PRC 1970 SUMMER RECREATION SUMMARY .. (~ SUMMARY: SUMMER RECREATION 1970 Children registered: Approximatel1 100 Softball: 4 games out of to~~; 2~ Exoelsior - 2# Chaasen Hardball: 1 game out of to'lrm - Excelsior Teebal1: Several out of town games All star game - Champions - (Excelsior) Special Events: Turtle Race - 8th place entrant, Aquatennial~ Tommy Rojlna Day Camp - 15 ohildren - good Canoe Trip - Publicized for- Teens" but no response Little Theater and Dance - Poorly attended~ suggest discontinue ~ A'ttendance:40 - 70/11 good Registra.tion : Camp - 15 Dai.ly - 75 - 100 Ron Mielke has made the request that he run the Winter Program~ Summar Reoreation: Financial Report ~~Etnseg Supplies ~ 236.98 Salaries 2~149~qQ Total Expense =.2 III 376. 98 Credit,- Receip!!. ,.-~Oo50 NET Summer Reoreation Expense ~fllJ816048 '" No eqUipment for Summer Recreation was purchased because construction act! vi ties made -storage impossible. Teeball equipment, arChery target faces and helmets must be purchased before the start of the next aeason~