PRC 1970 07 07
July 7, 1970 - 8:00 p.m. - Regular Heeting
f~ Chanhassen Village Hall
Present: Steve Wolf, Gladys McCary, Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfield,
Conrad Fiskness.
Visitors: Adolph ~essness, Kay Klingelhutz, P~yor Eugene Coulter,
Al Klingelhutz.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf.
MIHU',CES: Sally deLancey moved that the minutes of the meeting
of June 30, 1970, be approved. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
SEEDLING PROJECT: Steve Wolf reported that Conrad Fiskness, Don
Slathar and himself had cut most of the weeds. The remaining weeds
will hopefully be cleared by the Boy Scouts.
LAl1COi~: No news on the State of funding.
CARVER BEACH: 1:~. Tessness has arranged for Steve Wolf and
Conrad Fiskness to meet July 8, '1970, to go to Carver Beach, to
move the black dirt, in preparation for 12 loads of sand to be
moved in on the beach.
Sally deLancey made a motion to put no parking signs from point
north on Huron from 70th to 66th Street on both sides of the road
in Carver Beach. This is to be recommended to the Council. The
motion was seconded by Conrad Fiskness. ~1otion carried.
WELL SITE: Mr. Tessness reported that the Engineer's estimated
yardage for black dirt removal for Nell Site 12, the Village Hall
and Carver Beach will be ready for next weeks Council Heeting.
This will then be available for bids.
There was a discussion on the grading of Well Site .2, that the
cost should be shared by both the Village and the Park and
Recreation Conwission. Al Klingelhutz agreed that the costs should
be shared by both. Request that this be considered by the Council
at the time of ground preparation.
APPRAISAL .AND SURVEY - WEL'rER PROPERTY: Steve ivolf stressed that
we should qet permission, from the Council, for the survey and
Meeting to be arranged by Mr. Tessness between Mr. Nicklaus,
Steve lo10lf, Dave Uodap, Russ Larson, Al l<lingelhutz and Adolph
Tessness for Thursday, July 9, 1970. ~lr. Tessness will contact
Steve Wolf by lvednesday if it is scheduled.
Nm~ CONTRACT: New contract on the Agenda for Council approval
tomorrow, July 8, 1970. This has already been approved by Lar son.
PARK AIm RECREATIOi:1 C01~.fISSION ~lIl~UTES - 7-7-70.
pagt 2
BUDG::T REVIEW BY KAY RLINGELUUTZ: Conrad Fiskness made a moti(In
to :instruct. Treasurer, Kay Klingelhutz, to transfer the charqes
for legal fees for the Uinnewashta Lots and the Carver Beach Lo~s
'h)taling $577.00 to the budqet catagory entit1.ed ilLegal". Also
that we transfer legal fees for the Welter Property and the
Lawcon Application of $804.30, to be taken from the Bond issue
moneys. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. f4.otion carried.
Sally deLancey made a motion that Conrad Fiskness be Budget
Chairman and liaison between the Park and RecEeation Commission,
the Treasurer and the Administrator, with Arnold Weimerskirch
to be the other Committee member. Gladys McCary seconcJ8d the
motion. Motion carried.
Sally deLancey made the motion that the meeting be adjourned.
The motion was seconded by Conrad Fiskness. Motion carried.
Gladys McCary