PRC 1970 01 06 ..,.... PARK AND RECREATION - JANUARY 6, 1970 The Park and Recreation Commission met on January 6, 1910, in the Chanhassen Village Hall at 8:00 p.m. 'The following members were present: Steve Wolf, Harvey Will, Gladys McCary, Conrad Fiskness, Don Slathar, and Arnold Weimerskirch. Sally deLancey was absent. BILLS: A motion was made by Steve Wolf and seoonded by Arnold Weimerskirch to~: recommend that the Council approve the dues for the 1970 membership to the National Park and Recreation in the amount of $50.00. All approved. HOCKEY RINKS: A report from Conrad Fiskness was gi~en: The light poles in the Hockey Rink are in place, but lighting is not completed. The Jaycees will work with children interested in hockey, teaching the basics of hockey, but will not have any competition outside of our own group at this time. The Lions Club will build the goals for the Hockey Rink under the supervision of Conrad Fiskness and Steve Wolf. {,-.. SKATING RINK: The problem of children using the apartments across from the Skating Rink for warming was discussed. The parents will be reached as soon as possible to explain the problem and also the school principals will be reached to relay this message to the children. WINIDER PROGRAM: A report was given by Gladys McCary. The program is estimated to start the week of January 19, 1970. Guitar lessons will be given for 8 weeks, not to exceed 10 students per class, to start on January 24 through March 14, 1970. The cost is Beginners, $10.50 and Advanced Students, $12.50. Volley Ball will be once a week for 8 weeks, on Thursdays from 7:30-9:30. This will start January 22, 1970 and go through March 12, 1970. Ron Mielke will supervise at a fee of $10.00 per e~ening, total cost $80.00. Ceramics Class will start on January 19, 1970 through March 9, 1970. Mr. John Mitchell will conduct classes on Monday evenings from 7:30 until 9:30. This will be a basic course which covers slip casting, glazing, etc. Cost of class is $15.00 for 8 classes. Students must furnish all of their own materials & equipment. Arrangements and publicity will be taken care of by Mrs. McCary and she will coordinate the use:of the school with Mr. McMillen. ~ A motion\;was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Don Slathar to recommend to the Council to approve a cost of $80.00, $10.00 per evening for Ron Mielke for supervision of Volley Ball. All approved. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - Continued - January 6, 1970 MINNEWASHTA LOTS: A report was given by Arnold Weimerskirch. ~ A survey was taken by Jim Merr, who is a resident of Minnewashta Heights, to see how the connnunity would like the lots to be developed..His survey included the following '5 choices: 1. Top Lot Development 2~. Landscape Lease as open space 3. Sports Area 4. Purchase Lots by Citizens 5. Other Choice All citizens were sent this flyer. No surveys were returned. From the results of this survey, this left no aefinate desires of the Minnewashta Heights residents. TheEe will be a meeting of the Minnewashta Heights residents for their annual meeting Sunday, January 11, 6:30 p.m. at the Copper Stein. Arnold Weimerskirch will attend to explain the Park and Recreation position on these lots. I LAWCON: The Administrator reported that he had discussed our LAWQON application with Mr. Clausen, informing the Park and Recreation Commission that no decision had been made at this time and a definate date did not be given at this time. Mr. Clausen also stated that there were other possible applications that may be made if the LAWCON application was denied. SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE: A report was given by Don Slathar. At this time it was felt that more research was needed and would be considered at a letter date. . ..."." TOP OF THE BLUFF COUNTRY CLUB: The Park and Recreation Connnission would like the minutes to reflect that this proposed golf country club sketch plan does not appear to conflict with present Park Plans. The proposed dedication and access to Bluff creek is an essential linkage of our open space corridor. A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Steve Wolf to adjourn. TIME : 10:40 ( .....,