PRC 1970 12 01 >..~ ; ;PARKliND :RECREA'.rION ,CO!{MISSlON l'fJ~ETING Dec.~mb'0:r}1 p1970-' 8 porno 1- CllS1"1hess~nVl11,age Hall l'~icmb6l"6 . pr.ssent: Steve Itolfio Sa,lly ct~Lf!I"lgey jl Bob FaJrf5.eld.. Qoi~;~'?a?17Ia.~nG8S ~ G],a.dY,a' r{~ca.ry, Arnold W~1merl3klrch r~0lJfoC'.'1"B abeen t : Don 61 athar .~~~.:.i~~~~..~or~ m.'1~~.!31 Barb Schroer,~~Ron.!J1ielke 'fhellleeting \'1 as. oslledto ol"'der by the Chairman, Steve I{Trm'l'ES: Conrad. Flalmess moved thatth(~ minutes of. the ~~c;~ing be appr,ovedo,.Arnold \,feimeraki,l"'ch seconded the' . X'i(~tlon oaY'riedo 1Ci'?q BUDGET DISCUSSION: Conrad Fiaknel9M. and. ..C\rnolfl \"lelmel"~k:i.~chr;a-lJl; ~t:'~(:i'{)rfufrea=~etaRGVrG"iQ Dlscuosio11 follot'l~d, to bec:ontinui.1d ,~ at 'i:.he ti1E2xt meeting., ,. , :(r l~~~.l.Q': Glady-a MoCal"':i maCJe a motion tlmt the Park a:ndHecrfJ~~'iio:'l Gorm:n:Lsaion rscommcl!1.d' t() the COlAWJ!l . appr'oval Of"Gha blll fJ."qm In~t.Y<:.iPrint.s f'ol'~12o:;V; (1 temized balm'!) to be paid toSa~l;y': dGLa?lc~yfor the. printing of leaflets fOI' the dance,,'. 11/J.8 "* #50222 -$5015 11/'19/= #50249 "",;17,,16 . ~f~-;~r Gomoe;,a .Fi~knesa seoonded the !11ot,iono Motion~arrledo' I.., bl:}LJIJ1Iit.f1l..f1MiiTIQ!: No report" LHCE: ANII PROGRESS REPOR'r: steve Wolf rapor'f/ed that {'~'.~..~:':"'laC~;t"-""""'~_;:;;Ji.~l.:~~~~~.~;:r. '",. .,... ;:: , ...". '.............::,".',:'..,,: 'iJGCU ~lo8ed. on .P~I'celBeI.nd the. deed.race! veda A oert1fl;~d'Gopy tif' th(,~c10ed aIle application. forma will be fo:rwardod,; t,a the\i'i'> ' gover11me1ntfox' r.e1mbursement of LA\'lCON funds., ..". , l'luncfOr"sprlng' should beco~lsidered nOvl, since iH'';ZOcIiE:cee "1~11 be \.fork1ng on pI ana a ~. .j . \~, ~':" YOUTHS11.vIINAR REPORT: Bob Fayfil?~ld reported on the meatirig{,i')ll r~2:~S~2Zf'-ar-rhSChaii.haasen Village Hall ~ at\<lhlch thefolJui1i"" i.ng officers \\fera ~leatad for theChanhsssan Xouth Adyl~ory .. Commi t.tee :.' \. B.::u'bSchl"'oara ... CJ:1a1rman (rJl1n.:t1ti t. Ol'1k 0. ) ....Be-v Klein ~" socrat.ary (Cl:'1ael~a) Hen~v Neile-Treaaurer (Mlnnotonka) ROflS" Kerb0l" (Cha.aka) . D8Rll Goet,z '(Cha13k.a) (Jra) Ch.l"~.a O[Jf!;ood (rtlrmetonka) Pf;l)ll' ~'16itl]J.atQ}l" (Chflflka) .~ PAf1K,iAND RECREA1'ION COIVlMISSION MEETING ~ 12/1/70 p~,~: 2,< .'" :E". '. , '.' ~",:", . .'. q , ";.;:!~~~f~AR REPORt,..(99T~,.el: :These 'seven repI'esento.tlvea;~&r~,' ....) ;_;i~:l.~~~~d by popUlsr::Uo~~()'r~he YO\lll8 people from 13 cB-l."'ldldatee.,.., '... ;"nom1~ated.;from the tloorbY,the 25 young people present.o ;, "~_.' ,", -~, ',>:~,::/\., >""'f"~~ ' ,,' " '" . '. ' \; ;,' _ - ,. ~,. ;"-:'..:_.._~,:':-"r ;;~~'".'~\.- ~~;,. 'Pl'ScusBlon was t,Q be cQn1#tnlleCi about the formation ~f t\'lo,~'Sllb~: '.:'commltt.ees, a Dance Committee and a Barn Committee. '" };-' -",!~ ' ,':" .--)' "",,- ~ ,< . > .' .- "; .-. :" , "'.1....._. ~. .~ d_. <. , . , ,~; "" ~" :- ,(,Th:e~a 'ldll. be a meeting of theCYAC on the second, third arid: .'. .' '. ",f,ourth,}'lednesdsy: of' each mont.h at the Chanha.esen Village ij~"l; :, ",I'(l.1p$t~~l'e),Q T1'?-sfil"stmeet1ng will be held on Deoember 90"/' :~"~:. ,,1"": _'1,", '. ~ ':"'. . '. ~ ."..,: _ ,.','~' .". ~ ." " " ; .,';:, 4~beJam$~ae1o:n !1eldon F;rldsyoight-stt:racted about 60 ,yoUng" :-l'-eeple:~.; Hen'l"'Y :Neilo ,Chris Oeg09d, and Dav1d Ahl prov1ded,;:th~, ;;tn",:~:lCo,'; Ch~per.9nae were Merge Bchlenlt and Dennis Wel terof./,';' C -! ,,c' , .- ,~"Tr~aa~r;y:, Th~~elsa bslanc~' on hand of 015..00 t 'The "Qomm~ f, tee met on Sunday II with 6 mamb~rB and 6 other in te'.r....; "?S~0d "young 'poople" ' - . .'Th.lSy;'would like a plaoe to have absnd for a emallgroup people 011 Sunday aftarnoonso "Fund-raising act1 vi ties were discussed,l including ~~~anti selling firewood door to dooro .."Sugge~tlon8 were made. by the Park' and Recreation Commisalon<' , "J.)Qnc~m1ng publicity_ represent-at1 vas at pla.rl1'ling meetinge,'.- '; Sttst,a1ning interest by golngalowly on pla."1afor the barno;":' " :.$a:tl;V deLancey moved that payment be authori:zed of the $2(hOO ,'pelong1ngto Youth Activ:1.tiea (from Car \'iaah of l! yeers ago)~- i to"the CYAC so that they may open a bank account.. 'Conrad . ,:.Fiaknesi!' e"oonded the motlone Motion cs.rried. ,--".- :.'l'''i:', :'..' _ .- .' . . ,\.', ,.Wn~TER YOUTH PROGRAM: ,.,..- ':;;1!ij,$, fr2~:.,RSln--MIeik~:,Monday and'l'hul-sday nights are goinS. ":> l'l~ll,;;:wlth 15t.o .18 each. night attending, including 8 .foung J "':. J_.,.:i:.p~o'plepl811ng. baeketb~l in the emall gym. Saturdays 'are"'.,- '> . crowded .-85 signed'up." high pOint in attendance, 580 It,'~s, ",')1op,e,d,-,thatthe Jaycee" will app01nta halpero Mrs. Ml~lke;- c,;,~1~"~~e' ()DIy helpsr on Batul"day. ' . " ,'~O~;~lbi~u$e of the 'Qm' by'teens tor recreatIon for thr,eewae~t/ .pnj.1onday and Thursdayevenlngs f'rom 7:30 ~iO 10:30 was dlacu,sEle~o' ;l~11y,~~eLance1 will' oontact. Mr. Amundson, Supt.. of Schools, ~eibo~t ' ;,plan3eand will keep in touoh with Barb Sohroers, ChmoJ OYAqo .,'1 - Tl10CYAC would take c~e of p1ansll' oleanup, eto... for thoso~) " , " nights 0 ' was some discussion of changing hours on Saturdayop .~ t',\' ~',:r: , \'. " 'hi: , . . ,;' , ( , ):PAfhr'~~ND RECREATiONCOMlUBSION" ~jlEETING.-12/1/70 ' '5' _; ".>_:'- -~..' 'n -.-. ,'. '1< < \...' ;-, . ;,' .,'\ , ", ... , ' ."'!l~1'i~' ~OJll.H 'PR9~Ui~'i (CQNL1" '", " " " '" Hockey: ., ~h\3 high winds. ble\'l 'the fence dOtm .., will be r-apL=J~1~~(tQ .Tlie;-:ri7g1it~ ,~e nt?t.:in 'yet,lJ~' b1;lt have boenpromised soono' '-', ,- ,,;:,._.,--, , , , . .' '- , . "'i'ha'P~k' and RGcra~tlon~' C'~~iSS1Qn sanda thank a to Lymari."Luml)~i~!: .'of~cel$~or ana .Bob' pu~feY(;-for t.heir ddnat,~ons. of materia1:"'~l'l~':;; . ):~abor!;'.f~r..the wsrm1ngh.ou.aeo' " ,'" ,~-l~~~~::)tlB 'f ,:-/ _ -:'_ I', _,' _',..": _ _ q' ,_ :;'_, ", 1r....iiQ~naoe 1s nsadGd' fo~, the 'warming housa.-. ,A2chGdule fo~ .th~aock~y, ,Ril1k. ShOl.l1d be pl"'eparec.l., . .... ',', ,',~ !Co'l.'Al"sid F'1aknEUH$ reported ,that goalie protection equl,pment h~~,'''' 'be(S>n olJd,or.ed; pads, ilJere; out,,(.)t, stoc~, but should, be. J:-~c.ei ve,~;l:in" .', thl"~ew(Jeka II" ,.,". ,',., .,',,'.'. ,,' , '. " ,;:~ :.',',~f,i:lm6'r: ~on.;11Sh'to.t19odln8< recreation lU~ea: ahould be1nstalled~;:,', , "Ui st<11toh fQ:r the ,r1nk'shoul4..l?e plac~d on pOleo POllce,could.' ,be alerted' to',cheick to ,see if" turned off.. :P..~~j&t4~-1!t{i1t!tQ..~!':.: '"Gladys, McCary re~orted that a. ska.ting:,i!l"~ ,BtJr-t-lcto;:risn0$dedp S~l~y d~lJtmcGY .w:l.ll fallen., up" - , , I , '" stGv~\'lo;t.f: 8ho\'!~d on :'d1agram the need to' move t,hehydranto . J:.do:ipb,' has bGlencont.~Qtedo HopefullYiI \'101'"k cmn be dona .on . befo:t~$ l'tanol<1a @ , ' .' , .. ,\" ,. ,rUSCEI.,Lll,NEOUS: . :~m,ili~]~rfi~ Discussion. of l1r:obi~ms,\>/ l;~;1~~Q!:!!L~....,..~Cl1-~~Y..: , It ,1~rllopi)d ..tha~ ,interest can ~e rev1vodo':" o l~fl:t!:rI."G'r:H;nce or Vil1$P;& ,He.lldow-matairs: The Oommls.s1on stronglyi ~<ll"~>::~~"'<<'~'.A--A.aLA.~ --'fiS.~'ll~Cl3IC1tlMifU"~, ' , ''-'" . _"_, a.6vi~aathe Adl1linistrato~ that maintenance ofthedo\<.rnatai~s,' ia' NOT s~t1afactoryo "," , , '. . " YouthS~~lnnr for Adults: The Park and Recreat1onCommlasiori I't:~,;~~C:'T~r"""'~"''''' --..~...~'Jllt.~~,t;lI~~.;:<<Iol~' " , _:' j " _ " " ". _ r'ap(~l'>ts:that the 'Gvenlngtd t.h, the pal"ents',on liovember23w$8'a,;) beginning ,toward ,,,hat -''lG, hope will be e. continuing d1~ogue~n."t th6COnlmun1 ty about problems" Ideas ~Jld aonCGl"ns in'l(olvlng ..', ycuth.,:\'le' Hope this stimulates fUl"ther" comml tween ta in, the; ~(lult. oommu..Vl1 tY~o"il~d, youth' 'aotiyl ties, ,but 1 t ,dll not unl@ce";thl~"'i.' typ~ of:~v~nl11g continues,,'" , '. . '",.' " ",' -; -: -,-, ,,' - " ,- " :(~ ,;' ,It\'~a,e~<sci4a~' to.ask'Rllsa'Lm.qe'6nto set. up the next met1tin~c,: .:,': ^ . '" ""', , .. I ,'" 'W.1~:...TI>' 'fOQY~~:At .the t~me "the Res()lutlon #42070"'2~ comlnonli knOW'll a~' .t.he 5-acre Resolution,' we.spf),a~,ad, the Park andReQ~~a-':' t10n COlIh1lisSl0nwholeheartedly sndorsedthe action; therato:re,' . .t1e ars..kaonly disappointed tn the l'scent actlonby thecowlol,l. ,.' .:inl"'~l3oj>ndiug t-h18re$O~u..t.ion., We real t.~18 aotion ha~, b(}~~ng, 0' ,,011 'the ordcnoll,<'leYGlopment ,of the Village as wall a.s ma;ntain1n5 ~he.'\qU&lJ.t.1. of" the en'VlronmentoWewould apP1"ecifAt.e theoppC)~~\:.. :<lln~t1to meet,wi ththe Council and otht!flr interested Comm1ardon& (,ocd~quss this matter~, ~!~fu,~!1qpd St!1die,f:StevGt \'lolf explained ,his COllcerns about',. t!<im~i~1" an<l,'pro~+ems created by laok of planning., He' .r~coIDlriehdad: v " ':.- .~,- ;~ " "" i'r ,< \.:~;:>i/'>, ' '~::~:. ~"J2;;~'::<..." p~~"~f;'~"~;'/ <. cor~~ISSION MEETING - 12/1/70 ,- '-l t.~:'"., ~ <', hbo~hood studies C nt.): '0 , That }lelgh,borhoodstudlea be lnstl tuted on the ,p';~.,' '" ~ of planners.'.'.,,'.. ' .:, "y.f;.;>.~"., 'That, planners 1?', c~led in t;rom ~lme 1.0 t-1me tor,d~~~: <", cusslon o~ the subject of,denel ty. ,>,{;~t..;~::; , ',.-, , ' ',' "i,'~;":~',~'T'+:~:'~"<:"'1:~'~'_' , .... NExT\MEETING: .' The next meet1ng of the Park and Recrea:t.iont,'~~},~;',;;:," "--,'--', ~ ~___ 11 - - . __, .. - , . -,'" ',. ->-'~~'''',,~-.-,,;- ,,:' ,Commiss1on wl11 beonDecombcn~ lS;adJ.nnerm9Gtingat,,5 :,o.,"}p.m.~ .to~~owe,d by a r(;Jgula.r meet.lng at, 8 p.m. ~" ' ",":~~,.';."', , . . ,., " " .,: "" - -~ .'-' ~, ~' '. ~: '-j~,~:~;;:.- ~- '..'-:.: ~~:>,;.- . ~:';!~Wt.mMB~~::' Three new Jllembers will be needed. FUbllo1tY"'~~,.<':,. i';pape~, wl11bearranged bY' Sally deLanGey end Stove Wolf,,' '".:'.d ",' ...\1n~~t1~g~e.w.. m~be:Ci:,t,Pthe. next meet1ng~",,:\ \i</~}:.,~j;:: '. LIGHTED' SCHOOL' CONCEPT:. Meeting ,on Dec'81llber 9 at '.' S6utlt:H18l'l.';'c;: .' '~hool~ Jipls..' Dinner-will' be,~2..00, Speakers: Drtl!'DavI8':.'''(;tp'o,,~o. Di~oJerom" HlAghes;Fanel.. 7:45 - 9:004 The filni ~o TO\1Qh,a,/,' Cmlduw1:J,.1 be shown.. ,~ ~~ ",' ~t' Gladls ~,McCe.r1 moved that, the meet1ng be adjourned.~ Bob , , Fayfield seoonded themotlon.. The meeting was adJourned: at,' 1~:4Q p.m, ~ " " " ,;:\~.;:~;[::, , B.arbaraMontgomery.' Secre.~.~y.,;:" .' c >>:l~\:~~\! ; .. :r -I' :".' ,/ ~;<~~i.:~;i'~~g:i~~~~.1l'2"~;Z~<:Jh~::~~:(':~;r;lt~~;t~(~~~i_~~~ii~rf'I1}~~~}~tdi~~\l4,Wi~'~~~~_.~"41~~