PRC 1970 01 20
20 January 1970
Meeting opened at 8: 10 ai.
Minutes of last two meeting have not yet been typed up ,and distributed by
the Village Administration.
Those present: Harvey Will, Conrad Fiskness, and Gladye McCary
Because of the lack of a quorum, this i5 not an official meeting; however,
the following information wa$ updated.
1. Hocky rink light poles are installed but the lamps are not.
2. Skating rink behind Ed's is 9till causing problems. Apparently the kids
are still using the apartment buildings fo~ a warming house. Harvey to talk
to Bob Phil]pe of the JC's about a warming house and monitoring service.
3. Hocky rink goals are in the making. The Lions Club is building and
purchasing material as required.
4. Adolph assured us that a secretary would be available soon for taking
minutes and seeing that they are typed and distributed.
5. Adolph will contact a member of the Park & Rec to visit Mr. Tom Clauson
lath him concerning the LAWCON fund.
;~ 6. Gladys reported that9 persons enrolled in the cermnics clas8 and that all
is going well.
7. Thur$day PM 22 Jan volley ball ~Qll begin. Ron Mielke will be coach.
8. Guitar le$80n5 start 24 Jan lOAM by Pat Jenson. Number interested not
known at tl:J.~s time. Adolph vJill make arrangements to cpen door for teacher.
9. Publicity on winter programs has been posted about tovffi and flyers have
been and will be distributed in schools on ~an 21.
10. Gladys presented a bill for $3.14 for Insty-Prints for the winter program.
The bill was put off until next meeting.
11. Harvey mentioned that the JC'~ requested assistance of $40 to put on a
Valentine Dance for the teen ager5 on 14 Feb. Those present were in favor
and other members will be called to vote on the matter. If approved, the
council will be called to vote on the proposed requested expenditure.
12. Conrad attended Council meeting 12 Jan to discuse policies and budget;
however, other topics occup~ed the floor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45.
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