PRC 1970 06 16 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 16, 1970 - 8 p.m. ,.... Chanhassen Village Hall Presen t: Slathar, Absent: Guests: Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfield, Conrad Fiskness, Don Arnold Weimerskirch, Gladys filcCary Steve Wolf (Sally deLancey acted as 'temporary Chairman) Jim Neher, Fred Coulter MINUTES: Conrad Fiskness moved that the minutes of the meeting of June 2, 1970, be approved. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. relotion carried. CARVER BEACH: Conrad Fiskness descI'ibed plans for the area. Residents would like to help. They will get chain saws--would like to use Village trucks. Sally deLancey suggested that the Commission tag what is to be saved in area to be cleared. Weed control will come later. It vms decided not to have Planner, but to ask Foster Janich, Carver Beach resident, to act as site coordinator, and to ask him to: IJiake pI an. List equipment res~dents have available. List equipment they will.need. ;,..... t TREES: Fred Coulter and Jim Neher reported that the newly- planted trees are being choked out by the thistles and weeds. The Boy Scouts will take care of these trees as a summer project. Don Slathar moved that the Park and Hecreation Commission arrange for the rental of equipment (roto-tiller) to cultivate tree planting area. Jim Neher will do this as a Boy Scout Conserva- tion project. Fritz Coulter will supervise. Arnie Weimerskirch seconded the motion. Motion carried. Fred Coul ter will call Fred at Frontier to arrange for day f s rental. Gladys McCary will confirm the order, to be billed to the Village of Chanhassen--Park and Recreation. The Park and Recreation Commission will repay the Scouts for gas bought for the tiller. LOT 12: Conrad Fiskness served as temporary Chairman. Sally deLancey abstained. Conrad. Fiskness reported that the Village must get easement for discharge of water or acquire land. The Village attorney has been instructed to proceed with having the lot dedicated to the Village, and failine; that, to obtain an easement. The following questions were listed for Adolph Tessness: vmo pays assessments? vlho pays for maintenance? \iho pays for expense of acquisition if acquired by right of eminent domain? r PARK AND RECREATION co~rnISSION MINUTES - 6/16/70 page 2 WELL SITE: (East) Don Slathar and Steve Wolf met at the si te ...,I and found that it would be suitable for a Tot-Lot and ball field. Conrad Fiskness and Don Slathar received an O. K. for the pro- ject from the Council at their meeting (June 16). The Council would like a cost estimate. Bob Fayfield moved and Gladys McCary seconded the motion that Don Slathar be put in charge of the Well Site and Carver Beach projects. Motion carried. Arnold vveimerskirch moved and Bob Fayfield seconded the motion that Conrad Fiskness work with him. Motion carried. It was suggested that Adolph Tessness ask the Village engineers to calculate cubic yards of dirt that have to be moved, and also that he obtain an estimate from a contractor for both pro- jects. (Note: Steve Wolf has the plans.) (If over :j~2,000, it is necessary to advertise and obtain sealed bids.) MINNEWASHTA MANOR: Arnold Weimerskirch presented a sketch de- scribing two possible sites for a ball field: Area near Highway #7 - corner of Sandpiper & Orchard Lane Another lot nearby on higher ground { Discussion followed. ...."I SCHOOL BALL FIELD: Jerry Schlenk put up snow fence all around the ball field. HOCKEY RINK: Lights need at.tention. Adolph Tessness reported that the electrical contractor will fix the lights after the rink is moved. Adolph Tessness will see that they are out of the way for Frontier Days, if rink is still usable. SU1-1MER RECREATION: The Park and Recreation Commission feels that more coverage on publicity is needed by local newspapers on the Summer Recreation Program, and the Commission will see that it is done. LAKE ANN REPORT: Sally deLancey reported a talk with Dave Hodap. Discussion of progress of the LAWCON application followed. LAKE RILEY-PURGATORY CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT: Adolph Tessness was asked to please send Policy Statement and Interim Rules to each Park and Recreation Commission member. ( RECREATIONAL FISHING: Don Slathar submitted a paper on this subject to be stud-ied by the Parl{ and Recreation Commission, urg- ing the Commission to put the project high on the priority list. ...""I PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - 6/16/70 page 3 .r-a. Adolph Tessness - F'lease note: Lake Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District: Please send Policy Statement and Interim Rules. Lot 12 Discussion: Questions listed under heading. Well Site: Please contact Village engineers. Obtain estimate for Well Site and Carver Beach projects,from contractor. Hockey Rink & School Ball Field: Rink area available for Frontier Days? Lights out of the way? Let Park and Recreation Commission know as soon as bid on this area is received. Conrad Fiskness moved that the meeting be adjourned. Gladys 11cCary seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Barbara Montgomery, Secretary ;,...... ,"'" ,