PRC 1970 07 21 ...,... PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 21, 1970 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Presen t: Steve \"101 f, Chairman, Bob F ayfield, Conrad Fi sknes 8, Gladys McCary, Don Slathar, Arnold Weimerskirch Absent: Sally deLancey Visitors: Mayor Eugene Coulter, Russ Larson, Adolph Tessness The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. MINUTES: Conrad Fiskness moved that the minutes of the meet- ing of July 7, 1970, be approved. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. Motion carried. WELTER PROPERTY PROGRESS REPORT: Steve Wolf reported that the Council has approved surveying the property. Russ Larson re- ported that the State has approved the Trust Concept as has the Welter attorney. The application should leave St. Paul for Ann Arbor at the end of this week. It is hoped that approval will be received on the Federal level from the Bureau of Out- door Recreation. /'" RECREATION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND COST STUDY: Don Slathar prepared a cost estimating sheet for the use of the Commission to facili tate planning. He and Conrad Fiskness will draw up a list of needs for fall. Don Slathar will look into the purchase of wood for play equipment, if he finds that it is feasible. CARVER BEACH PARK: Necessary excavation and grading will be done this fall, also some seeding, if possible, so that in the spring it will be possible to move in. CRES MAR DEVELOPI-!1ENT PLAN: Bob Fayfield 2:ave a report on a meeting with the developer on July 14 at the Chanha8sen Vil- lage Hall, which he attended wi th Conrad Fiskness and Steve ~lolf. Plans for the area were discussed; ideas sought. Bob Fayfleld 1'1111 1nvi te the developer to attend a ParIr and Hecrea- tion Commission meeting for further discussion of plans. ~,.... \ ENGINEERING STUDY: Topographical studies of the Village Hall Site, the Well Site #2 and the Carver Beach area by the Village Engineers were discussed. Bids have been advertised. Don Slathar and Conrad Fiskness will present recommendations to the Commission. If bids are accepted, they will work with Adolph Tessness and the contractors. Suggestions were ma.de for the Village Hall Site, where cost will be highest. Adolph noted that help wi th painting might be available in August. Mayor Coulter inquired about a softba.ll field 1'01" adults, and was assured that the Carver Beach plans include a field adequate for this use. Arnold Weimerskirch is working on a School-Park Complex idea which mi2::ht use HUD funds t~ provide another field for future use. PAHK AND RECREATION COMHISSION l-lEETING - 7/21/70 page 2 PROPOSED SAFETY ORDINANCE: Bob Fayfield and Don Slathar will ...; check with Minneapolis, and come up with a presentation to the Council of a safety ordinance regulating t~e use of motors on 1 akes. BUDGET: Conrad Fiskness and. Arnold Weimerskirch will work as a Committee on preparation of the Budget; Steve Wolf and Don Slathar will work on the Budget for Development; both will re- port results to the Commission at the August 4th meeting. Don Slathar made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. The motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Barbara Montgomery, Secretary ....., t ..."