PRC 1970 04 21
April 21, 1970 - 8:00 p.m.
f,...., Chanhassen Village Hall
Members Present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Robert Fayfield,
Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Don Slathar.
Members Absent: Arnold Weimerskirch
Guests: Ten members of Minnewashta Manor Homeowners' Association
Arthur Kimber, spokesman, Paul Fjare of Brauer & Associates.
MINUTES: Conrad moved for approval of the minutes of April 14,
1970. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Kimber presented the following petition to the Park and Recreation
"We, the Home Owners' Association of Minnewashta Manor,
co-owners of Lot 11, Block 3, Minnewashta Manor, Carver County,
State of Minnesota, deeded to this Association as a lakeshore
recreation area, and, whereas this property is inaccessible
and, furthermore, access to Lake Minnewashta is prevented due
to the overgrowth now plugging the former channel to the lake,
do now petition the Park and Recreation Board of Chanhassen
for an estimate of the cost to provide access to and restore
the functional value of the lot."
(Singed): Mr~. and Mrs. J.S. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Sulser
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Arone
Mr. and Mrs. Claire D. Corpian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Ninow
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Hennemann
Mrs. Joan Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schumacher
Arthur Kimber
R.M. Kimber
Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Bonthius
The Association requested advice from the Commission regarding the
proper procedure to follow to solve their problem. Conrad Fiskness
moved that the Park and Recreation Commission contact Russ Larson
to determine its legal limitations regarding the request of the
Minnewashta Manor Home Owners' Association to rest0re the functional
value of Lot 11, Block 3 ~dredging channel for boat access) and
secondly, contact the Conservation Department or other suitable
agency to determine feasibility and get an estimate of the cost of
their request. The motion was seconded by Bob Fayfield. Motion
carried. Bob Fayfield will go over to Minnewashta; Conrad Fiskness
will talk to Russ Larson.
REPORT ON COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 20, 1970: Steve Wolf reported
that Council approved the preliminary sketch plan of the Lake Ann
Conrad Fiskness reported on the request to select one representative.
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for the Advisory Board of the Purgatory Creek-Lake Riley Water-
shed District (policing agency covering four villages--Eden -'
Prairie, Minnetonka, Bloomington, Chanhassen--to enforce specific
use of certain areas). The Council suggested that somemne from the
Park and Recreation Commission should work with them.
LAKE ANN PROJECT: A m~p showing phasing of project was presented
to the Council on April 20. The Park and Recreation Commission
has their approval to move ahead with specific plans.
Paul Fjare of Brauer and Associates was present for a round
table discussion of plans. He was instructed by the Commission
to study the following points and report to the Commission on May
1. Overall plan in general
2. 1971 LAWCON application
3. Phase one - specific plans
In addition, he will meet be~ore this time with Steve Wolf, then
Adolph Tessness.
The Administrator will request a status report on the Welter
property from Russ Larson.
CHANHASSEN TOUR PLANS: To be scheduled at a later date.
METROPOLITAN PARK PLAN: Sally deLancey reported on a meeting
at the Chaska Courthouse on April 20, at which the guide plan of
the Metropolitan Park Plan and Open Spaces Commission was discussed.
There are no major areas in Carver County wanted immediately.
The Commission has power to levy taxes. Total of park site
lands equals 12 to 13% of the land in the seven-county metropolitan
By July 1 an official park map will be available.
MINI-BIKE REPORT: Steve Wolf met with young people and Tom
Klingelhutz at the Windy Hill area. The young people were reminded
that now area is known as trail, and they must abide by laws.
SENIOR CITIZEN BAZAAR: The Bazaar will be held May 28, 2-9 p.m.
The Park and Recreation Commission will provide cookies, cakes,
rolls, flowe~sgand help.
~ banquet tables need repair--Don Slathar will fix them. The
room needs cleaning.
Lighted School Concept: There will be a meeting at the Chaska
Village Hall on April 30 with the Chaska Park and Recreation
Commission and representatives of the school district. Conrad
Fiskness will attend.
Community Calendar: Give notiaes to be published in the Sun
newspaper to Kay 10-14 days ahead of event.
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~ Hockey Rink: Steve Wolf reported (after discussion with Arnold
Weimerskirch and Adolph Tessness) that Adolph will have the
Village Engineer do a study of the elevation of the rink. Rink
will be torn down--new entrance planned on South--free skating
area near school. '
Tot-Lots: Steve Wolf and Don Slathar will meet on April 25 to
view and mark areas and discuss facilities needed and cost.
Conrad Fiskness moved that the meeting be adjourned. Gladys
Mc Cary seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:36 p.m.
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary