PRC 1971 12 21 [" V""" PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES December 21, 1971 - 8:00 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Members Present: Gladys McCary, Sally deLancey, Dave Wilson, Denis Stedman, Bob Fayfie1d, Arnold Weimerskirch Absent: Conrad Fiskness The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Arnold Weimerskirch. MINUTES: A motion was made by Dave Wilson and seconded by Bob Fayfie1d to approve the minutes of December 7, 1971. Motion carried. The candidates for Park and Recreation Commission members were interviewed. SKATING RINKS: Mr. Mike Rouleau was present requesting that a skating rink be established on the Bandimere pon on the west side of Highway 101, south of Chanhassen. A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Sally deLancey that a skating rink on the Bandimere property be given top priority and that the Administrator proceed as soon as possible. Motion carried. '" HOCKEY RINK: The hockey rink to be reserved for broomba11 Wednesday nights from 8:00 p.m. on. WESTERN CONCRETE: by Sally deLancey property does not carried. A motion was made by Bob Fayfie1d and seconded that the filling of the low area on the Frontier violate the long range comprehensive plan. Motion Discussion revealed that certain members do not feel that the flushing out of cement trucks is aesthetic1y pleasing or desirable for the central business area. The Commission further recommends that the Council request opinions of the Industrial Commission and the Central Business District Committee. SKATING RINKS: Directives to the Administrator: 1. A skating rink on Lake Minnewashta adjacent to the Minnewashta Shores area be priority #2. 2. A skating rink on Lotus Lake adjacent to the mini beach be priority #3. NEW,MEMBERS: A motion was made by Bob Faytield and seconQeQ ~y ~~~~; ~f~~m~~ ~~~ommending that the Council appoint Jan Hill and M . Park and Recreation Commission on January 3, 1971. otl.on carried. (!"'" A motion was made b S 11 yay deLancey and seconded by Bob Fayfield reco~ending that the Coun~il appoint Fritz Coulter to an Environmental Comml.ttee or Commission whl.chever the Council desires to form. Motion carried. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - l2~21-7l -2- ( Let the minutes reflect that Richard Beckstrom also desires to -' serve' on the Environmental Committee or Commission. A motion was made by GladysbbCary to ajdourn. Motion carried. And seconded by Denis Stedman . TIME - 11:25 p.m.~ Adolph Tesssness ,,' { -' ( ...-I