PRC 1970 04 14
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April 14, 1970 - 7:45 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfield,
Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Arnold Weimerskirch.
Members absent: Don Slathar '
The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Steve Wolf.
MINUTES: Gladys McCary moved that the minutes of the
meeting of April 14, 1970, be corrected on page 2, sentence 2,
as follows:
(KNOLLWAY ESTATES:) "The Park and Recreation Commission
further recommends that the land dedicated consist of a
corridor of land adjacent to and lying either side of the
existing natural drainage way on the northwest portion of
the proposed subject sketch plan of Knollway Estates."
The motion was seconded by Bob Fayfield.
KNOLLWAY ESTATES PLAT: The Commission discussed the visual
appraisal of the Knollway Estates plat in relation to the above
recommendation as corrected in the minutes. Steve Wolf
left the meeting to attend the Planning Commission meeting to
hear their discussion of the Knollway Estates Plat. On
returning, he reported on the proposed inclusion of Tot-Lots
in the plan.
LAKE ANN PROJECT: The Commission discussed the need of phasing;
both short and long range plans were considered, including mone-
tary needs, priorities of development, and planning aid required.
It was felt that first steps might include plans for a short
road, opening of beach, then Tot-Lots and picnic area.
MINI-BIKE TRAIL: Tentative approval has been given to use of
the Tom Klingelhutz land in Western Hills. Steve Wolf will
contact Curt Ryan to meet on Saturday to stake out the area
with young people. There is a possibility of tie-in with
access to the school through this development. There might be
also a possibility of HUD. Arnold Weimerskirch will check map.
HOCKEY RINK: Steve Wolf will see' about moving dirt for possible
relocation of rink.
COUNTY METROPOLITAN PARK PLAN: Sally deLancey will attend the
meeting on Monday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the Court House in
Chaska, and report on the discussion by Carver and Scott County.
BUDGET: The Park and Recreation Commission wou1d like a Budget
~ SENIOR CITIZENS: The Senior Citizens' Open House should be dis-
cussed at next meeting. Gladys McCary will investigate donation
of bakery goods.
SUMMER PROGRAM: Three girls have been hired. Location of
field must be determined.
Bob Fayfield moved that the meeting be adjourned. Gladys
McCary seconded the motion. Motion carried. '
Time: 10 : 15
Barbara Montgomery
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KNOLLWAY ESTATES: A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and
,,... seconded by Don Slathar that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommends the subdivision (Knollway Estates) preliminary
sketch plan as submitted fulfill Ordinance # 14, by option # 1.
The Park and Recreation further recommends the land dedication
consisting of the natural drainage way in the' North West
section of the Southwest~ of the Northwest~. All approved.
Members of the Commission will meet at the site of Knollway
Estates to visually appraise the exact location of the proposed The Administrator is to contact Mr. Berg
of the Soil Conservation Service to meet with the Commission.
The Park and Recreation Commission will meet at 7:45 p.m.
on April 14, 1970, to preapre a final recommendation to be
submitted at the Planning Commission meeting later that night.
COMMUNITY SCHOOL: A general discussion on Community cooperation
with the school board on use of the school. No action taken
at this time.
done up to this time.
Steve Wolf explained what had been
No action was taken.
WELL SITE #2: Mr. Slathar will inspect the Well Site for
recreational use and report back at the next meeting.
MAJOR PARK CONCEPT PLAN: Steve Wolf explained to the
Commission his discussion with Brauer & Associates concerning
a total park concept plan. The Commission decided to present
this basic idea to the Council on April 20, 1970, at the
Council meeting.
A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Gladys
McCary to adjourn.
TIME: 11:15 p.m.
Adolph Tessness
Acting Secretary
April 14, 1970 - 7:45 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
tilembers present' Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey" Bob Fayfield, Conrad
Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Arnold Weimerskirch
Members absent: Don Slathar
The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Steve Wolf.
IHNUTES: Gladys McCary moved that the minutes of the meeting of
April 14, 1970, be corrected on page 2, sentence 2, as follows:
(KNOLUfAY ESTATES:) liThe Park and Recreation Commission
further recommends that the land dedicated consist of a
corridor of land adjacent to and lying either side of the
existing natural drainage way on the northwest portion of
the proposed subject sketch plan of Knollway Estates. II
The motion was seconded by Bcb Fayfield. Motion carried.
KNOLLWAY ESTATES PLAT: The Commission discussed the visual ap-
praisal of the Knoll'^Tay Estates plat in relation to the above
recommendation as corrected in the minutes. Steve Wolf left the
meeting to attend the Planning Commission meeting to hear their
discussion of the Knollway Estates Plat. On returning, he re-
~. ported on the proposed inclusion of Tot-Lots in the plan.
LAKE ANN PROJECT: The Commission discussed the need of phasing:
both short and long range plans were considered, including mone-
tary needs, priorities of development, and planning aid t'equired.
It was felt that first steps might include plans for a short road,
opening of beach, then Tot-Lots and picnic area.
J'JlINI-BIKE 'rRAIL: Ten tati ve approval has been 8i ven to use of the
Tom Klingelhutz land in Western Hills. Steve Wolf will contact
Curt Ryan to meet on Saturday to stake out the area wi th young
people. There is a possibility of tie-in with access to the
school through this development. There might also be a possibil-
ity of HUD. Arnold Weimerskirch will check map.
HOCKEY RINK: Steve Wolf will see about moving dirt for possible
relocation of rink.
COUNTY METROPOLITAN PARK PLAN: Sally deLancey will attend the
meeting on Monday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Court House in
Chaska, and report on the discussion by Carver and Scott County.
BUDGET: The Park and Recreation Commission would like a Budget
SENIOH. CITIZENS: The Senior Citizens' Open House should be dis-
cussed at next meeting. Gladys McCary will investigate donation
of bakery goods.
page 2
sm'1NER PROGRAlYl: Three girls have been hired. Location of field
must be determined.
Bob Fayfield moved that the meeting be adjourned. Gladys McCary
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary
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