PRC 1970 03 03
~r --
March 3, 1970 at 8:00 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Sally deLancey, Gladys McCary, Conrad Fiskness,
Don Slathar, Steve Vvolf, Arnold vveimerskirch
Guests: Mrs. Edward Clauson, Fritz Coulter, Bob Fayfield, Leo
Wallad, Bob Scholer
The meeting was called to order by Sally deLancey, Acting Chair-
MINUTES: Conrad Fiskness moved that the minutes of February 17
be approved as read. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. Motion
SENIOR CITIZENS: Helen Clauson, Director, described the activ-
ities of this group of 25, 12 or 14 of whom are active. They
would like more members. OEO will provide funds until April 1,
1971, when it is hoped that the Village will continue fund or
project. An Equipment Fund of t250.00 was allowed this year,
a.nd if granted same amount next year they hope to have major
equipment purchased by the time the Village would take over. A
clothes rack is one of items needed.
Activi ties: Foster grandparents of 15 children at Farlbaul t
State Hospital; monthly noon pot-luck lunch, with guests, movies,
speakers, bingo; tax form serv i ce under ~:3500 inc ome; crafts,
which have provided $100 income from sale; attend other groups.
Future events: March 15-16: Rochester Hobby Show - may share
bus with Victoria; March 28: Ice Follies - bus with Victoria
and Chaska; June (latter part): Third Annual Hobby Show for
Senior Citizens Over 60 at Belle Plaine
Bazaar-Open House: Tentatively planned for May 23. Park and
Recreation Commission will pay for food for all, as was done last
Problems: No serious. Room chilly, drafty. Door has been ordered
to remedy this. Need help in assembling cabinet. Don Slathar
and Conrad Fiskness volunteered to help with this. Need more
drivers - each Thursday noon and again at Lj:30 - 5:00.
PROSPECTIVE I'1:EI-1BERS: Sally deLancey informed the guests that a
vacancy exists on the Park and Recreation Commission. Those
interested in serving as a member were asked to introduce them-
selves, The follbwing visitors explained their interest:
Bob Fayfield, Fritz Coulter, Lee Wallad.
HOCKEY AND \VINTER PROGRAI,I: Conrad Fiskness described progress.
Ee would like to have Dennis Stedman and Henry "{rase come to
the meeting on March 17. 'tJould like to purchase two sets of
goalie equipment. Lighting - fine; - never finished.
Nuch more can be done to get ready in fall. NOH well equipped
to do this; teaching - learning skating and positions; rinks -
now poor, melting; planning - should start this summer for next
fall. Might consider summer use of rink as tennis court?
Planning and Hecreation Commission Minutes - 3/3/70 - page 2
SUMII1ERPROGRAM: Gladys McCary reported that Ron Mielke ,,,ould
expect minimum wage of ~125 a week, or $1000 for 8 weeks. He
feels he could not taxi children from here to Legion field.
Need two girls in Crafts, and should send one (Debbie) to Craft
School (Gager IS, etc.) He would like to see a man or boy and
several volunteers for baseball, so that Chanhassen children
could play. He feels it would be better to have man instructor
for baseball rather than sirl.
The Park and Recreation Commission feels that if Ron Mielke is
hired and this is accepted by Council, he should select his own
staff, with suggestions as to amount to pay them. Volunteer
help should also be used.
Ron Mielke is to be invited to the meeting on Tuesday, March 17.
TOT LOTS: Steve Wolf, Don Slathar and Sally deLancey met on
February 26 for a preliminary discussion. Don Slathar has a
meeting set up with the Park Planner in Minneapolis, and will
report back next time. He will also contact St. Paul, North
Minneapolis, Cedar, Bloomingtn, etc., to ask costs. Goals
should be established. He will try to outline specific equip-
ment needed.
HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: Steve Wolf will contact Anne Neils.
LAY:ICON: Steve Wolf, Don Slathar a..l1d Adolph Tessness met wi th
Tom Clauson of the State Planning Agency Headquarters in St.
Paul on l<'ebruary 23. Chanhassen has received the Agency I s
approval for a grant of <~40,000 for 1970, to apply on an jp80,000 .."",tI
1 and purchase (vlel ter property). Since only :~386, 000 was al-
located fOl" the seven-county -:rvletropoli tan area in 1970, and the
Planning Agency had received applications for;;;3,500,000, Chan-
hassen did well to recei ve ,i~Lj-O, 000. The Village has also appl ied
for $20,000 in Natural Resource Funds. (Prospects are good for
those projects already receiving Federal funds.)
In order to receive further grants from LAWCON and to maintain
high priority in the LAWCON program, it will be necessary to
provide a total concept plan of area in detail, dividing yearly
purchases into phases. If Village expects funding for further
land purchase, it is not possible to go ahead and buy all of
property, even though $250,000 from the sale of bonds is avail-
able. To qualify for LAWCON, land must be held on option only,
with down payment of no more than 10 or 15%. (It is felt that
HUD funoA l,ri 11 be 1-)est ~tt 1'0'>'7 sohool park complexes~
"~ ~,." '~,,- '''' \
On October 15, 1970, another LAWCON application should include
the total concept plan, phased out. It is a practical and
reasonable goal to wait for Federal and State funds, rather than
to sacrifice long-range goals for immediate purchase of area.
It is felt that the Village should establish what is a reason-
able plan over certain period of time, considering length of
time before next bond issue, and also considering development
of beach and temporary facilities as quickly as possible.
Planning and Recreation Commission Minutes - 3/3/70 - page 3
Reality might suggest 120 acres, broken into 30 acre parcels,
acquired on phase basis. It will be necessary to discuss op-
~ tion with owner, and explain full project clearly.
Don Slathar and Steve Wolf will serve on Committee, and discuss
major 4-year plan with Council and Planning ~ommission.
The Park and Recreation Commission agrees that phasing is
necessary, and that money should be stretched as far as possible
with Federal funding.
ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE: This was sent to the Council Committee,
and Adolph Tessness will ask for comments of the Committee or
entire Council.
MISC. OLD BUSINESS: Community School Concept - School district
would like someone to participate.
Trees - Steve wolf has ordered 500 white spruce and 500 Norway Pine.
HUD: Arnold Vleimerskirch will check in to HUn requirements.
NEvv CHAIRMAN: Don Slathar moved that Steve VJolf serve as the
new Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission. Sally de
Lancey seconded the motion. The motion ~"as carried by unanimous
It was mentioned that a suggestion has been made that the Com-
i.'-" mission be expanded.
NEXT MEETING: IvIarch 17, 1970 - 8: 00 p. m.
SPECIAL MEETING: March 31, 1970 - 8:00 p.m.
The motion to adjourn was made by Conrad Fiskness, seconded by
Gladys McCary, and the meeting adjourned at lO:40 p.m.
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary