PRC 1970 08 04 ,.... PARK AND RECHEATION COlJIrcUSSION 1>IEETING August 4, 1970 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Present: Steve wolf, Chairman, Sally deLanc~y, Bob Fayfield, Conrad Fiskness, Don Slathar, Arnold ~eimerskirch Absent: Gladys McCary Visitor: Adolph Te8snes8 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. MINUTES: Bob Fayfield moved that the minutes of the meeting of July 21, 1970, be approved. Conrad Fiskness seconded the motion. Motion carried. 1971 BUDGET DISCUSSION: The proposed 1971 Budget as prepared by the Budget Committee was presented to the Park and Recrea- tion Commission for review and was discussed in detail. OAK?lONT AGREEMENT: After discussion by the Park and Recreation Commission of the Agreement between the Village of Chanhassen and the developers of Oakmont, a motion was made by Conrad Fiskness, and seconded by Don Slathar, that Adolph Tessness will forward the Agreement with suggested changes to the attor- ney for the developers. The motion was carried. ~ CHES-MAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN: After discussion of the preliminary sketch of the Ches-Mar development plan, the Park and Recrea- tion Commission authorized Bob Fayfield to prepare a recommenda- tion or report. This is to be forwarded by Adolph Tessness to Ches-Mar before next Tuesday. CARVER BEACH SITES t ij1J'ELL SITE /12, VILLAGE HALL SITE: Don Slathar \vill study the Engineering Plans on the Carver Beach "Point'! and upper lot, Well Site 112 and the Village Hall 8i te befoI'e meeting with the contractor, Ray Brenden, and make recom- mendations as to grad.ing. Conrad Fiskness moved that the meeting be adjourned. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. I'lotion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 a.m. Barbara Montgomery, Secretary "i, J!""'-