PRC 1969 02 20
February 20, 1969, 8:00 p.m.
The following members were present: Ed Seim, Harvey Will, Sally
deLancey, Gladys McCary, Steve Wolf, and Merv Eisel. Berk Rodgers
was absent.
Visitors: Mr. Brauer and Mr. Fjare of Brauer and Associates.
Richard Pearson, Al Klingelhutz, Ralph Thrane, Kay Klingelhutz,
Richard Lyman, Adolph Tessness, Harry Pauly, Anne Neils, Gene
Coulter, Bob Scholer, and Hibbert Hill.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by
Harvey Will to approve the minutes of February 6th as amended.
Motion carried.
The meeting with the Village Council on March 3rd is cancelled.
PARK PLAN: Mr. Fjare made a presentation of the proposed park
study. He showed slides of the maps of various land usages and
plan concept maps. After explaining the entire park plan, Mr.
Fjare and Mr. Brauer answered questions presented by the Council
and Commission members present. Mr. Brauer then distributed the
Chanhassen Park Study Booklet to those present for their evaluation.
It was decided that the next step toward a bond issue was to meet
with the Council and Commissions for the purpose of adopting the
most acceptable plan. A public meeting will be held after a plan
has been adopted.
BILLS: Kay Klingelhutz outlined the procedure for paying Park
and Recreation Commission bills. She categorized the bills as
follows: Program approved bills and regular bills.
Program bills are bills payable to personnel administrating
recreation programs such as guitar lessons, volleyball, etc.
Approval of these bills should be stated in the Park and Recreation
minutes to facilitate automatic payment. The amount, person
payable to, and time of payment shall be specified in the minutes.
R~ular bills are derrived from charges authorized by the Chairman
of a Commi tte.e, approved by the Park and Recreation Commission,
signed by the Chairman and submitted to Kay on or before the
second Mo~day of the month for payment.
A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Gladys McCary
that Miss Rosemary Oaks be paid $100 for a series of eight guitar
lessons to be paid in two installments. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Sally deLancey
that Mr. Jim Shermock be paid $75.00 for supervision of the adult
Volleyball program. Motion carried.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the bill of $325.50 to
be paid to Woitalla Construction for construction and incidenta~
building on the hockey rink. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Merv Eisel and seconded by Sally deLancey that
the Park and Recreation Commission approve a bill of $1,000 from
Brauer and Associates for balance due for park study presentation
as of February 18, 1969. Motion carried.
Park and Recreation Minutes, February 20, 1969
Sally deLancey reported that the Senior Citizens need assistance
with the Grow Light. Merv Eisel and Ed Seim agreed to look after
th is. ....",
Sally deLancey also reported the need for piano repair and tuning
and will inform Marietta Littfin that HarveY'Will will try to find
names of piano tuners and that she is to solicit bids for repairs.
Mr. Joe Glaccum introduced himself as the new manager of the
Maverick newspaper and that he would look forward to working with
P~rk and Recreation on news items. Steve Wolf is assistant editor.
A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Gladys McCary
that the Park and Recreation commend the maintenance men on the
ma~velous job being done on maintaining the skating rink. Motion
LITTLE LEAGUE: Harvey Will reported that the Lion's Club will
not sponsor Little League this year because of finances. The
Legion Club is offering their support of about $300 to be used
for all boys and girls and not a selected group such as Little
League. The Commercial Club will be approached to aid or support
Little League.
Meeting adjourned 11:30 p.m.
Rosemary Will
Next meeting March 6th.