PRC 1970 10 20
October 20, 1970 . 8 p.m.
Chanhassen Village Hall
!!emberspresent: steve Wolf', Sally de Lance;r, Bob Fayfield,
Gladys MoCary, Don Slathar, Arnold Weimersklrch
Members absent: Oonrad Flakness
Guest: Dennls Stedman
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf.
MINUTES: Arnold Welmersklrch moved that the minutes of the
meeting ot October 6, 1970p be approved. Glati18 McCary
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
BILLS: Glad1s McCary made a motion that the statement dated
September 25, 1970, in the amount of #395000 from Brauer and
Associa:tes be approved tor payment from the Bond Issue. Don
Slather seoonded the motion. Kotion carrled~
welter .pro~erty Report: Steve Wolf read a letter dated August
21: 1910, rom the United States Department of the Interlor,
Bul"eau of Outdoor Recreatlon, pertalning to ha.ving qualifIed
for ~40,OOO, and also that the entire proJeot has been quali-
fied for approvalCl
The 1~71LAWCON A~pllcatlon was submItted prior to the deadllneo
Things look good.
SENIOR CITIZENS MEETING REPORT.: Steve Wol:f and Sally deLrmcey
and Bob F&Jfleia attended the meeting at whlchf.i1ke Auger
spoke on the HUD financing program for low costhous1ng and
present.ed several dIfferentwaye that this could be accom-
pl1Shed through grants or loans. They felt that the Senior
CitIzens group should be commended for tae meet1ng, and that
the program should be explored further.
Newsletter: Thetollowlng 18 an excerpt from the "Senlor
CIti~en Newsletter", Scott and Carver Counties, August and S$P'"
~HANHASSEN Offlcers were elected at the monthly business
meet.1ng. They are: President, Helen Banyard; vice-presi-
dent., Pauline Ker'Ver; 8ecretary~ Marl Kurvers; treasurer,
Loretta IteIm; committee chairman included: sunShine,
Agnes Weller; recreatIon, AnnBlmmet; and arts and crafts,
Nellie Danzen. July and August have been var1ed and busy
months. Included was lunch at the Jolly Troll and the
Wewelettep .. continued
movle. tfAIrport". The, attended the Chanh_sen l)1nner
Theatre. The,. a180 had a Potltlckdlnner. Hannah and
Arnold Ohu11k weresurp:rleeda1;, the potluokdtnner wIth
spec1al recosnlt,lon t07.'thelr 50\11 w,d41ngannlveraary.
Then on 'the 9th 811memhers ware lnv1 1;ed to. th(llr golden ,
wed41ng celebratJ.on. Chanhaseenha4 their own Senlor
Cltlze King and Q,ueen. William Beeker, ase 91. and
Marl ffOl."It~rber.age 85.rod.1n the Frontler Dqe
Fa1"ade. On the 18th. the, enjol.4 a tM.p.on the Jonathan.
faden.tord. Thill was tollowed by. V181t to the Jam..
Ford Bell MUSeum. Oft the 20th Carver Joined them tor a
picnic at the U. ot K1nn. Arboretum, where the, enjoyed
toura of the Arboretum and pl871l'18 cards. Some ot their
members, Joinecl other ceu'tera tor a 487 a1l tbe ballgame,,"
LAD ANN PROJ~aT: The Commission 4iscuase4HUDrequlrementa
84 whetherappl1catlc.m tor fundsm1ght be teasible. It was
8ttggeeted that, Mr. Rober' Llndab1an4 ownctrs,or the other two
parcels ot land be Uvl.tea ",0 the t1ratlll.etilngot tile Park and
RecreatIon OOJlUD1aalon tit November tor 41..IIS8100. It. was also
suggested that. it would be b.elpMto cU._CUM HUD applioatlon
wi\h 141ke Augetr.
HOCKEY PROGRAM: Amo1d Welmel"8klrch ~eport.d on the M1:nnetonka
touthRock87 Assoolatlon, 88 desor1bed t.o him by Sob Sumpter:
Any b01S tram Chanhass8l'llll81 Join .. lnd1 vidual8.
'.rho Assocla1tlonus... Intematlol'1a1 Hoote,. .RQ1.CI, 8114 It,.
was suggested that Chanha&88n 'obtain a 00P7 or them.
There arethre8 $g. groups; 8-10, 11-12.13-15.
Age 1s deterualned as ot Janue)' 1.
There aret.wo '1pesof competition (Nelpborhood games tor
the a-10 ag8 grOUp). .
They would coordinate competlt1on w1thChanhaaeen.
A$soclatlondu8s toeQch member: 31.00, aimltal11.
Member'S furnish their OWl'l equ.lpment. .
Dennis stedman wlll meet with Bob Sumpter to discuss program.
The Comm18sion de01de4 to charge CS.OOper, child for the Hoeke,.
Program, w1 th $10.00 Per t81llIll maximum. It. mal be posslbleto
prOvide hee4ge8l" top 26 with registration monel'.
lfarmlSfhous8 plana we... 418cQ88ed. haelb111tlofuslng a 6aJ'age
tor t ..8 purpose W&$ debated.. !here 18 a possibIlity that atgr.. ....)
nace mq be donated. Supervision wasd1acu8.ed.
page 2
page 3 .
HOCKEY PROGR~i . eon~1nued
...1 1
D~i8 St$ .r$poJ'wd that the Hockey Rink sh()Qld be fin1shed
by Oct. 24. Swve Wolf noted tha.t thEt hydrant!111 have to be
moved or an add! tional hydrant installed.
WINTER. PROGRAM: The school will bra on ~tonday and Thurs-
"lay evenings. and in the daytime on Saturday.
Sally deLanclitT moved that t.hePark and Reereat1onCommls81on
of tel' Ron Mielke $90.00 fora6-week'Saturda;ymorning program
to bertm from 9 a.m. to noon, beginning November 1 through
December19tho Arnold Welms1"sklrch seconded the motion. Motion
Sally deLancsra1IiJO moved that the Pax-k and RecreatIon Commission
otfer Ron .M1elke $2.00 an hour tor 4 hours per night. two nights
each week, for a total ot #96.00 to:reach 6-week sesslon of
Volleyball and Basketball. beglnnlng.ThtWsday,November 5, and
endIng Thursday, l)(eoember 11. excludlngThursdai. November 26.
Arnold Welmersklrchseconded themot,lon. Motion carried.
(;i-"" There will. be no charge ~oX" the Saturdays8selon. Adults will be
Charged $1.00eaol1. Advertlelng 18 needed. Reglstt-atlontorthe
n&xt.B9sBion coul.d take place the last week of the tirst sesslono
~RADING PROJEC.!: No report.
Industrial.. aomm18s1on~::q~ur!t: Arnold WelruorS1tlrch. read a letter
to bEt sent 'to the Industrl&l Commission commenting them on the
Brochure promoting Ghanhassen.
Don SlathfU'.moved that themeetlng be adJoU1"'J1ed. Gladys McC8l'1
seoondedtheUlotion. The meeting adjourned at 11 p.m.
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary