PRC 1970 03 17
March 17, 1970 at 8:00 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Sally deLancey, Steve Wolf, Gladys MoCary,
Conrad Fiskness, Don Slathar, Arnold Weimersktrch. Visitors:
Dennis Stedman, Henry Wrase, Ron Mielke.
The meeting was called to order by Steve Wolf, Chairman.
MINUTES: Don Slathar moved that the minutes be approved as read.
Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried.
BILLS: Billing was received for $200 from Brauer and Assoc.
for the balance of contract fee on the $2,000 contract for the
1970 LAWCON app~ication. Approval to be withheld until the
first meeting in April.
$40 was paid to the JayCees for the danoe March 20. (This is
money approved for the Valentine's Day Dance which was delayed.)
OLD BUSINESS: Conrad Fiskness was designated as the representative
to District #112 on the Lighted School Concept.
HOCKEY PROGRAM: Dennis Stedman desoribed the hockey clinic - teaching
proper way to skate, stick handling. There were about ten boys
in each group, meeting on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at
different times. Ages: Youngest, 8 (could be as low as 6). Biggest
cjjDQpr~<;lOt.andsunde~.;,s15-16t;.;.tlu~e~ or four. Dennis talked to Bob
Phillips, and the JayC~es will help with the program, and hope
to reapply money from Frontier Days to things in community.
Recommendations for rink: Ice good, but has ridge on edge - concave -
need sprayer; grading could level surface; gate should be reattached -
take advantage of full rink and boards. Need blue lines, better
string for nets.
Recommended equipment: Need two sets of goalie pads, adaptable
to size, face guard, pads, chest protector. $100 - $200 range.
Also need 30-40 helmets. Might solicit funds to buy, hopefully
on sale or special price. Should be stored here, property of
Chanhassen, and whoever uses should be responsible for return. Parents
should be notified early (to prepare for expense), and kids should
provide their own teethguards, shin pads, hockey gloves, and hockey
skates (safer than figure skates).
Recommended windbreak: If Park would provide lumber, JayCees
would build. Should have enclosed house with roof, and eventually
a stove (which would require watching).
Recommended possible competition: Should get information and
find out entry fees from Minnesota Hockey Association. Farm system
is good way to build shampionship team. Might also be other teams
looking for team to play, but not in state competition (such as
Eden Prairie, Shakopee, Chaska). Conrad Fiskness suggested there may
be a need for a part or full time administrator. Recreational hockey
is needed, too.
Communication: Accomplished by bulletins at school and St. Hubert's,
word of mouth, articles in Sun and Maverick.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes - 3/17/70 -
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LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL: Arnold Weimerskirch will check with
his group, Leo Wallad and Dennis Stedman. Harv~y Will also ~
should be contacted to prepare for discussion at next meeting.
PROPOSED PARK MAINTENANCE: Henry Wrase would welcome suggestions.
His recommendations: Need weed control, truck equipped for
flooding rink, need to level rink, need futnreupian for better
location of rink.
Sally deLancey suggested that jOb and hours be more clearly
defined for one person on Wrase's staff charged with parkaand
Recreation responsibility. This person should give first
priority to Park and Recreation jobs, regardless of time of
day needed.
Conrad Fiskness suggested that the Commission should be open~d
minded to relocating the rink. SallydeLancey advised co-
ordinating plans with school and council.
It was a9reed that the Maintenance Department will be respon-
sible for weed control on Park proper~y.
SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Ron Mielke mentioned the possi-
bility that construction materials now littering field may not
be removed by August 1 as scheduled.
Recommendations: Expand Little Theater, expand other groups,
perhaps change time of sessions, shorten session.
It was agreed that Ron Mielke will direct the next Summer
Recreation Program for 7 weeks, from June 8 through July 24,
including setting up and cleaning up, for $1,000. In addition,
he will be allowed three helpers, to be hired and scheduled at
his discretion, to be paid a total of $1140 for the 7 week
period. He will finalize schedules before contaoting this help.
Conrad Fiskness will contact school regarding use of stage,
janitor service and removal of equipment on field.
Tentative Scheduling: Registration Night for the Summer
Recreation Program will be June 2. Slips will be sent home
from school.
Gladys McCary will serve as Chairman of the Summer Recreation
Committee, and will report back at the meeting on March311.
WINTER RECREATION PROGRAM: Gladys McCary stated that the program
is finished for the season, with the exception of guitar lessons
for two more Saturdays. Mr. Klein will open the door. Mr. Mitchell
would like to teach ceramics again in the fall. and can take more
people. Pat Jenson would like to come back, too.
TOT LOTS: Don Slathar talked to Ray Marshall about costs,
standards, and lay-outs. Their minimum cost, $25,OOO--but many
tremendous ideas. A meeting has been set up with Bill Sanders,
Park Planner for St. Paul.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes - 3/17/70
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{,.... NEW BUSINESS: New Member Selection. Bob Fayfie1d was recommended
as a new member of the Park and Recreation Commission, pending
approval of his application.
Sally deLancy will contact Curt Ryan for a meeting with teens
on March 31 at 8:15 p.m. - Regular Agenda.
Conrad Fiskness made a motion that the meetin~ be ajourned.
Gladys McCary seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned
at 11:45 p.m.
Barbara Montgmmery