PRC 1970 09 08
September 8, 1970 - 8 pOm0
Chanhaesen VillaEe Hall
( "...
~bere presenl: steve t;olf, Conrad Fisk11ees~ Gladys l(cCary., Don
Slather, Arnold ::\'eimerskirch
ilembere absent: Sally deLancey~ Bob Fay-field
Guests: Xayor-Coulter, Al Klingelhutz
The meeting "laB called to order, by the Chairman" Steve ~Jolr"
~~: Don Slathar moved th~t the minutes of the meeting of
August 25, 1970, be approved6 Gladys McCary seconded the motion~
Motion carried 11
LA\1CON GRAnT DISCUSSION: Steve \Volf reported that everything now
seems to.'be "running 'smoothly, an.d that all the major difficulties
have been ironed out.. There "tvae some discussion of the exact. num-
ber of acres involved as determined by the survey in relation to the
purchase price., It \'las suggested that the designation tl.A it or "Blf
in reference to the land Parcels be clarified u The appraisal should
be comine alongo Next step: The Village will get notice and final
application to fill outo This must be returned with appraisalo
LANCON money should then be forthcomlngu
LOT 12: Ruee Larson hopes to obtain easements from o~~ers to run
'BtO'rm-...;atera through lot" A fl1 tering ponoVlas mentioned as a future
"... posed bill t;f <>
~~TER PROGREi~: After reviewing last year~s program, Gladys McCary
and Ron ~ielke \.1111 arrange a meeting \1Ti th school officials to co-
ordinate plana for the ~inter ProgramQ It is felt that it will be
beneficial to run programs through the school where possible; that
they are eager to cooperate~
Park and Recreation Plans include:
Recreational Skating
Hockey Rink & Program ... under Dennis Stedman" PI'ice of equip-
ment is now baing lnvestigated~
Cerami cs
Guitar Lessons
Basketball - Ron Mielke would like to run
Volley Ball - Perhaps different nights for men & women
It 18 hoped that the program might start sooner this wintero
1971 LA~'lCON APPLICATION: An amended application should be filed by
October~$ 1970 (deadline Octoberl5)p- accompanied by planBo A
letter of intent to apply for LA~CON Grant Aosistance should also
be Bent ino Adolph Tessnesg is in touch$ and will keep the Com~
mission informed~
page 2
NOTE: There will be a meetlne of the Park and Recreation Commission
onBaturday. September 12 at 9 at the VillaGe Hall.. Members
will meet with Paul FJare. Brauer and Associates, and walk the site
with plans in hand, and make suggestions if an.y chanees seem neededo
GRADING: Don Slathar will complete overlays and tracings of the
engineering study and planso Grading progress is "slow but beauti-
Carver Beach: Bill Janloh will investiga.te feasibility of restoring
the old.wello It was suge-ested that a report be made to the Carver
Beach Association at their next meeting to bring them up to date on
the Parko steve Wolf suggested that a notice should go out to resi-
dents of Carver Deach to the effect that all boats and docks must
be removed by a specified timeo Parking still presents a problem,
and more space needs to be providedo
~ .....-....
fnformational M~eting: steve Wolf proposed that the Commission hold
an Informational l~eatlne; for Chanhassen residents to hear plans on
Lake Ann, Grading, Budgeting and Developing, Winter Program~ Mayor
Coulter and ~~o Klingelhutz concurredo The Mayor has received many
inquiries about Park developmento Discussion took place regarding
the most appropriate time for such a meeting~ such as during regis-
tration for the ~lnter proeramo '
~~creational Fishing: Don Slatharwill follow up on the favorable
reply the Commission received to his letter to the Minnesota Con-
servation Depart~ent on this projecto
Trees: Steve Wolf, Arnold Welmersklrch. Fritz Coulter and the de
LanceyOs son cleared three rows of spruce, and transplanted trees
from the area to be gradedo Survival chances for the trees appear
goooo It was suggested that a strip of land on the Welter property
be set aside a.s a seedling area, and that more trees be ordered be-
fore the Msrch 15 deadllneo Steve ~olf suggested plantings and
sign posts at the entrance of the new park, perhaps to be accom-
plished with the help of the Garden Clubo Henry Wrase suggested
that maple trees be transplantedo
!ree Swin~s: Henry Wrase asked if rope could be provided by the
Comm! asi on for t1.10 tree s\'linga in ~~inne\1ashtao
Gladys MeCer-,. moved that the meeting be adjournedo Don Slathar
seconded the motiano Motion carr1edo The meeting adjourned at
10:00 porno
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary