PRC 1970 12 15
December 15, 1970
Chanhassen Village Hall
Mambe. Present: Don Slathar, Arnold 'Weimerskirch, Conrad Fiskness,
Steve wolf, Sally deLancey and Bob Fayfield
Members Absent: Gladys McCary
Guests: Rose Kerber, Bev Klein,.Mark Schlenk, Dennis Welter, Fritz
Coulter, Dave Wilson, Bill Hellendrung, Denis Stedman, Roy Giese,
Gary Anderson and Adolph Tessness.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Steve Wolf.
MINUTES: Corrections of the December 1, 1970, Minutes are as
follows: Sally deLancey moved that under "Bills", page 1, the words
"for the Adult Seminar on Youth" be inserted in place of "for the
dance" in the 4th line. Don Slathar seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Under the same motion, page 2, fourth paragraph should read
"Mark" instead of "Marge" Schlenk. Under the same motion, page 2,
under "Winter Youth Program", line 5 should have "Mrs" inserted
before the word "Jaycees~.
ArnieWeimerskirch'moved that page 4, items land 2, "planners" be
deleted and the wording:\'!Brauer and Associates" be inserted. Bob
Fayfield seconded~he motion. Motion carried.
Minutes approved as" amended.
STATE CONSERVATION DEPARI'MEN'l': Gary Anderson , from the Conservation
Department was invited to the meeting for the purpose of giving us
instruction" regCU:ding the type of trees for our park areas, their
care, etc. 'He had already been to the Lake Ann Park site - Welter
property - and had typed the soil for us. He suggested that ever~
greens be used on the more open areas and that any type of hardwood
be used in the periphery areas. He told the Park and Recreation
Commission there were two basic types of soil on the property. He
said the open areas, to be planted, shoul~ bedisked and leveled in
the Spring. Should have a weed control program for 3 to 5 years. He
recommended a chemical for this purpose and gave us a pamphlet on the
Subject. Tree species should ve native varieties for good results,
pluse Black Hills Spruce and White Pine on the heavier ~oil. White
Cedar could be planted in the wet spots. Black Walnut and Sugar
Maple are also recommended for good results. Good transplanting
equipment is needed for Oak and Black Walnut because of their deep
tap roots, even as saplings. (The Park and Recreation Commission
was discussing transplanting from its own woods to the eastern
boundary of the Welter site.) He said that Richard Haskett of the
Hennepin County Park Reserve District (473-4693) would be glad to
help the park and Recreation Commission with its program and showed
a letter to this effect.
There is equipment, for rent, for planting seedlings. The charge
is up to 5(: a tree. Transplanting machinery is also available.
Evergreens should be planted 8 to 10 feet apart and the shrubs 2 to
3 feet apart. Ginnala Maple is an excellent shrub. He offered the
name of the trucker who picks up fQr the Conservation District and
said he could also pick up ow: seedling order and deliver it for ....)
approximately $2.00.
Trucker: Milfred Dalchow
Waconia, Minnesota
Conrad Fiskness will order approximately 1500 trees for next Spring.
There is no charge for these seedlings.
TEENS: Those' who were in attendance expressed ,an interest in:tla;;ing
the school (Chanhassen Elementary for their activities. They
suggested using the buildings we have now for the kids now in the
.core area.. Bob Fayfield suggested thi:Y discuss their-riservations
about the Barn with their Barn Committee.
Dennis Welter, is the adult, supervising the teens on Monday and
Thursday evenings in the small gym at the Chanhassen Elementary
INTERVIEWS: Dave Wilson, Carver Beach; Roy Giese, Carver Beach;
Wm. Hellendrung, and Denis Steelman, Western Hills: all appeared
before the commission as interested potential Commission members.
HOCKEY: Bill Hellendrung will be responsible for SCheduling the
hockey rink ~se. The Park and Recreation Commission will be
responsible for trying to find someone to maintain the warming j
house after the heater is installed. Adolph Tessness is working oftlllll'
a heater for the warming house. Jerry Schlenk has been freezing
the rinks and progress is good. The work on the warming house
is almost complete.
BILLS: Don Slathar moved and Arnie Weimersk1rch seconded that the
Park and Recreation Commission approve 'the Brauer and Associates
bill for 70-77A, Lake Ann Survey for $595.00, which will bring the
contract with them to 80' completed. Motion carried.
Arnie Weimerskirch moved and Bob Fayfield seconded that the Park
and Recrea~ion C~mmis$ion approve th~ followinq two bills from
Brauer and Associates: 1. Supplemental work entitled 70-77B, Lake
AnnSurirey, Welter property: cross section fiel~ alignment of
street, parking area and ballfields to topographical 'layout control,
$533.64, dated October 25, 1970. 2. Additional statement dated
~ovember 10, 1970, for professional service of compiling and com-
putation of tield survey data to establish base topographical mapping
$251.00. Motion carried. '
The above three invoices should be paid from the Bond Issue Money.
HISTORICAL COMMI'1"1'EE: Martha Lyman and Gail Wolf (Mrs. Steve) are
interested in working on .this project. After discussion, it was
moved by Bob Fayfield and,seconded by Arnie Weimerskirch that the,.
Council buy a tape recorder for, the purpose of recording informat.1....,,;'
of historical signigicance as well as for general Village UtE for
Public Hearings, etc., and that d the park and Recreation Commission
is willing 1:0 allocate the $200.00 in its 1970, Historical Committee
Budget toward this pUrpose. Motion carried.
NEW MEMBERS: There was a lengthy discussion on the four applicants.
Final recommendation s from the Park and Recreation Commission to
the Council are: Denis Stedman and Dave Wilson. .
LAKE RECLAMATION: General aiscussion. A letter is being sent by
Don Slathar to the various Lake Associations regarding this project.
BUDGET: Arnie Weimerskirch moved and Don Slathar seconded that the
balance of the 1970 Park and Recreation Budget be allocated against
the grading project 70-2 as per Council Minutes of August 3, 1970.
Motion carried.
Adjourn at 12:45 A.M.
Sally deLancey