PRC 1970 02 17
FEBRUARY 17, 1970 at 8:00 P.M.
Members present: Chairman Harvey Will, Sally deLancey, Conrad
Fiskness, Don Slathar, Steve Wolf.
Members absent: Gladys McCary, Arnold Weimerskirch
Visitors: Eight representatives of the Chanhassen Snowmobile Club
Spokeman - Berg Rodgers, Ralph Kant, Administrator
There were no bills presented. It was suggested that a reminder
be recoraed that time cards must be presented by employees to
obtain payment.
CORRECTED MINUTES: January 6, 1970: Under "Winter Program"
correct to read, "arrangements and publicity will be taken care
of by Mrs. McCary and she will coordinate the use of the school
for the Winter Program with Mr. McMillen. February 3, 1970:
Under "'Senior Citizens" - Another heading "Historical societr".
Mrs. Ralph Thrane will also be invited to the first meeting ~n
March to give reports. A motion was made by Don Slathar and
seconded by Conrad Fiskness to approve the minutes of January
6 and February 3, 1970 with the above corrections. Motion carried.
.. ,....,
CHANHASSEN SNOWMOBILE CLUB: Harvey Will expressed the Commission's
need for advice concerning a Snowmobile Ordinance, or an alternat~ve
such as self-policing. Informal discussions will be conducted be-
tween now and next fall.
The Snowmobile Club stated that it is no problem to police their
own organization. There are State and Federal laws now. Local
police, any ooficial or game warden has the authority to enforce
State law.
They would like to work with farmers in setting up trails. The
fact tha~ farmers are liable for injuries to anyoaeeon their property
has discouraged their cooperation, and is a real problem. It was
questioned whether the Village would have the same liability for
injuries on Park property. They feel that this is more than a local
problem because it involves State Law, and they would appreciate
the help of the Commission investigating. The Commission will check
with Russell Larson, the Village Attorney.
The Snowmobile Club stresses safety, and conducts safety classes.
Ten young people are now watching a course on Channel 2, and will
take a test for safety certification.
The Club would like to work with the Commission on establishing trails,
perhaps as part of a year-round trail program. An overlay map of the
Village was provided, on which they will draw in areas they would like
to use.
Sally deLancey suggested that the Snowmobile Club and ~ap of trails
might be included in a Park and Recreation Winter Brochure for next
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'J;'p-.e $nQWll\opi!l.e Club sucggested a r-ace might be erganized, with
proceeds turned over to the Pat~ and Recreation fund. For this
they would need space for a large, oval track, and help with law ~
enforcement to control crowds and spectators.
COMMUNITY SCHOOL CONCEPT: Ralph Kant advised the Commission that
the School Board has gone on record for supporting the Community
School Concept. They are requesting support in helping to coordinate
all the communities involved. It has been found in other areas that
the Park and Recreation group can serve as catalyts.
Ralph Kant and Rubin Lieske are serving on a committee to discuss
finance, the possibility of hiring a full or part time coordinator
to layout the program and would like a volunteer for this committee
from the Park andRRecreation Commiss'en. As yet no program or goals
have been defined. The Commission agreed to appoint one member.
The Park and Recreation Commission wished to inform the Council that
it will send a representative, Don Slathar, to the Council to discuss
the Community School Concept.
HOCKEY RINK: The lion's Club has donated free goals for the hockey
rink. A note of thanks should be sent. Children are using the rink
a great deal, and doing a good job of turmtng off the lights themselves
Police are checking at 10:00 P.M. Harvey Will suggested that a metal
sign might be made saying "Turn lights off when you leaven.
HOCKEY PROGRAM: Dennis Stedman will be invited to come to the secor~
meeting in March. The Advisory Committee could get people to come .~
and discuss program. No ground rules yest
It was recommended that a set of vests to pullover outer clothing
be purchased, also two sets of goalie equipment.
Gladys McCary was not able to find another helper for hockey.
Adolph Tessness will investigate two lights not working.
Night program: Wednesday and Thursday nights. There is also a
program on Saturday afternoon.
Conrad Fiskness will inspect once or twice a week.
Hen~y Wrase will be invited to the s~cond meeting in March regarding
upgrading and maintenance.
LAWCON: Meeting on Monday, February 23, 1970, at 9:00 A.M. at
the Capitol Square Building in St. Paul to discuss the status of
our application and future applications.
BUDGET REVIEW: Cancelled untiL next meeting.
TREES: The deadline for order of free trees is March 15th. Should
order 1,000. It was suggested that Merv at the U. of M. Landscape
Arboretum should be contacted for advice. ~
VOLLEY BALL: No report. There were 22 registrations, 5 participants,
who did not register.
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LITTLE LEAGUE & LEGION: Harvey Will will keep informed.
NEW CHAIRMAN: Harvey Will has regretfully sent his resingation
to the Mayor. Since all members were not present, election of
a new chairman was postponed.
NEXT MEETING: March 3, 1970 - 8:00 P.M.
The motion to adjourn was made by Conrad Fiskness; seconded by
Sally deLancey. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 P.M.
Barbara Montgomery
Park and Recreation Commission