PRC 1970 08 18 (~ (~ ~AaK k~D RECREATION COMMISSION ~{EETING Augast 18, 1970 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Present: Sally deLance1# Bob Fayfield~ Conrad Fiakness, Gladys McCary, Don Slathar Absent: Steve Wolf, Arnold Weimerskirch The meeting was called to order by Sally deLancey, acting Chair- WQTIlan. MINUTES: Conrad Fiskness moved that the minutes of the meeting of August 4, 1970, be approved. Gladys McCary seconded the motion. iJIotlon carried. WATERSHED DISTRICT PROPOSAL DISCUSSION: Types of projects 1 LA funded were described. Conrad Fiakness will keep in touch with Adolph Tessness on the Watershed Project, and further in- formation will be forthcoming. STREET SIGN QESIGN DISCUfl~ION: Samples of street signs were viewed. with the recommendation by the Park and Recreation Commission that they might prefer eigns with brOlffi background with white letters, and as second choice. green background with lihi te letters. Since no sample of the brown sign was displayed, the Commission states this as a tentative choice. STATUS OF LAWCON APPLICATION: Adolph Tessness reported that after Ruse Larson talked to two attorneys in Philadelphia. he found that basic approval of the trust agreement has been given, although a final O.K. has not been received. The Department of Conservation has given approval; the application has left Minnesota and will go to Ann Arbor. Mr. Tessness discussed ~dth Mr. Clauson the proximity of the option expiration date, September 1, and will prOVide Mr. Clauson with a letter to be sent to Washington with his additional comments if word of approval 1s not received this \-leek. REPORT ON GRADING PROJECTS: Steve Wolf and Don Sla.thar met with Bill Schoeil and~made plans for grading (to begin on Monday or Tuesday), including: Vill~e Hall Site: Change grading slightly - level to back _ access on south side - move hydrant · recreational skating near parking lot - hockey rink - two opposing ball diamonds. (To be done before grading: Move rink, lights.) (I" Well 51 te: As shown on pl an . . c PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - 8/18/70 page 2 ......" Carver Beach: Move Tot-Lot closer to box-elder ~rees - Qhe~!e parking area. The contractor will look at the Point and give an estimate. Don Slathar will contact Adolph Tessness - tag trees. Beach Area: Next spring it will be necessary to bring 1n more sand. (-- HOCKEY RINK PLANNING: The Jaycees will remove the hockey rink by Sunday evening. They ha.ve planned to start at 9 a.m., Saturday, August 22, according to Dennis Stedman and the Jaycees who briefly visited the Commission meeting and viewed the plans for the new rink. Adolph Tessnessstated that the lighte will be taken down by Thursday or Friday. Conrad Fiskness will contact Dennis Stedman about purchasing goalie protection equipment. Mr. Stedman wlll make up a list of equipment needed. Dennis Stedman suggested that it might be pOSSible to bulld a warming house that could also serve as a concession stand. Plans will be considered. ....", SENIOR CITIZENS: Don Slathar and Bob Fayfield will look into the possibility of mounting a clock on the wall. A locking displ81 case is needed. MISCELLANiOUS: LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE PROGRAM: A letter received from Mayor Coulter regarding this program was discussed. The Park and Recreation Commission ls interested in obtaining more information on C and D under Goal 1, and would appreciate comments from the Mayor at his leisure. SUM1J!ER RECHE! TI ON: c-: Fund Transfer; Conrad Flskness moved that the Park and Recrea- tion Commission instruct the Treasurer to transfer $1,000.00 from Youth Activities to the Park Maintenance category. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. Tbe motion was carried. 1970 Summer Recreation Repor~: (see copy) The Commission discussed the report received from Ron Mielke. Gladys McCary reported that the young people were very enthu- siastic about tennis. l-ir. Mielke recommended more involve- ment with Suburban Recreation. -.J /....... ~, -.., ~. ~ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - 8/18/70 NOTE: - page :3 SPECIAL PARK AND RECREATION CO~~ISSION MEETING August 25~ 1970 - 8 p.m. - Chanhassen Village Hall Initial Presentftion.of Lak~ Ann Project - by Paul FJare, Brauer and Associates Gladys lt~cCary moved 'that the meeting be adjourned. Don Slathar seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Barbara Montgomery ~ Secretary