PRC 1970 05 19
May 19, 1970 - 7:30 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: Sally deLancey, Robert Fayfipld, Conrad
Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Don Slathar, Arnold.Weimerskirch
Member absent: Steve Wolf
Guests: Carver Beach residents, Douglas Eller
The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chairwoman, Sally
MINUTES: Don Slathar moved that the minutes of the May 5
meeting be approved, and Gladys McCary seconded the motion
after the following correction:
Paragraph 1, under "ENVIRONIIIIENTAL PROPOSAL: Delete "Resolution
#420702" and substi tute Ilan environmental program for the metro-
politan section dated April 14, 197011
Between paragraphs 1 and 2 under "ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSAL",
insert heading "RESOLUTION".
Motion carried.
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CARVER BEACH: Eight residents of the Carver Beach area dis-
cussed plans for recreation facilities, expressing preference for
development in the following order:
1. Baseball field
2. Swimming beach
3. Tot-Lot
4. Basketball court
Residents present: Foster Janich, Ken Martyn, j':Ir. and Mrs.
David E. Wilson (474-5097), Mrs. Cal Severson, Mrs. Lois Hermann,
Mrs. Norma Shoberg, Loretta DeVaan
The Park and Recreation Commission will plan a preliminary lay-
out, and consult again with the residents. Don Slathar will
have plans by June 2. Discussion will follow the Summer Recreation
Registration scheduled for that date from 7 to 9 p.m. at the
Village Hall.
L4KE ANN PROJECT PLANNEHS CONTRACT: Sally deLancey stated that
since copi~'3 of the contract had not been received until the
weekend, Russ Larson had not had time to study it. The Council
authorized the Nayor and Adolph Tessness to sign the contract
after Mr. Larson looks it over #' (Should have answer in two weeks.)
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SENIOR CITIZEN OPEN HOUSE: Thursday, May 28 - 1 to 9 p.m.
Each Park and Recreation member will donate 3 dozen bars, cookies,
Trays - Gladys IYlcCary, Sally deLancey, and, Barbara Montgomery
Napkins - Sally deLancey
Fix tables - Conrad Flskness, Don Slathar
Coffee - Sally will check
Help - Members of Commission as scheduled
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COMMUNITY CENTER: After discussion, Gladys McCary moved that
the matter be tabled.until present plans now being developed
by the Commission on other projects have been completed. The
motion vias seconded by Arnold Weimerskirch. ,Motion carried.
HOCKEY RINK: No discussion
RIDING TRAILS: Douglas Eller (445-2173), Chanhassen resident
present on behalf of the Chanhassen Horseowners' Association,
requested consideration by the Park and Recreation Commission
that riding trails be incorporated in Park plans. He felt
that it would be possible to coordinate riding trails and hik-
ing trails, and. "vas assured. by the Commission that it will keep
working to develop trails where possible.
LIGHTED SCHOOL CONCEPT: Conrad Fiskness reported that janitor-
ial service at the school will be available in the summer until
3 p.m., according to Ralph Kant. Since the school has no activ-
i ties scheduled, as yet for the summer, this provides an oppor-
tuni ty for the Park and Recreation Commission to discuss its
plans with Mr. MacMillan while openings still exist.
SUMMER RECREATION PROGRA1Jl: Brenda Vvalsh has been hired for
$420 for the season. Flyers will go out in the schools on
Tuesday, May 26; Gladys McCary will take to Clear Springs,
Robert Fayfield to Minne""ashta.
NOISE ON LAKES: In response to the Memorandum of May 19 from
Mayor Coulter, the Commission issued the following statement:
After much discussion, and realizing we are not a governing body,
the following ideas are being presented:
The Park and Recreation Commission recommend.s that the
Council start drafting control permitting no motors on
any lake under 120 acres, and limit to canoes, sailboats
and rowboats, or as an alternative, that methods be in-
vestigated to limit horsepower, boat sizes and numbers
of boats On lakes concerned.
The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that immedi-
ate steps be taken to prohibi t all motorized. boat traffic
on Lake Ann.
FISH CONSERVATION: Don Slathar will draw up a report to pre-
sent to the Commission for forwarding to Council.
BIRD SANCTUARY:.. Sally deLancey relayed a request from Greenwood
Shores that land for this purpose be made available in the area
if possible.
TREES: Conrad Fiskness r_eported that tr3es were planted May 16
at the Vlest end of the hockey area.
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MINNEviASHTA LOTS: The Park and RGcreation Commission requests
immediate maintenance to the three lots mmed in :DtIinnewashta.
It further requests that Robert Fayfield, 474-5617, be notified
in advance when this will be done so that he, can schedule assist-
ance for large d_ebris.
TOT-LOTS: Don Slathar stated. that plans have been made and equip-
ment outlined. The \'lell si te has been inspected, and. will make
a great spot for Tot-Lot, but there is need for a survey to
determine need.
Bob Fayfield will check into land that might be available in
NEW MEMBERS: Expansion of the Commission to ~~n~emembers was
discussed. It was felt that this might prove/too large for
efficiency, and that Sub-Commission members might prove more
effective in specific projects. Discussion will continue.
Gladys r,lcCary made a motion for adjournment, ""Thich was seconded
by Don Slathar. The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 p.m.
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary