PRC 1970 06 02 ,...., PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 2, 1970 - 9:00 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall (preceded by Registration for the Summer Recreation Program from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.) Members Present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Robert Fayfield, Conrad Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Arnold Weimerskirch Members Absent: Don Slathar Guests: Carver Beach residents MINUTES: Arnold Weimerskirch moved that the minutes of the meeting of May 19 be approved, and Bob Fayfield seconded the motion after the following correction: Page 3, TOT-LOTS: paragraph 2 - Arnold Weimerskirch (instead of Bob Fayfield) will check into land that might be available in Minnewashta. The motion carried. . ,....... BILLS: The following bills were presented for payment: ~45.00 - IJL9.intenance Dept. - blacktop repair Gladys McCary moved that this item be approved. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried. !;61Li.00 - Haintenance - Skatinp.', Rink Sally de Lancey moved, and Arnold Weimerskirch seconded the motion that the~614 maintenance and utility bill on the skating rink be accepted oncondition that further breakdown be received and approved by Steve Wolf. Motion carried. !~ 1 ""0 iii . c:. - Summer Recreation Program - Receipt Books Gladys McCary moved that this bill be accepted. Robert Fayfield seconded the motion. Motion carried. CARVER BEACH PARK PLANS: Seven residents of Carver Beach were present for the discussion: Norma Shoberg Lois Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson Mrs. Carl Severson Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Martyn Steve Wolf and Don Slathar had previously met at the site, and drawn up preliminary plans for the park area, which Steve Wolf }~ presented to the group, reque~ting their suggestions. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 6/2/70 page 2 He also presented a map showing the proposed location of the baseball diamond, the basketball court, Tot-Lot, parking area, -" beach. Suggestions from the residents included: Need ball field now. Two lots across the road available for addi tional parking. Tot-Lots should not be near lake. "No Parkin~H signs should be posted. "The Point should be used for beach area. The old pump might be activated. There should be a fence by the road. A meeting was called for Saturday, June 6, at 9 a.m. for further planning by Steve Wolf and the Carver Beach residents. OAKMONT DISCUSSION: Sally deLancey reported that Oakmont gave the Park more land. Discussion followed. It was moved by Conrad Fiskness, seconded by Arnold Vveimers- kirch, and unanimously passed, that the following statement be presented to the Council: f The Park and Recreation Commission concurs with the Preliminary Plat for the Oakmont development pl"esented at the Public Hearing on May 25. Vve also note the favorable response taken to the various suggestions we had made to make the plan compatible with our overall Park objectives. '-" STODOLA DISCUSSION: Statement on Stodola Rezoning: The Park and Recreation Commission feels that because of the lncationof the land, rezoning does not CO~\flict with Park plans; that this is a matter for the Plan.ing Com- mission. . . . No formal action was taken. WELL SITE: After obtaining an exact description of the plat, it was determined that a ball field can be located at the site. There is also room for a Tot-Lot. ( HOCKEY RINK: Adolph Tessnes8 talked to the prime contractor. Dirt will be moved. Since there has now been a request to use the rink during Frontier Days thru July 13, it will be neces- sary :!for Steve vlolf and Adolph Tessness to recheck wi th the contractor to see if it will be possible to move dirt around rink, leaving rink intact thru July 13. .....,I SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: The following motion was made by Arnold Weimerskirch, seconded by Conrad Fiskness and carried: The Park and Recreation Commission requests that the PARK AND RECREATION CO~~1ISSION MINUTES - 6/2/70 page 3 ,.... Main tenance Department erec t a snow fenee around the ex- cavation at school in the event that grading is not completed by June 16. This is necessary to separate the ball park from the construction site. Ron Mielke will contact Adolph Tessness if the work is necessary. TOUR: The members of the Park and Recreation Commission will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9 at the Village Hall for a tour of the Chanhassen area. SENIOR CITIZENS: A letter of congratulations to the Senior Cit- izens for the successful Open House on May 28 will be sent by the secretary. CARVER COUNTY COrv'll\1ISSIONERS MEETING: Bob Fayfield and Steve 'dolf attended a meeting Thursday, May 28, at 8 p.m. at the Chaska Court House which had been called to discuss the future develop- ment of the county. Don Berg presented and discussed the use of an 8 x 8 map by the Carver Soil and \'later Conservation District showing major limitation for building sites for the entire county. COUNCIL VACANCY: Steve Wolf stated a request from the mayor for names of those who would be eligible for and would do a good job as councilman or woman, to fill the vacancy created by the resig- :,...,. nation of Hibbert Hill. Sally deLancey acted as Temporary Chair- man for purposes of discussing the Council opening. ll.rnold \veimerskirch moved that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend Steve Wolf for the vacancy on the Village Council. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. I-lotion carried.. A letter of endorsement for Steve \volf will be sent to the Council. SIGN ORDINANCE: It was noted that an amendment to suit requests was adopted at the last Council meeting. Bob Fayfield moved. that the meeting be adjourned. Arnold Vfeimers- kirch seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was ad- journed at 12:24 a.m. Barbara Montgomery, Secretary ~:.,.....