PRC 1970 10 06 (,-... (""" (r PARR AND RECREATION COrA.MISS!ON - REGULAR MEETING October 6, 1970 Chanhassen Village ijall . Members present: Arnie lfeimerskirch, steve Wolf, Conrad Fiskness, Bob PaYfleld, Gladys llcCary Members Absent: Sally deLancey, Don Slathar The meeting was oalled to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf. MINUTES: Conrad Fisknessmoved t.hat the September 17, 1970, minutes'be ohanqed t.o read Bob Fayfield attendea, and .approved. Bob 'Fay-field seoonded the motion. Motion oarried. CITIZEN INVOLVEMEN'l': Tom Gabbert and Bud Andrus were present and gave a report. . SUMMARY: 1. N() jobs for 13 'to 17. year olds. 2. No lnvol vement, nothing oonstructi va to do. REMEDY: . 1. 'Design oonstruotive, reoreational jobs for 11 to 17 year olds. , ao Let them do park ohores - oleanup,building, ete.- appealing to their pride as a voluntary service to 'the community, plus some monetary reimbursement. b. Bleachers built, e~o. is a possibility. 2. Need younq adult supervi.sors. Park Commission enthusiastic about qetting started in 9'e1:ting these young people int.erested in community involvement in this way. Commission ,recommended that Tom Gabbert talk his ideas over with Henry Wrase, !1aintenance SuperintenCient. . Ask about using the Villaqe young peopl~ in park maintenance and development. WELTER PROPERTY :'fhere was a report on the meeting with Russell Larson, AIXlinqelhut.z, Steve Wolf and t.he Welter family. Judge Ludloff granted the Welter family (guardians) permission to sell the property t.o the park and ReoreationCommission. . HOCKEY PROG~h Bill Hellendrung, Fritz Coulter, Roy Roeser and Oenis St.edman were present. Spokeman, Denis Stedman, explained plans for -the hockey rink and lea9Ue organization and gave bids on equipment. They discussed inclUding a pelt line group of fifth and . sixth graders. CQnrad Fiskness suggested that present lUaterical needs determined before time to put up the rink. the rink Would be l85.f x 85'. A meeting was set at 2:.00 p.m. be assessed and It. was decided up for Sunday, Warming House: Each interested person is to check around for and adequ8t:e building that miqht be available. ' PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEIl."TING - 10-6-70 page 2 ( HOCKEY RINK: (contd) Arnie ~ieimerskirch wili check on leagues, competition. and qualifications. -' ( COnrad Fiskness moved to go ahead with the purchase of goalie equipment from Kokesh, Hopkins, periding Council approval. Arnie ~feimerskirch seconded the motlon. Hotion carried. ,WIN'l'ER PROGRAM: Gladys. McCary will follow through on Wint.er Program with Mr. Me Mill~ and Mr. Tessness and repottback on Octoer20, 1970. Ceramic class is in process every !.fonday eveninq. Guitar istobeqinOctober 27 - october 29, $10.00 for beginners and $12.00 for intermediates. Time is 4:30 to 5:30, TUesday and 'l'hursday. t.bru December 0 and December 10 ,1t7ith a 2 hour session the last. day. CARVER BEACH GllADING .PROGRESS: We reviewed the grading oftthe . po'1J;ltwith Mr. Brenden, .who will submit and estimate of cost to . the Village Administrator. BUDGE'!' REVIEW: 'l'he Park and Recreation COJPnlission requested. that Russ '.Larson render a.. legal opinion on the restrictions of the use '. of t.he Building Permit Fund monies, prior to Monday nightsCounci1 Meeting, October 12. . . ....""i ~R AND ASSOCIATES: A letter was read dated Sept.ember2l, 1970, ..from"'aul Fj are, which answers questions relat.ing to completion of work commitment per contractualaqreement. . , BILLS: Park and Recreatlo1l. Commission is directing the'l'reasurer to pay Brauer bills dated August 15 and Auqust. 25, 1970, to be ta~en fum the Bond Issue money. . INDUSTRIAL COMMISS.:ION; Conrad Fiskness and Arnietfeimersk1J:ch will draft a letter .'to. the Industrial Commission and the Chamber ot Commerce commencling them on the recently' published Chanhassen'Brochure.. Adjourned.at 11:55 p~~. Gladys McCary ( 'I J (!"" (!"" (~ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION - REGULAR z,mETING October 6, 1970 Chanhassen Village Hall Members present: Arnie Weimerskirch, Steve Wolf, Conrad Fiskness, Bob Fayfield, Gladys ~!CCary ~embers Absent: Sally deLancey, Don Slathar The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf. MINUTES: Conrad Fisknessmoved that the September 17, 1970, minutes-be chanqed to read Bob Fayfield attended, and approved. Bob Fay-field seconded the motion. Motion carried. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT: Tom Gabbert and aud Andrus were present and gave a report. SUMMARY: '1. No Jobs for 13 to 17 year olds. 2. No involvement, nothing constructive to do. REMEDY: 1. Design constructive, recreational jobs for 11 to 17 year olds. a. Let them do park chores - cleanup,building, etc. - appealing to their pride as a voluntary service to 'the community, plus some monetary reimbursement. b. Bleachers built, e~c. is a possibility. 2. Need young adult supervisors. Park Commission enthusiastic about getting started in getting these young people interested in community involvement in this way. Commissionreoommended that Tom Gabbert talk his ideas over with Henry wrase, Maintenance Superintendent. Ask about using the Village young people in park maintenance and development. wgLTER PROPERTY: There was a report on the meeting with Russell Larson, Al Klingelhutz, Steve Wolf and the Welter family . Judge Ludloff granted the Welter family (guardians) permission to sell the property to the Park and Reoreation Commission. HOCKEY PROGRA}I: Bill Hellendrung, Fritz Coulter, Roy Roeser and Denis Stedman were present. Spokeman, Denis Stedman, explained plans for the hookey rink and league organization and gave bids on equipment. They discussed including a belt line group of fifth and sixth graders. ' C9nrad Fiskness suggested that present materical be assessed and needs determined before time to put up the rink. It was decided the rink would be 185' x 85'. A meeting was set up for Sunday, at 2:00 p.m. Warming House: Each interested person is to check around for and adequate building that might be available. - ..\ ( ( ( PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - 10-6-70 page 2 -",i HOCKEY RINK: (contd) Arnie Weimerskirch will check on leagues, competition and qualifications. Conrad Fiskness moved to go ahead with the purchase of goalie equipment from Kokesh, Hopkins, pending Council approval. Arnie Weimerskirch seconded the motion. Motion carried. WINTER PROGRAM: Gladys McCary will follow through on Winter Program "with Mr. Me Millan and Mr. Tessness and report back on Octoer 20, 1970. Ceramic class is in process every Monday evening_ Guitar is to begin. October 27 - October 29, $10.00 for beginners and $12.00 forintermedistes. Time is 4:30 to 5:30, Tuesday and Thursday thru December 8 and December 10, with a 2 hour session the last day. CARVER BEACH GRADING PROGRESS: We reviewed the grading oftthe point with Mr. Brenden, who will submit and estimate of cost to "the Village Administrator. BUDGET REVIEW: The Park and Recreation Commission requested that Russ Larson render a legal opinion on the restrictions of the use of the Building Permit Fund monies, prior to Monday nights Council Meeting, October 12. ..."I ~ER AND ASSOCIATES: A letter was read dated September 21, 1970, from-Pau1Fjare, which answers questions relating to completion of work commitment per contractual agreement. BILLS: Park and Recreation Commission is directing the Treasurer to pay Brauer bills dated August 15 and August 25, 1970, to be taken fum the Bond Issue money. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION: Conrad Fiskness and Arnie weimerskirch will draft a letter to the Industrial Commission and the Chamber of Commerce commen4ing them on the recently published ChanhassenBrochure. Adjourned at 11:55 p.m. Gladys McCary --'