. Sally deLancey moved that the Saturday morning program be continued for 8 weeks, starting January 8, 1972, through February 26, 1972. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. Motion carried. GUITAR LESSONS: Gladys McCary reported that Pat Jenson would be available to give lessons (guitar only) at two classes on Monday's (3:15 to 5:15), at a cost of $12.00 for 8 weeks, if the Chanhassen Elementary School is available. Gladys McCary moved that guitar lessons start on January 3, 1972, contingent on availability of school, and ending February 21, 1972. Arnold Weimerskirch seconded the motion. Motion carried. I~ CERAMICS: The instructor is willing to run another class. ~. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - December 7, 1971 -2- (' t SKATING PROGRAM: Dave Wilson made a motion that Patty Ryan conduct ~ the beginners figure skating class beginning December 28, 1971, on Tuesdays, from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. at $1.00 per session at the hockey' rink. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried. Gladys McCary will contact the newspapers, Mr. MacMillan, Mr. Austin and st. Hubert's School. (Patty Ryan's phone number is 941-2852). HOCKEY: Bill Hellendrung reported that over 100 children are involved. GladyaMcCary moved that the hockey rink be reserved for organized hockey on Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., on Saturday from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m., Sunday from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m., and that a sign reading as follows be posted as the rink. RESERVED FOR HOCKEY Monday through Friday 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. NO HOCKEY ON RECREATIONAL RINK Another sign should be attached to the bottom of this sig~ reading: ( RESERVED SKATING Beginner's Figure Skating Tuesday . Saturday TIMES ..,I 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. Dave Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Upgrading of the rink was discussed. Bill Hellendrung offered to put up light. He reported that the Mrs. Jaycee's will donate some money toward light. Fritz Coulter suggested placing a barrel outside the warming house to contain hockey sticks. PUMP: Dave Wilson reported that the Village may have one. Mrs. Jan Hill will ask about use of her husbands truck. ( LAKE COMMITTEE REPORT: Bob Fayfield met with Lt. Francis Klein and the Committee on November 30, 1971, and reported a summary of their findings. They consider boat safety to be the most severe lake problem and recommend the formation of a Boat Safety Committee to investigate the feasibility of a volunteer citizens water patrol. This patrol is envisioned not as an enforcement patrol, but more as a long term, perpetual boat safety patrol. Francis Klein suggested that the police might hold training sessions in the spring and help with equipment. The new committee might investigate feasibility, personnel, coordinator, man-days required, lakes, etc. J PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - December 7, 1971 -3- t~ LAKE COMMITTEE REPORT (contd): Gladys McCary made a motion that the Boat Study Committee be disbanded, with a letter of thanks. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. Motion carried. Arnold Weimerskirch will write a letter of thanks to the members and suggest that the members contact him if they are interested in further work on safety patrol. Allen Gebhardt, limnologist, has offered lake information. MISCELLANEOUS: Arnold Weimerskirch called the member's attention to the following articles of interest: QUOTE FROM CLEAN-FLO CORPORATION ADVERTISEMENT: "Clean-Flo Corp. has developed a harmless non-poisonous process for removing algae, reducing pH level and reducing odor from lakes and ponds. Algae is virtually eliminated by natural, healthy means, thereby breaking the algae-weed growth cycle. This process is proprietary and can only be performed by Clean-Flo Corp. Weed growth is often greatly reduced." OUOTE FROM MINNEAPOLIS STAR, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1971: "ECOLOGY EFFECTS STUDIED - SNOWMOBILE TESTS INCONCLUSlVE" {".,...... "Dr. Wallas Wanek of Bemediji State College outlined the results of the first years research under a $13,000 funding by the Department of Natural Resources to study the effects of the machines on the ecology." liThe data still is too scanty to be conclusive, he said, and under questioning by members of a Senate-House subcommittee on snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles said another five years of research probably would be required to come up with answers. II liThe subsurface froze much deeper in the areas used by snowmobiles, but strangely even moderate use in heavy snow appeared to result in freezing as deep as in heavy use. Microbes under heavily compacted snow were 100 times fewer than under unpacked snow." "He said that some damage was done to 47 percent of the small trees in area of heavy travel. He also said that one snow- mobile would impact snow as much as travel by 50 men on snow- shoes over the same trail." "..... the proposed changes in snowmobile regulations which were to be presented at a public hearing today." (!""'" "These include limits on engine noise, use of reflector material, registration of machines by deputy registrars, reporting of accidents, and reduction in the age at which youngsters may participate in the safety program." PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - December 7, 1971 -4- ( ..J. TREES: Conrad Fiskness reported that he changed the order for trees, increasing the number of white spruce and decreasing the number of blue spruce. Gladys McCary moved that the meeting be adjourned. Bob Fayfie1d seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Barbara Montgomery Acting Secretary ( ( -" ..J