PRC 1970 05 05
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May 5, 1970 - 8 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Conrad Fiskness,
Gladys McCary, Don Slather, Arnold Weimerskir~h
Member Absent: TRPbert~Fnyfield
Guests: Dave Hodap and Paul Fjare of Brauer & Associates;
Arbhur Kimber and another representative of Minnewashta Manor
Homeowners' Association.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf.
MINUTES: Arnold Weimerskirch moved that the minutes of the last
meeting be approved. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Fiskness advised that the Conservation Department cannot finance--
must be paid for silt removal. The Association must apply to the
Conservation Department and the Village for a permit for approval
of dredging.
Russ Larson, Village Attorney, answered questions posed by the
Association regarding the location of roadway, responsibility
for surveying, and the procedure for presenting a petition for
a road to the Village Council.
Conrad Fiskness moved that all further discussion of the petition
by the Minnewashta Manor Homeowners' Association be tabled. Don
Slather seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Association was referred to Adolph Tessness as contact for
further action.
Russ Larson discussed the possibility of the Village placing the
full purchase price of the land in a bank trust, so that funds
may be paid to Mrs. Welter by installment as she has requested.
Title would be conveyed to bank as trustee, then conveyed to the
Village by warranty deed from time to time, coordinated to what
is available under LAWCON. Mr. Larson will discuss this further
with LAWCON to obtain specific written acceptance.
If this plan is acceptable, it will be necessary to work out
price of land acre or parcel by parcel--coordinated with LAWCON.
Steve Wolf suggested that other alternatives be considered in the
event that LAWCON will not approve the trust arrangement.
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Brauer and Associates representatives Dave Hodap and Paul Fjare
presented their format for the Lake Ann Project, explaining items
in question. 28 acres will be detailed. Possible sources of
a topographical may of the area were discussed, and will be
investigated, including the Watershed District map. Paul Fjare
will contact Adolph Tessness on the Chicago area may figu~e.
Descriptive material needed to send to Ann Arbor first part of
July should be available "if work starts now.
Brauer and Associates will make the revisions requested by the
Conunission, and Adolph Tessness or Conrad Fiskness will pick/up
the revised agreement on May 6.
Note: Brauer and Associates will send reproducible sepias of all
plates on former job.
TREES: The Boy Scouts will plant at I p.m. on Saturday, May 9,
assisted by two adults. The Park and Recreation Commission must
decide location, and guide the project.
was appointed as the Park and Recreation~Commission representative
to the District, and he will receive notices of their activities.
ROSTER: The Park and Recreation Commission members would like to
receive an up~dated roster of the Park and Recreation Commission,
other Commissions and Council.
moved that the Park and Recreation Commission accept the goals
as stated in Resolution #420702 as being within the scope of the
objectives of the Park and Recreation Commission, but that further
detailing is required to effectively control pollution. Conrad
Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Park and Recreation Commission is pleased by the action taken
by the Council in passing Resolution #420702 and feels that this
will payoff great dividends in meeting the long range objectives
of community development of Chanhassen; that it is a forward-
looking decision, as evidenced by the letter of commendation from
the Chairman of the Metropolitan Council. The Park and
Recreation Commission supports the Council in it efforts to
uphold the Res~lution.
LIGHTED SCHOOL CONCEPT: Conrad Fiskness attended a meeting in
Chaska with Mr. Lieske and Mr. Kant and members of the Chaska .
Park and Recreation Commission. He reported that Chaska has hired
a consultant, the Director of Parks and Recreation in Shakopee,
for ideas on Summer Recreation. The consultant's efforts may be
expanded to study the possibility of coordinating Chanhassen and
Chaska facilities and thos of Park and Recreation in the whole --'
area with the Lighted School Concept.
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The school will inform the Commission of available facilities
and scheduled use of school buildings, so that the Commission can
respond with its requests for facilities.
It probably will be necessary to share cost of janitorial and
custodial service.
The Commission is to continue working with the principal of the
school. The School Board will establish ground rules and give
direction to the principal.
SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Steve Wolf met with Mr. MacMillan on
May 4, also with Ron Mielke and the supervisor of the school con-
struction job. He advised that there is every chance of having
space for the program.
TRegistration for Summer Recreation Program:
Tuesday, June 2 - 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Chanhassen Village Hall
All members of the Park and Recreation Commission are requested
to assist.
Don Slather moved that the following charges be made for the
Summer Recreation Program:
$4.00 per child, with a maximum charge of $12.00 per family
$1.50 additional charge per child for crafts, to help defray
cost of materials
The motion was seconded by Conrad Fiskness. Motion carried.
SENIOR CITIZENS: The Senior Citizens would like to replace old
tables with two new ones. (The Commission agrees to replace
these new tables to be purchased by the Senior Citizens if they
are damaged beyond repair by other groups.)
COMMUNITY CENTER: Sally deLancey asked the Commission to 90n-
sider the possibility of renting a house and barn available in
the area for use as a center.
A motion for adjournment was made by Sally deLancey. Conrad
Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was
adjourned at 12:05 a.m.
Barbara Montgome~y, Secretary