PRC 1970 03 31
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March 31, 1970 at 8:30 p.m.
Basement, Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Don Slathar,
Arnold Weimerskirch
Members absent: Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary
Visitors: Ron Mielke, Kurt Ryan - representfng Teenagers
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf.
MINUTES: Arnold Weimerskirah moved that the minutes of the
last meeting be approved as clarified:
The Park and Recreation Commission feels that Little
League Baseball is not under its jurisdiction and will
be handled independently.
The motion for approval of the minutes was seconded by Don
Slathar. Motion carried.
TEEN CENTER: 19 teenagers, represented by Kurt Ryan, presented
their ideas for a Center and for a Mini-Bike track. At Chairman
Wolf's request, Kurt Ryan agreed to set up two committees to
list needs and suggestions in preparation for the next meeting
with the Commission:
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1. Mini-Bike Committee
2. Teen Center Committee
The Commission will investigate possible locations for the
Teen Center and for a Mini-Bike track and access and will call
Kurt (47406182) when ready to discuss. Kur.t also will publicize
a big meeting for teenagers, to take place after preliminary
meetings have been held.
RESOLUTION, presented by Adolp~ 'Tessness, sU<;Jgesting require-
ments regarding Sanitary Sewer before granting Council approval
of rezoning, subdivisions and building permits, in cooperation
with the Metropolitan Development Guide, 1/22/70, Policy #1:
Don Slathar moved that this Resolution be submitted to the Village
Attorney for legal opinion on defensibility of approach and
rewording, since itmmay be a far-reaching resolution, affecting
zoning and platting. The feel of the Commission is favorable
if the Resolution can be instituted and defended. Sally deLancey
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Ron Mielke stated that the schedule
will be similar to last summer, with Arts and Crafts later -
9:30-10:30, 10:45-11:45. The starting date will be moved up to
Tuesday, June 16 because of college finals. Closing date will
be Friday, July 31. Debbie Huskins and Jane~ Kerber have been
hired at a salary of $360 each. Ron will try to hire a third
person for $420. It is questionable whether the school field
will be available because of construction.
Budget: Arnold Weimerskirch moved that the budget for the
Summer Recreation Program be set at $450, of which $75 is to
be for Petty Cash, and the remainder for supplies and equtpment~
Don Slathar seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Park and Recreation Commission requests the Council
specifically to approve the Petty Cash Fund AS A MSeessary
fund for day to day operation of the program, as was done
last year.
Registration card problems: Sally deLancey and Gladys McCary
are to straighten these out.
Tennis Cour.ts: Ron Mielke requests that Gla9~s McCary arrange
for tennis courts.
Registration Date: June 2. Should be publicized.
COMMUNITY SCHOOL CONCEPT: Conrad Fiskness reported that people
had been contacted, but that there were no results to date.
HUD SCHOOL PARK CONCEPT: Arnold Weimerskirch provided a summary
of HUD requirements which he had compiled. (A copy has been
placed in the Park and Recreation Commission files.) A
report was made regarding calls to Supt. Foot of Dist. # 276
and Supt. Amundson of Dist. # 112. Arnold Weimerskirch will
contact Dr. Foot again in a month when more information may be
available about the five year plan. Mr. Amundson would like to
wait until July, when consolidation with East Union, Carver and
Victoria is complete. Both were quite receptive.
JONATHAN COORDINATION: Steve Wolf reported that there is a
possibility of getting an extra 20%, also that there is a pos-
sibility that an application could be submitted direct to
Washington for the full amount.
mit draft of Ordinance to Council Committee with time limit.
Studying #70-10 from Bloomington (pollution contral ordinance).
BUDGET REVIEW: The Park and Recreation Commission would like
to request itemized financial reports for the months of January,
February (and March if available) 1970, and each succeeding,month.
Trees: The Boy Scouts would like to plant the 1,000 trees. They
would like two weeks notice. Site must be found.
Park Practice Program: $50 packet has been ordered, which will
provide much information.
Tot-lots: Don Slathar will made basic Tot-lot plan, with speci-
fic dimensions, etc., to help get concrete ideas for Chanhassen
D9n $l~thar moved th~t t~e meeting be ~qjourned. $ally deLance~
secQnqed tne motion. Meet~ng qdjQurned ~t 12 midni~ht.
March 31, 1970 at 8:30 p.m.
Basement, Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey; Don Slathar,
Arnold Weimerskirch
Members absent: Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary
Visitors: Ron Il.):ielke, Kurt Ryan - representing Teenagers
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Vvolf.
MINUTES: Arnold Weimerskirch moved that the minutes of the
last meeting be approved as clarified:
The Park and Recreation Commission feels that Little
League Baseball is not under its jurisdiction and will
be handled independently.
The motion for approval of the minutes was seconded by Don
Slathar. Motion carried.
TEEN CEHTEH: 19 teenagers, represented by Kurt Ryan, pre-
sented their ideas for a Center and for a Mini-Bike track.
.At Chairman dolf I s request, Kurt Ryan agreed to set up two
committees to list needs and suggestions in preparation for
the next meeting with the Commission:
1. Mini-Bike Committee
2. Teen Center Committee
The Commission will investigate possible locations for the
Teen Center and for a t:Iini-Bike track and access and will call
Kurt (L~74-6182) when ready to discuss. Kurt also will pub-
licize a big meeting for teenagers, to take place after prelim-
inary meetings have been held.
RESOLUTION, presented by Adolph Tessness, suggesting require-
ments Fe~arding Sanitary Sewer before granting Council approval
of rezoning, subdivisions and building permits, in cooperation
with the Metropolitan Development Guide, 1/22/70, Policy #1:
Don Slathar moved that this Resolution be submitted to the Vil-
age .4ttorney for legal opinion on defensibili ty of approach and
rewording, since it may be a far-reaching resolution, affecting
zoning and platting. The feeling of the Commission is favor-
able if the nesolution can be instituted and defended. Sally
de Lancey seconded the motion. Motion carried.
SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Ron Mielke stated that the schedule
will be similar to last summer, with Arts and Crafts later -
9:30-10:~0, 10:45-11:45. The starting date will be moved up
~T .
Park and Recreation Commission IvIeeting l.Jlinutes - 3/31/70 2
to Tuesday, June 16 because of college finals. Closing date
will be Friday, July 31. pebbie Huskins and Janet Kerber have
been hired at a salary of ;,D60 each. Ron ,IITill try to hire a
third person for ~420. It'is questionable whether the school
field will be a.vailable because of construct'ion.
Bud~et: Arnold Weimerskirch moved tha.t the budget for the
Summer Recreation Program be set at $450, of which ~75 is to
be for Petty Cash, and the remainder for supplies and equip-
ment. Don Slathar seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Park and Recreation Commission requests the Council
specifically to approve the Petty Cash Fund as a necessary fund.
for day to d.ay operation of the program, as was done last year.
Registration card problems: Sally deLancey and Gladys McCary
are to straighten these out.
Tennis Courts: Ron Mlel1re requests that Gladys McCary arrange
for tennis courts.
Re~istration Date: June 2. Should be publicized.
cmllWNITY SCHOOL CONCEPT: Conrad Fiskness reported that people
had been contacted, but that there were no results to date.
BUD SCHOOL PARK CONCEPT: Arnold I"leimerskirch provided. a sum-
mary of HUD requirements which he had compiled. (A copy has
been placed in the Park and Recreation Commission files.)
A report was made regarding calls to Supt. Foot of Dist.#276
and Supt. Amundson of Dist. #112. Arnold Vveimerskirch will con-
tact Dr. Foot again in a month when more information may be
available about the five year plan. Nr. Amund son would like to
wait until July, when consolidation with East Union, Carver and
Victoria is complete. Both were quite receptive.
JONATHAN COORDINATION: Steve Wolf repo~ted that there is a
possibility of getting an extra 20%, also that there is a pos-
sibility that an application could be submitted direct to Wash-
ington for the full amount.
roi t draft of Ordinance to Council Commi ttee vii th time limi t.
Studying #70-10 from Bloomington(pollution control ordinance).
-Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes - 3/31/70 3
BUDGET REVIEW: The Park and Recreation Commission would like
to request itemized financial reports for the months of January,
February (and March if available) 1970, and each succeeding
Trees: The Boy Scouts would like to plant the 1,000 trees.
They ",ould 1 ike tvlO weeks' notice. Si te must be found.
Park Practice Prosram: }50 paclwt has been ordered, which will
provide much information.
Tot-Lots: Don Slathar will make basic Tot-Lot plan, with speci-
fic dimensions, etc., to he~p get concrete ideas for Chanhassen
Don Slathar moved that the meeting be adjourned. Sally deLancey
seconded the motion. The meeting Vlas adjourned at 12 midnight.
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary
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