PRC 1970 08 25 (~ PARR Aim Rr.CR1~A'rION comlISSION J-.iFr.TIHG August 25, 1970 - 8 p.m. Chanhassen Village Hall Present: Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfield, Conrad Fiskness, Gladys HcCary, Arnold Heimerskirch, Steve Holf Absent: Don Slathar visitors: riayor Coulter, Adolph Tessness and the Planning Commission The meeting was called to order by Steve ~~olf, Chairman. rUNUTES: Gladys HcCary moved that the minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1970, be approved. Bob Fayfield seconded the motion. ~1otion carried. ro~PORT: ~tr. Paul Fjare, of Brauer and Associates, Chanhassen Park Planners, was present to review preliminary comprehensive plans on the Lake Ann Park Project. Hr. Fjare gave us a re-appraisal of our park plan progress in relationship to preliminary park plan and development of present and future public park plans and expansion. Points given thru examination of and relationship to: (,,-... topography in relation to park programs natural attributes of soil, winds and vegetation access points to park from Highway 5 visual and noise penetration panoramic views, existinq slopes and natural rooms field games, picniking play areas, conservation trails, beach and court games were shown - specific to Welter Property in total speci.fic to Welter Property acquired in parcel specific to Lake Ann Park future planning DISCUSSION: A discussion on road accesses i.n relation to future road development by ~~. Tessness. Exploration of site by all of Park & Recreation Commission with Hr. Fjare to view suggested areas and development of present land purchase. There was a slide presentat.ion of the Welter Property by Steve Wolf. fiotion made by Bob Fayfield that Brauer and Associates proceed with more detailed planning of present park site. Hr. Wolf will notify ttr. Fjare. Seconded by Conrad Fiskness. f1otion carried. LAWCON 1971: A letter was read, from ttr. Larson, regarding present funding development and trust. There was a discussion on the present Lawcon and the 1971 application. Planning Co~~ission members were briefed by Chairman, Steve Wolf. (,... l...djourn. Ti.me: 12:00 a.m. Gladys Hc Cary