PRC 1970 11 17
NQvember 17. 1970 .. 8 pom..
Chanhassen Village Hall
Members present: steve Wolt, Sally deLancey, Bob Fayfleld~ Conrad
Flskness, Don Slathar, Arnold We1mersklrah
Members absent: Gladys McCary
Guests:~Mrs. Patrick Kerber, Rose Kerber, David Elde, Paul
MoAllIster, Janie Trimbley, Barb Schroers, Dean Goetze, Dan
Swanson, Laurie Price, Dave Johnson
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf.
MIRUT~S: Bob Fa,field moved that the minutes of the meeting of
November 5, 1970, be approved. Arnold Welmersklroh seconded the
mot1on. Motlon car-rled.
YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Bob Fayfield, Steve Wolf, Jeff and
Cathy' &ck met w1 th about thirty-some teenagers at a Rap Session
for Young People at the Elementary School 1n Chanhu8en on Sunday
afternoon, November 16. As a result of that meet1ng, the guests
above attended the Park and Recreation Comm1ssion to take act10n
1n form1ng a Youth Advisory Committee.
After a d1scussion of points to consider, the young people left
to meet downstairs to elect a temporary chairman and set up a
committee to plan an organizat1onal meet1ng. Later in the
evening the young people returned to report the following develop-
Youtq Advisor, flennlng,COmmitt!!
Temporary Chairman: Dave Eide
tt Secretary: Barb Schroers
Pro1)osed M"tlnR to Elect a Youth Adylsory Commit'tee forrChanhaseen:
Date: November 24, 1970 - 7:30 p.m.
Place: Chanhassen Village Hall (downstairs)
Eligible Voters : All people who attend
Cout ttee Member R,ulrements: Age, 12 ... 21; Attendanoe, 70% of'
mee~lnss, Dot m1s8 . hree in a row, Resident of Chanhasseno
Pur~o8e of Committee: To determine Youth wants and needs 0
~unctlon of Committee: To help organize constructive youth action;
iake any grievance to appropriate person or channel.
Young people will make and distribute pUblicity posters for the
organizational meeting In schools and in Excelsior and Chanhasseno
More dlscusslon :followed.. It was suggested that tho Committee go
through the Park and Recreation Commission in dealings with the
Village. Sally deLancey and Bob FS1tleld will attend the meeting
on November 24, and act s s lisson with the Committee..
(r- WATERSHED DISTRIOT: It was announced that Conrad F1skneas will
serve on the Park and Recrea'tlon Advisory Board to the Riley-
Purgatory Creek Watershed Dlstrlcto
page 2
WINTER 1?ROGRAM: steve Wolf' stated that t.he Councll had approved ...,I
the clarlficat.ion of Ron Mielke's salary. Sally deLancey sug-
gested that it would be helpful if mothers ,or teens could help
wl'th the young childrfin.on Saturday mornings.
~epJ' Rink: Plers have. been put 1. n, 6 x 6 poats bolted down.
. garage 18 to be moved on November 18. The light polea are
UP. lights to be put up on November 18. The Jaycees put up the
tence. r8111ng has been put around top, back screen put in.
There 18 more pain'tt1ns to be done. To provide acces8, two-part
doors have been 1nstalled which can be litted out. Thel'e Is
still a prOblem wit.h water. A f'J-o.t-tree installation m&1 provide
a better arranaement. Je7!Tl Scblenk and HenrI Wrase will bank
up the 1'8oreat.ional r1nk with a blade. Jayceea wl11 put40wn
sand and plastic tor hockey :rink.
YOUTH "~A.D!lItD: A meeting structured to stimulate
IDt.r.8t-~i about the entire problem wll1 be presented
at the Ch8rlhasa. Elementary School at 8 p.m. on Monday, November
2'. Speakers 11111 be Roger Paine, RELATE adv1sor, Pastor Dennis
Lorenz, Barbara Montgomer, tor HOT LINE. Publlc1 ty will be
obtained through SUN Newspaper, the MAVERICK, and notices sent
out at 80hool8. Coffee wll1 be served. Volunteers will be
uked to pr0914e baked good8.
;rm" : Don 51athat' will send in order tor tree a after checking
looal conservat1on people. It was suggested that Youth
might help wi t.h plantinget
~ak.n~ AlDel}d1ng Firearms Or~nano,: Steve Wolt
8ia~.a-:~at th1s shoulCl be made .part of the Ord1n-
ane-e, but that fl...t other lake areas should be investlgated.
Don Slathar w111 sm-ve7th. Lake SUsan area. Discusslon followed
regsrdlng the possibility ot provldlng a shooting area or range.
It. Wa88ugge.tectthat Wally GrlepentI-ogot Moon Valle, should be
.aommUUCW V40an01.. J steve Wolt suggefLea that possIble new
members tor the Park and Recreation Commisslon be consldered,
.illce he will be vacating his aeat on the Commission 1n order
to .eMe on the Counoil.
Bob Fqfleld moved that the meet1ng be adjourned. Don Slathar
seconded t.he motlon. The meetlng was adJoumed at 11 :30 p.m.
Barbara Montgomery, Secretary